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Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:39 am
by BigRedMan
CAT - The open office org link should work. click on that link and then go to I want to download open Follow the instructions from there and I promise it will work. If all else fails, I can use my work account for webex and remote into your computer and help you get it installed from there. If you wish to do that, let me know.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:34 pm
by eCat
My brother-n-law, the one married to my sister - his family were all Mopar freaks and I remember his dad buying a Dart after owning a late 60's model. This one was like a 1980 model or so and basically it was a Japanese knockoff with chrome. It was a horrible car and without fully appreciating the history of Mopar at the time, I thought these guys were crazy for buying anything Dodge.

Because of cars like that, the K-Car and a few other embarrassments, I don't think I could ever own a Dodge, although I will admit to briefly owning a 1970 Challenger. Unfortunately I was in college and had no money to restore it. It sat under a tree until a guy driving by offered me cash for it.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:39 pm
by AlabamAlum
I like the Dodge Ram pickup trucks.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:40 pm
by eCat
I'm sorry, it wasn't a Dart, it was a Colt.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:00 pm
by hedge
"hedge wouldn't have these troubles if he'd just bought a mac"

Everyday Stu sits bitterly at his dining room table with some piece of shit Mac that is little more functional than a calculator, but yet even though he's too poor to buy another Mac, even a used one on craigslist, b/c Mac's cost twice as much as PC's, Stu still sits there and defends the Mac. In short, Stu is a fool. He's not usually one to drink the Kool-aid, but he has when it comes to Mac's. His final "defense" is that they're better for graphics. Yeah, like his small town local sports sections editor ass needs the latest in graphics technology to adjust a black and white photo for his shit wipe paper that no more than 2 dozen people even look at. Meanwhile, he angrily grinds away on his piece of shit antique, cursing PC's and extolling the virtues of his piece of shit machine and begging anyone to believe that he really, really NEEDS a Mac b/c of the highly technical nature of the "graphics" he's using. Fucking idiot...

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:03 pm
by hedge
You could produce Stu's rag with an old tin pot washing machine roller, just scribble some "graphics" on the roller with a pocket knife and roll some toilet paper thru it and you'd get virtually the same quality that Stu produces with his mighty Mac...

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:23 pm
by eCat
the mac's problem is just opposite of the iPhone

apps , particularly free ones that have some value

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:07 pm
by CAT
sardis wrote:"I am having some photos taken..."

Would these be boudoir-type photos?
Well they are of my pussies--does that count?

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:27 pm
by CAT
BRM--I gave up last night and forwarded that word doc--it was a contract--to my cousin who printed it out for me and faxed it back I signed it and faxed it--which was OK, I have the paper copy but no copy on the computer. Being so totally right-brained I really don't understand what you are offering to do--but I do thank you for helping and bearing with me and not just ignoring my computer stupidity. Maybe I should just invest in Office 2007--is there a more recent one? Just the wrong time for that expence right now--oh well--can always resort to drawing on cave walls I guess! Have a wonderful Weekend

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:15 am
by Saint
actually my final argument was, I believe, that Macs are easy to use and don't get viruses.

keep your $600 shitty laptop.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:15 am
by Saint
I've never heard of Mopar but I have heard of Mopegs

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:22 am
by eCat
cool simulation of Sullenger landing the US Airways plane in the Hudson

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:55 am
by hedge
"keep your $600 shitty laptop."

My shitty laptop is about 10,000 times better than that hunk of shit sitting on your dining room table, and you know it. And it kills you...

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:58 am
by hedge
I got a Lenovo laptop with an i5 processor, 8 gigs of RAM and 750 gig hard drive. NASA could run off of it. Stu has an 8 year old Mac that belongs in a museum, and yet he still defends it against my sleek machine. I paid $400 for it, Stu can't even get a shitty used Mac on craigslist for that. And yet here he sits, sassing in the wind. Sad...

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:59 am
by hedge
oh yeah, but he needs the graaaaaiiiiiiiificks, main! GRAAAAAAAIIIIIIFFFIIIIICCCCCKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:09 pm
by aTm
I'm going to order a new 15-inch Macbook Pro sometime this week.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:56 pm
by Jungle Rat
hedge wrote:I got a Lenovo laptop with an i5 processor, 8 gigs of RAM and 750 gig hard drive. NASA could run off of it. Stu has an 8 year old Mac that belongs in a museum, and yet he still defends it against my sleek machine. I paid $400 for it, Stu can't even get a shitty used Mac on craigslist for that. And yet here he sits, sassing in the wind. Sad...
Stu is right. Shitty laptop.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:08 pm
by aTm
A $400 laptop probably isn't going to last 8 years. I'm not all that familiar with Lenovo, but I know with company's like Acer (my desktop PC is an Acer, paid $300 I think) you can end up with hardware headaches. I have pretty much never had a hardware issue with any Apple product I have ever own. They put the good shit in all their equipment. I'm replacing a laptop (actually not replacing, I might still use both) that I bought in 2005 I think, with no problems.

My Acer PC is another story, it has a PoS case design that led to the power switch not working withing 6 months, and Ive been inside that thing numerous times. The current way for me to swap out discs is to uncrew and open the case, pop off the case front cover which has a ridiculous fucking flap over the optical drive, and shove a paperclip into the manual eject hole, and Im sure its because Acer used bottom barrel low quality optical drives in their machines.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:09 pm
by aTm
In my case, I'll probably continue to buy cheap on my desktop PCs simply because I can get in there and jack with those if do have a problem and fix/replace components myself. Wouldn't do it with a lappy.

Re: MIT Engineers

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:11 am
by Saint
well, Hedge buys a computer so he can jack with it but not in the way you mean. so $400 is probably a lot more than he should've spent.