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Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:18 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:57 pm
by eCat
Gianni Russo played Carlo in the Godfather.

He was also kidnapped by Pablo Escobar.

This is the story

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:07 pm
by hedge
Sonny beat his ass!

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:09 pm
by sardis
Wish you were Sonny.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:11 am
by DooKSucks
hedge wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:57 pm Benzos are for pussies...
I was never into benzo's, but that brings back funny memories. I had friends who would order Xanax bars (2.0 mg) from a pharmacy ran by some lunatic named Omar out of Miami. You could hear that crazy bastard through the phone even if you were across the room. That son of a bitch was keyed up on so much coke that he could have powered Dade County on a human sized hamster wheel. That Cuban mother fucker would be shouting and screaming words faster than any human should ever talk, much less to folks who were as fubar as my friends liked to get in those days. They would order hundreds at a time and paid via money order / Western Union wire (that's how long ago this would be done via crypto at any point past 2010) and shipped via Fed Ex. Benzo's (usually Xanax but they were happy to take Clonazepam when available) were their preferred method of coming down and/or getting fubar on top of booze in college.

So, while benzo's are indeed addictive, they never struck me as having the real danger of something along the lines of powerful pain killers.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:13 am
by DooKSucks
sardis wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:09 pm Wish you were Sonny.
and I wish you were the police captain since he died before Sonny...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:03 am
by hedge
Xanax and the like were great for taking the edge (to say the least) off of a long night of coke, but I could never take them other than that, much less if I'd been drinking. They just put me to sleep. I went to see Stu in Wilmington one weekend, probably our freshman year in college, I had an 8-ball or some such, we thought that was bigtime at that point, anyway, one of his buddies had some 10mg valiums, I think I took 3 at some point late in the evening, I slept for 3 days. Didn't get back to Chapel Hill til Tuesday...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:36 am
by Jungle Rat
I wish you were still sleeping. In a coffin.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:37 pm
by 10ac
"with the fishes" would have been better.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:01 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:18 pm
by hedge
Rat fails again..

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:44 pm
by Jungle Rat
Suck it cum dumpster

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:46 pm
by Tree
Black Summer season 2 is finally out on Netflix. It didn't seem to segue properly from S1 and the first few episodes are all action and no dialogue. Still very legit though by the end.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:57 pm
by eCat
I"ve been meaning to watch that, I'll probably wait until winter

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:25 pm
by Tree
The whole thing is set in the winter which may or may not confront you.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:08 pm
by eCat
I've been binging on Howard Stern interviews lately. Whether you like Stern or not, I don't think there is a better celebrity interviewer out there.

He said his favorite interview of all time was with Conan O' Brien so a few days ago I listened to it.

Conan had a couple of great stories from when he was at Harvard.

The first was the writers on the Harvard Lampoon wanted to meet Bill Cosby so they decided the best way to meet him was to give him a fake award. So they came up with this humanitarian in comedy of the year award thing. So they call up Cosby's PR guy and tell him he won this award , so Cosby flies out on a private plane to accept it They create this fake ceremony outside of some building on campus and word gets out that Cosby is going to be there so they can get a crowd. They got a bowling trophy and altered it to give to him. It didn't occur to Conan to pick Cosby up in a limo so he asked his dad if he could borrow his car. Conan's dad refused to buy new cars and he was always finding second hand cars that were used professionally, so at that time he had a station wagon that said "White Pine Motel" on the door. Conan picks Cosby and his entourage up at the airport in this. He said Cosby picked up a McDonalds wrapper that was on the seat when he got in and Conan told him to throw it in the back. They ended up pulling it off.


The second thing he did was Burt Ward who played Robin on the Batman series in the 60's was doing some event on campus and they had signs up for it saying he would be displaying the Robin costume that was valued at over $250K. Conan decided that they would mess with Ward so during the event, they had one of their friends dress up as the Penguin and was going to ask a question "when is a costume no longer a costume", then they would hit the lights and Conan, along with another friend was going to run up on stage and steal the costume. The problem was when they hit the lights, they didn't consider the event was during the day so turning the lights off didn't really do much. So they run up on stage to a very confused Burt Ward , steal his costume and run off the stage. Conan said that there were people in the audience that were upset and took off chasing them which they didn't expect. Anyways they got away with it, but everyone knew who did it so Burt Ward finds out and calls them up, but Conan would only talk to him impersonating The Riddler which infuriated Ward. I'm not sure how Ward got it back but those public appearances was his only source of income at the time.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:16 pm
by Tree
Joe Rogan does some great interviews. He's not as polished as Stern but he has a down home "keep it real" feel that can't be beat.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:36 am
by hedge
I'd like to beat you with a hammer..

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:22 pm
by innocentbystander
Tree wrote: Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:46 pm Black Summer season 2 is finally out on Netflix. It didn't seem to segue properly from S1 and the first few episodes are all action and no dialogue. Still very legit though by the end.
Those were scary. Those were wayyyyyy more scary than any episode of The Walking Dead. But yeah, way to much action and not nearly enough dialogue. And the writing is not nearly as good. The siege on the house, I mean, why? What was the purpose to that? All that death for a ham radio? And if it was just sanctuary and warmth, go find another house.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:39 pm
by DooKSucks
I wish you were seeing black this summer...and each season hereafter...