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Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:50 pm
by eCat
AlabamAlum wrote:After the 1992 season. January 1993.


that's like ancient

I'm starting to sound like Crotch

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:08 pm
by aTm
Some Cowboys fan tried to talk trash to me by sending the Houston Texans' playoff history page from pro football reference. It basically shows the Texas 3-3 record while the Cowboys have only won 2 playoff games since the Texans have existed. When I mentioned that, he then he asked if "I forgot about the Houston Oilers" and I'm thinking, well why are you sending me the Texans playoff history if you're gloating over the Oilers, and then secondly I'm like...holy shit I'm 36 years old now and the Oilers left town before I was even in high school. Anyway, fuck the Cowboys and their pathetic 3 playoff wins since I was's not like the Texans are the Bengals.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:22 pm
by Saint
Fine work, aTm.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:25 pm
by Saint
Alabama's offense was hurt by the loss of Scarbrough but truthfully, given all the 5-star recruits Saban has, there should have been another big body to plug in. Plus, the same could be said for the Bama defense getting tired. That can't be an excuse for a program like Alabama.

If those teams played 10 times, Bama would likely win 8. Clemson played a great game and didn't back down when it got behind. The last 8 minutes of that game were as good as it gets. That's 4 straight major sports championships that have been awesome to watch (well, the NCAA final not so much personally).

Vegas took a bath on Clemson's cover and win, plus the over. They'll get it back in the NFL playoffs though.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:12 pm
by AlabamAlum
The issue was the freshman QB. Clemson played to stop the run, and Jalen couldn't hit his passes. Meant way too many three and outs and fatigued the defense.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:48 pm
by Saint
That wouldn't have been an issue if the run game had been solid in the 4th quarter. Clemson didn't do a great job of stopping Scarbrough and they didn't try to get Hurts to run. Granted, the OC has to adjust but you'd think Bama would have someone besides Scarbrough to do the job.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:59 pm
by AlabamAlum
The other runners did as well as Bo statistically, I'm sure. Better, probably. Combine Jacobs and Harris' ypc and compare to Bo.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:02 pm
by Bklyn
Either way, Alabama's D is supposed to be a pro squad. They had one series to stop Clemson and fell short. The running game would have helped. Hurts being able to go deep would have helped. At the end of the day, tho, the last time Alabama had the ball they got a TD and the lead. They did their job.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:37 pm
by AlabamAlum
The "supposed to be a pro squad" is inaccurate. Who said that?

The thng is, the secondary, is thin. And has been. When the Bama offense had all those three and outs, the D was gassed. Throw in a well unearned unsportsmanlike that put Clemson in the redzone, and a couple of no-call illegal pick plays, and the writing was on the wall.

But I'm not moaning. These Bama seniors won more games than any team in the history of D1 college football. We have won half of all national championships since 2009, and no one has more playoff wins and overall wins than us.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:41 pm
by Bklyn
Yeah, don't cry for you guys.

So many pundits were saying the Alabama D was so great, the team could beat the Browns. That was the basis of my point.

I know people say that all the time...but games like last night show that that talk is ill advised. They were a good team and had a good run, but they are still just a college team.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:04 pm
by AlabamAlum
And the thng is, we will be back in it again next year. We're loaded. Let Jalen get bette at reading defenses and going through his progs, and ...well, it will be another good year.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:25 pm
by Saint
Hurts had a 68-yd TD toss. How often do you get that from Alabama's offense. The bottom line is that the defense gave up 35 points but the Tide didn't run the ball when they needed to run it and then they didn't really pass the ball well either. Maybe it was playcalling, maybe it was the freshman QB who led them to 13 straight wins. Maybe Clemson just played the perfect game. If the TE doesn't make that incredible catch, they have to kick a long FG just to tie it. If the kick isn't returned to near midfield, Clemson probably wouldn't have scored a TD on its final drive. Lots of ifs but you're right when you say that Alabama will be back in it next year and every year that Saban coaches before he inevitably keels over with an aneurysm.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:02 pm
by crotch
Was hoping for a 'Bama/SEC win but was tickled to see Dabo get his first National Championship... One of the 'good guys' in college coaching.


Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:14 pm
by 10ac
The TD looked like a pick to me but what a game. They both played a hell of a game. I wonder how many times Kiffin was mentioned by the CFB idiots today.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:34 pm
by AlabamAlum
Saint wrote:Hurts had a 68-yd TD toss. How often do you get that from Alabama's offense. The bottom line is that the defense gave up 35 points but the Tide didn't run the ball when they needed to run it and then they didn't really pass the ball well either. Maybe it was playcalling, maybe it was the freshman QB who led them to 13 straight wins. Maybe Clemson just played the perfect game. If the TE doesn't make that incredible catch, they have to kick a long FG just to tie it. If the kick isn't returned to near midfield, Clemson probably wouldn't have scored a TD on its final drive. Lots of ifs but you're right when you say that Alabama will be back in it next year and every year that Saban coaches before he inevitably keels over with an aneurysm.

The 68-yard toss was a busted play. It happens pretty often. We had a ton of long plays this year. He led us to 14 straight wins (not 13), but the Clemson plan was to make him pass and they did that. He was 13 of 31 (.419) for 131 yards, he was a .650 QB through those 14 wins. He had a bad night. And, as you note, 68 of those 131 total yards he had came on one busted coverage. Would we have been better served by not even passing at all? Sure. Maybe.

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:52 pm
by DooKSucks
Dabo is a phony piece of shit.

Bama didn't do itself any favors with the three and outs/allowing Clemson to run so many plays, but Clemson was the beneficiary of dubious officiating.

Fuck Greg Sankey too. He is a goddamned cocksucker.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:13 am
by Saint
AlabamAlum wrote: The 68-yard toss was a busted play. It happens pretty often. We had a ton of long plays this year. He led us to 14 straight wins (not 13), but the Clemson plan was to make him pass and they did that. He was 13 of 31 (.419) for 131 yards, he was a .650 QB through those 14 wins. He had a bad night. And, as you note, 68 of those 131 total yards he had came on one busted coverage. Would we have been better served by not even passing at all? Sure. Maybe.
Except Clemson did it a lot better once Scarbrough was out of the game. True, he did have less ypc than the other 2 you mentioned but he always carried the ball more. I wonder why Sark didn't design more run plays for Hurts. He was pretty good on that scramble TD, which seemed like another busted play.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:34 am
by AlabamAlum
Bo went out at the end of the third. By that time, the defense was gassed and Clemson was able to sustain drives and and kept the Bama offense off the field. The Tigers held the ball nearly twice as long as Bama in the 4th. They tried not to run Jalen as much because he was a bit gimpy after a hit in the second quarter.

Re: College Football

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:02 am
by eCat
Johnny Manziel, the troubled NFL quarterback, is now charging fans for selfies.

Manziel, a 2012 Heisman Trophy winner who fell from grace because of his off-field antics, will host two autograph signings at “Stadium Signatures” memorabilia stores in Texas in the week leading up to Super Bowl XLI in Houston. The first signing is set to occur Feb. 2 at Katy Mills Mall and the second event is set for Feb. 3 at Woodlands Mall.

For $99, “Johnny Football” will sign any item or pose for a professional photo, according to the memorabilia store’s Facebook page Opens a New Window. . Selfies cost $50 each, and Manziel will add a written inscription of four words or less for an additional $29.

Re: College Football

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:01 am
by crotch
No doubt there'll be idiots that will pay this reject for pics........