Florida State Seminoles

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:55 am

Johnny Cueto should be speaking English by now.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by DooKSucks » Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:01 am

No. You should still hate those Papist Wops and Micks!
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:15 am

eCat wrote:I don't mind some hypocrisy - hell, he's the only one taking a hard stand against immigration.

We have more spanish speaking people in America than Spain.

That's not a melting pot - that's a takeover.
He oído que algunos gringos hablan español también.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:32 am

I think it would be great if more, most, or even all Americans could speak at least passable spanish, and some other languages as well. There's no downside to that. I'm not worried about latinos eventually picking up english, which has already happened to a large degree...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:04 am

fuck that noise

We have immigration laws - enforce them.

Why do Mexicans and Central Americans get a chance to flood this country moreso than Europeans or Asians?

This isn't 1860 wherethe country is 90% agriculturally based and you can just go pick out a plot and become a dirt farmer.
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:52 am

My tomatoes are looking great...
I want someone's ass blistered in the middle of Thanksgiving Square.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:50 pm

I love illegals. Saved me a ton of caaaasssssshhhhh when I was building apartments. Hard workers and fun.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:59 am

Bklyn wrote:
eCat wrote:New Yorker longs for the Guliani days back due to menacing homeless people

http://nypost.com/2015/07/08/homelessne ... al-in-nyc/
Slow news day.

I did write on here last year, though, that I saw some 20 something, white chick pan handling with a sign held up asking for money... all the while texting on a cell phone.

If she was homeless, that's some first world homelessness, for your ass.
http://nypost.com/2015/07/10/apparently ... york-city/
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:22 pm

Screw this Greece nonsense. I think.... GERMANY should leave the EU. The Krouts should leave the EU, start their own currency, and take their awesome Jerry economy and productivity with them. Leave the French to take care of the Greeks and pay all their pensions.

http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2015/07 ... -hear.html

[img2]http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/Images/ ... eekMan.jpg[/img2]
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Bklyn » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:43 am

eCat wrote:
Bklyn wrote:
eCat wrote:New Yorker longs for the Guliani days back due to menacing homeless people

http://nypost.com/2015/07/08/homelessne ... al-in-nyc/
Slow news day.

I did write on here last year, though, that I saw some 20 something, white chick pan handling with a sign held up asking for money... all the while texting on a cell phone.

If she was homeless, that's some first world homelessness, for your ass.
http://nypost.com/2015/07/10/apparently ... york-city/
Damned Mets fans.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Bklyn » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:46 am

DooKSucks wrote:bloombergview.com
Germany Deserved Debt Relief, Greece Doesn't
By Leonid Bershidsky

Syriza, Greece's new ruling party, makes an attractive argument for writing off Greek debt: Wasn't Germany, now the biggest opponent of debt relief, itself the recipient of unprecedented largesse in 1953, when its foreign debt was halved? Attractive, however, doesn't mean convincing. Parallels between today's Greece and 1953 Germany are demagoguery, pure and simple.

The Federal Republic of Germany's creditors -- 20 countries including Greece -- indeed agreed at a London conference to write off 55 percent of the country's 32.3 billion Deutsche marks of foreign debt. "More than 50 percent of Greek debt needs to be written off," says top Syriza economist John Milios. "The solution that was given to Germany at the London conference in 1953 is what we must do for Greece.”

Milios went to college in Germany; he has a Ph. D. from the university of Osnabrueck in Lower Saxony. He knows well that reminding Germans of their 20th century history and then appealing to their conscience can be effective. The devil is in the details, however.

About half the total amount of German debt discussed at the London conference -- 16.1 billion Deutsche marks -- came from before World War II. Some of it had arisen from the unpaid reparations to the winners of World War I. Those unbearably high demands on the German economy had helped the Nazis, who promised to do away with the reparations, win power. Yet Konrad Adenauer, Germany's first post-war chancellor, had recognized the debts in 1951 as part of an effort to turn Germany from a ruined, deadbeat state to a responsible member of the Western world's economic system.

This was a goodwill move. Much of the debt had been issued in currencies that later lost most of their value and interest from the years between the wars was hard to calculate. So when Adenauer took on the obligations at conversion rates acceptable to creditors, "it was recognized at the outset that Germany would not be expected to pay the full bill that would emerge from a purely technical reckoning of the outstanding debt," Yale's Timothy Guinnane wrote in 2004 in the most authoritative paper to date on the 1953 debt write-off.

As for the post-war debt, here's what Frankfurt, Germany's current financial center and seat of the European Central Bank, looked like in 1953:


There are ruins at the center of Athens, too, but they are rather more ancient.

Germany needed a lot of money to restore the infrastructure and housing wiped out by the war. In some German cities, there are no pre-war buildings left apart from those painstakingly restored in the last 70 years. Besides, after Germany was split in two by the World War II allies, 10 million refugees from the Soviet-controlled eastern part of the country -- about as many people as there are in Greece now -- flooded the west, creating a humanitarian catastrophe of major proportions.

Germany had brought it on itself, of course, but it was no longer ruled by the Nazis: It was doing its best to expiate its past, work that still continues and that defines the consensual, value-based nature of German leadership in today's Europe. The creditors felt they needed to help that effort.

The circumstances under which Greece accumulated its debt are strikingly different. After restoring democracy in 1974 after seven years of military rule, the Greek government splurged on a full range of socialist benefits, including higher pensions and universally accessible health care, as well as on a big government. It financed a railroad that had more employees than passengers; even before the military coup, it started paying salaries to Orthodox priests, and it still does so, though there has been a pay cut after international creditors demanded it. For three decades, Greece ran unsustainable fiscal deficits, borrowed to cover them -- and then lied about them to Eurostat so it could join the euro in 2001.

There is a not-so-subtle difference between voluntarily taking on debts made by previous, rogue governments at a currency rate favorable to the creditors -- and heedlessly accumulating debts of one's own while concealing the true size of budget deficits. In the first case, the implication is harsh self-imposed discipline and penitence. In the second case, profligacy.

It might still be argued that if Germany deserved a second chance after all it did to Europe, then surely Greece should also be granted one.

There's a technical answer to that. As Guinnane wrote, "The people of some countries today are working to repay international debts incurred by earlier governments that they did not elect or want. Often the debt was used either to provide luxurious lifestyles for a corrupt few, or to pay for the repression of the mass of the population. Yet under the rules of the international financial system, the people of the country are still responsible for the debt or risk loss of access to international credit markets."

There is, however, a stronger reason why it would be wrong to write off Greek debt while the country is run by Syriza.

In 1953, countries of the eastern bloc were conspicuously absent from the London talks. The Soviet puppet state, the German Democratic Republic, did not shoulder any of the old German debt: In 1953, workers were rioting in the east, and Soviet tanks were called in to put down the disturbances, so the GDR did not need any extra economic burdens. After Germany reunited in 1990, it had to pay some of the east's share of debt under the London agreement.

Part of the reason West Germany was granted debt relief lay in the Federal Republic's importance as a Western bulwark in the fight against Communism. As Jurgen Kaiser wrote in a paper for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung last year,

In Germany’s case, these were the times of the Cold War and the system competition between the West on the one side, and the Soviet Union and its allies on the other. There was a great deal of interest on the part of the major creditors, the US and to a lesser extent the UK, in stabilising the country both politically and economically as quickly as possible.

The West German governments that benefited from the debt relief were resolutely anti-Communist and anti-Marxist. CDU, now the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, ran West Germany for the first two decades of its existence. It was less economically liberal than it is now, and it built a sizable welfare state over the years, but it was still a center-right, capitalist force that believed that only private initiative could lead to more or less universal prosperity.

The far-left political forces were outside the London process in 1953; they were in the GDR. Now, far-left Syriza wants to be on the inside, with its plans to nationalize banks and utilities and its costly promises to voters. It will use the debt relief to provide free electricity to households, subsidize rents, restore Christmas bonuses to pensioners, raise minimum salaries -- that is, to return to the practices that led to the accumulation of Greece's debt. It is an extreme case of moral hazard, which the post-war German governments conscientiously avoided.

Of course there are political arguments for Greek debt relief, as there were in the German case 62 years ago. European leaders are worried that Greece might leave the euro zone and trigger its disintegration. It might be less costly to write off some of the debt than to deal with such dire consequences of a tougher stand. Then, however, the problem should be framed in these stark terms: Greece's creditors would be paying ransom to its far-left government so it doesn't mess up the common currency, which Greece had no business adopting in the first place.

If that is the case, we should be spared parallels with the 1953 London conference. It had far nobler goals, and Germany was much better positioned to put creditors' generosity to good use than is Syriza's Greece.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg View's editorial board or Bloomberg LP, its owners and investors.

To contact the author on this story:
Leonid Bershidsky at lbershidsky@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor on this story:
Cameron Abadi at cabadi2@bloomberg.net
Heh. Been away for a few days...more loss in the family (seems life had me barefoot on the cool grass for decades, now its my season to walk across the hot asphalt until I hit lawn again...it sucks). I will get to this later after I take care of some shit I get paid to take care of.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:53 am

Sorry to hear about the fambly loss...
I want someone's ass blistered in the middle of Thanksgiving Square.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:57 am

Efing Post has never heard of uromysitisis? He could die for crissakes.
Last edited by bluetick on Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:58 am

yea, hope it gets better soon
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:15 pm

This is interesting to me

I don't know about real estate law but I'm not sure the homeowner has any obligation to inform the buyer about his neighbors.

I think I side with the homeowner on this one

http://www.cincinnati.com/story/money/b ... /30111503/
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:59 pm

I side with the headline writer who used "donnybrook"...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:16 pm

eCat wrote:This is interesting to me

I don't know about real estate law but I'm not sure the homeowner has any obligation to inform the buyer about his neighbors.

I think I side with the homeowner on this one

http://www.cincinnati.com/story/money/b ... /30111503/
Is there really anybody who would agree with this cunt who is flying banners over sporting events after fucking over the seller? Maybe, MAYBE I could see a claim succeeding if it could be proven that the homeowner was selling specifically because this guy was next door, but even then I doubt it. I would imagine there are pretty specific things that must be disclosed, otherwise "Fuck you." Would they need to disclose that the president of the HOA is an asshole, or that Joe from two houses over uses Mexicans to do the yard and none of them have background checks, or that the rumor is that Wal*Mart might build a store a mile away? Give me a break.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:31 pm

Disclosure laws are really strick in Ohio though. Although she's going about it in a bat shit crazy way shw does have a legit beef. Her actions however are destroying her case.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:50 pm

Usually there is a standard state disclosure form. Does Ohio have one? Does it ask about neighbors or neighboring property in any way accept to make sure that nobody else is impeding the boundary lines or other issues? I doubt it does.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by sardis » Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:05 pm

I hate Arby's, they're so slow.

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