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Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:59 pm
by Saint
I wonder what Psycho T thinks about Kupec banging his hot mom

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:04 pm
by Cats rule
Saint wrote:I wonder what Psycho T thinks about Kupec banging his hot mom
got a pic of the mom?

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:05 pm
by Saint
she's in the graphic thing augie posted

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:31 pm
by AugustWest
They already brought the hammer down on UNC b/c of the Marvin Austin

Hammered? Caltech got hit harder than U*NC did. A 1 year bowl ban that saves you from a money losing ass-raping in Shrieveport, and 5 scholarship/ year for three years that you probably don't use anyway after being nice enough to announce the penalties after signing day as to not effect you most recent class. I wont even mention the pitiful fine. Not to mention they ignored that fact that UNC had not been monitoring Butch's phone, plus the multiple cars, and mysterious payment of parking tickets. U*NC got punished but please don't use the word "hammered"

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:32 pm
by AugustWest
Saint wrote:I wonder what Psycho T thinks about Kupec banging his hot mom
Ask him in Swahili.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:42 pm
by AlabamAlum
See, the thing is, when Alabama cheats (and we most certainly have), any claims of 'but everybody does it' are quickly shot down, and rival fans loudly proclaim,"No! Not EVERYONE cheats! You cheat! You are the cheatingest cheating cheaters in the cheating hall of fame! We don't cheat; we don't have to, and wouldn't even if we did! It's a little thing we like to call INTEGRITY!"

North Carolina fans should expect the same.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:16 pm
by hedge
Yeah, I guess we should expect it, but I find that kind of talk humorous in the same way you were amused by what you (mis)perceived to be my "but everybody else does it so it's OK if we do too!" post. Ultimately the only people that give a shit about this are State fans, just like nobody but other SEC rivals gave a shit when Bama got caught. Dook fans are probably smiling a little smile, but even they don't really care. It's only long-suffering State fans who are enjoying this short moment of historical schaudenfreude (that's putting it mildly, of course)...

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:27 pm
by eCat
I'd be alot more upset if UK hadn't just won a national championship

that takes the sting out of a lot of rivalry bullshit.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:33 pm
by eCat
Harvard senior co-captains Kyle Casey and Brandyn Curry both have been implicated in an academic cheating scandal that could jeopardize their future with the Crimson, reported early Tuesday.

The potential loss of Kyle Casey and Brandyn Curry for their participation in a reported cheating scandal would be a severe blow to the Crimson, Andy Katz writes. Blog

Casey plans to withdraw from the school and likely will miss the 2012-13 season, according to the report. If charged, he could face a one-year suspension.

But by withdrawing from registration, Casey keeps his final year of eligibility and could return to Harvard and rejoin the team once the case is settled.

Curry has not decided whether he will withdraw, his father told

Harvard announced on Aug. 30 it was investigating allegations that 125 undergraduates "may have committed acts of academic dishonesty, ranging from inappropriate collaboration to outright plagiarism, on a take-home final exam" for an introductory government course on Congress.

Casey, Curry and another men's basketball player are among a group of students -- both athletes and non-athletes -- facing charges of academic dishonesty whose cases still are under review, according to

Harvard coach Tommy Amaker has not publicly commented on the report.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:36 pm
by AugustWest
hedge wrote:Yeah, I guess we should expect it, but I find that kind of talk humorous in the same way you were amused by what you (mis)perceived to be my "but everybody else does it so it's OK if we do too!" post. Ultimately the only people that give a shit about this are State fans, just like nobody but other SEC rivals gave a shit when Bama got caught. Dook fans are probably smiling a little smile, but even they don't really care. It's only long-suffering State fans who are enjoying this short moment of historical schaudenfreude (that's putting it mildly, of course)...
well, maybe unc and it's fans shouldn't have tattled to the NCAA in the first place, then spent 30 years bragging about how brave and clean and honest they were. payback is a bitch.

btw, the words "Roy" and "slushfund" are being used by the same people that predicted U*NC's academic fraud before it became public. Could just be more of that Wolfpack over-active imagination.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:34 pm
by hedge
"Harvard announced on Aug. 30 it was investigating allegations that 125 undergraduates "may have committed acts of academic dishonesty, ranging from inappropriate collaboration to outright plagiarism, on a take-home final exam" for an introductory government course on Congress."

Considering the subject of the course, I'd say cheating should be deemed as appropriate behavior....

Of course, Auggie is outraged by that "take-home final exam" part. Imagine that. And at Harvard, no less. But hell naw, if dey ain't sittin' in a room taking de taist and dey ain't no teeeee-chur in de claaaiiiissss makin' sure dey ain't caw-pee-in' off'n each udders paiiipers, then it ain't for real! I done been to claaaaaiiiisss and dey's always a teacher dare, so's to whup ye aaiiiisssss when ye saaaiiissss somebody! They cain't be no real larnin' if'n it ain't no teeeeee-chur standin' thar teeeeeee-chin'! I lernt that from Old Marm Morgan! They say you can pull up all kinds of class stuff on this internet thing, but I don't believe that shit for a minute. Naw, if you ain't settin' your aiiissss on a bench and dey ain't no teeeee-chur there writin' on a chalkboard, it ain't no real claaaaaaiiiiiiiisssssssss!!!!!"

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:53 pm
by AugustWest
hedge wrote:"Harvard announced on Aug. 30 it was investigating allegations that 125 undergraduates "may have committed acts of academic dishonesty, ranging from inappropriate collaboration to outright plagiarism, on a take-home final exam" for an introductory government course on Congress."

Considering the subject of the course, I'd say cheating should be deemed as appropriate behavior....

Of course, Auggie is outraged by that "take-home final exam" part. Imagine that. And at Harvard, no less. But hell naw, if dey ain't sittin' in a room taking de taist and dey ain't no teeeee-chur in de claaaiiiissss makin' sure dey ain't caw-pee-in' off'n each udders paiiipers, then it ain't for real! I done been to claaaaaiiiisss and dey's always a teacher dare, so's to whup ye aaiiiisssss when ye saaaiiissss somebody! They cain't be no real larnin' if'n it ain't no teeeeee-chur standin' thar teeeeeee-chin'! I lernt that from Old Marm Morgan! They say you can pull up all kinds of class stuff on this internet thing, but I don't believe that shit for a minute. Naw, if you ain't settin' your aiiissss on a bench and dey ain't no teeeee-chur there writin' on a chalkboard, it ain't no real claaaaaaiiiiiiiisssssssss!!!!!"

you're trying way too hard. dial it back. You're trying for Steve Martin you're getting Will Farrell.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:59 pm
by hedge
Actually I was trying for Jerry Clower on meth. HAW!!!

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:11 pm
by T Dot O Dot
a take-home final exam?

that happens?

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:41 pm
by Jungle Rat
I had a philosophy final my sophomore year where we had to line up single file on the college green and walk through 2 broomsticks.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:31 pm
by Owlman
It's not just that the kids are doing wrong, the real question for the NCAA is how aggressive is the school about searching for transgressions. If the kid is driving a $50,000 dollar car around, the NCAA expects the school to check out the transaction aggressively.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:54 pm
by AugustWest
Owlman wrote:It's not just that the kids are doing wrong, the real question for the NCAA is how aggressive is the school about searching for transgressions. If the kid is driving a $50,000 dollar car around, the NCAA expects the school to check out the transaction aggressively.
depends on the school. we're 2 years into this bullshit at U*NC and it seems like a new violation every week, and the ncaa not only hasn't done jack shit, but refuses to even come back and check.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:37 pm
by Saint
AugustWest wrote:
Owlman wrote:It's not just that the kids are doing wrong, the real question for the NCAA is how aggressive is the school about searching for transgressions. If the kid is driving a $50,000 dollar car around, the NCAA expects the school to check out the transaction aggressively.
depends on the school. we're 2 years into this bullshit at U*NC and it seems like a new violation every week, and the ncaa not only hasn't done jack shit, but refuses to even come back and check.
that is the essence of the Carolina Way, grasshoppah

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:31 am
by AugustWest
yep. corruption top to bottom.

Saint wrote:
AugustWest wrote:
Owlman wrote:It's not just that the kids are doing wrong, the real question for the NCAA is how aggressive is the school about searching for transgressions. If the kid is driving a $50,000 dollar car around, the NCAA expects the school to check out the transaction aggressively.
depends on the school. we're 2 years into this bullshit at U*NC and it seems like a new violation every week, and the ncaa not only hasn't done jack shit, but refuses to even come back and check.
that is the essence of the Carolina Way, grasshoppah

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:09 am
by crotch
Another NCAA rules violation at unc.... ... _right_col