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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:38 am
by Toemeesleather
Prime news, first half-hour in 2006, now....not so much.


Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:09 pm
by sardis
Good man that 'tick, always looking on the positive side of the economy. In fact, I remember just a few months ago as the Dow was crossing that 13k mark there was giddyup in his post...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:36 pm
by Toemeesleather
If by mean clueless, then yes.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:25 pm
by puterbac
bluetick wrote:
puterbac wrote:May 15, 2012

A Censored Race War?

By Thomas Sowell

When two white newspaper reporters for the Virginian-Pilot were driving through Norfolk, and were set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks -- beaten so badly that they had to take a week off from work -- that might seem to have been news that should have been reported, at least by their own newspaper. But it wasn't.

"The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel was the first major television program to report this incident. Yet this story is not just a Norfolk story, either in what happened or in how the media and the authorities have tried to sweep it under the rug.

Similar episodes of unprovoked violence by young black gangs against white people chosen at random on beaches, in shopping malls or in other public places have occurred in Philadelphia, New York, Denver, Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, Los Angeles and other places across the country. Both the authorities and the media tend to try to sweep these episodes under the rug as well. ... 14150.html

lol @ "race war". Beaten so badly they missed a week of work! Sheeeeeit..

Like Hack said, there are certain things you can count on in an election season.

Race War!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:59 pm
by bluetick
sardis wrote:Good man that 'tick, always looking on the positive side of the economy. In fact, I remember just a few months ago as the Dow was crossing that 13k mark there was giddyup in his post...
Kind of you to say, Sardis - although admittedly at times I'm an optimist to a fault.

And realistically, a forum such as this seems to lend itself better to the pity-partiers and the negative nellies anyway.

hey toe!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:18 pm
by Hacksaw
Yeah, all we need is the smartest President ever (knowing full-well the magnitude of the economic difficulties he was inheriting) to promise that his ingenius policies will lower unemployment and cut the deficit in half -- only to do the exact opposite. Then, if you dare to point out these simple facts, you're just being a negative nellie. I guess we should be glad you're not calling us racists.

BTW, I remember not so long ago when negativity was quite the fashion. That was back in the Dubya days, though.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:20 pm
by Professor Tiger
America doesn't elect presidents by one big national election. We elect presidents via a weighted average of 50 little elections. And when I look at the polls of those 50 little elections, I think Obama has a big advantage. For Romney to win, he has to draw an inside straight of contested states, including several long shots.

Four more years! Four more years!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:25 pm
by Jungle Rat
Hacksaw wrote:Yeah, all we need is the smartest President ever (knowing full-well the magnitude of the economic difficulties he was inheriting) to promise that his ingenius policies will lower unemployment and cut the deficit in half -- only to do the exact opposite. Then, if you dare to point out these simple facts, you're just being a negative nellie. I guess we should be glad you're not calling us racists.

BTW, I remember not so long ago when negativity was quite the fashion. That was back in the Dubya days, though.
I also remember 2 fat guys who liked donuts and won major titles. One from Tennessee and one from Arkansas. Now those were the good old days. When Tennessee football actually mattered & Hillary didn't.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:44 pm
by Professor Tiger
To me, Fulmer will always be "The Great Pumpkin."

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:58 pm
by Professor Tiger
A great article:

California is Our Very Own Greece ... wn-greece/

The point about Illinois, at the end of the article, is particularly cogent.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:10 am
by Hacksaw
I don't think this proves that Obama was born in Kenya, but it does prove that he's a liar... ... sia-Hawaii

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:24 am
by Hacksaw
Interesting news headlines today on the Trayvon Martin case. Evidently, someone at the local police department made the statement that Trayvon's death was "ultimately avoidable". So this summary judgemente was the big headline of the day -- an opinion. Once again, someone's opinion becomes a substitute for reporting of the facts. The person who voiced that opinion is not known. But their opinion is being reported as if it is fact. It was also revealed today that Trayvon tested positive for drugs at the time of his death. This is not someone's opinion. It is, in fact, a fact...the same way the Zimmerman's nose being broken when police arrived that night is a fact. But we had to wait weeks to hear that from the 9:1 media, even though that fact was known for quite some time. Very interesting.

Just like it's interesting that CNN has a headline that reads "Ticker: Rove blasted for B.S." To the casual observer, this looks like a simple news headline. Read further and you'll learn that it's someone's opinion. The someone just happens to be one of Obama's campaign managers.


Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 8:20 am
by Toemeesleather
bluetick wrote:
sardis wrote:Good man that 'tick, always looking on the positive side of the economy. In fact, I remember just a few months ago as the Dow was crossing that 13k mark there was giddyup in his post...
Kind of you to say, Sardis - although admittedly at times I'm an optimist to a fault.

And realistically, a forum such as this seems to lend itself better to the pity-partiers and the negative nellies anyway.

hey toe!

Remember when anything >5% unemployment made news, and that the only alternative was "flipping burgers"....and of course this...


Like I said....clueless

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:43 am
by bluetick
Hacksaw wrote:I don't think this proves that Obama was born in Kenya, but it does prove that he's a liar... ... sia-Hawaii

Wow...the smoking booklet. Proof positive that the crafty oprama sowed the seeds for what ulitmately became the Birther Movement 20 years hence. That kind of diabolical genius makes you wonder why he can't maneuver anything by Congress.

Or it could have been just a bio error on some kind of handout. At the end it also references obama as author of a book that was never written..?

Funny thing is the comments section and how those rubes see it as proof positive that BHO was born outside the USA. Half of them are ready to storm the WH.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:45 am
by Toemeesleather
Here's some of your optimism....lmao.

Humans will need two Earths to support our lifestyles by 2030 because we are draining the world’s resources so quickly, a new report has warned.

Produced by the World Wildlife Fund, the Zoological Society of London, the Global Footprint Network and the European Space Agency, the 2012 Living Planet Report measures humans’ ecological footprint on the planet.

At the moment, the picture is bleak, according to Jim Leape, Director General of WWF International, with resources being drained 50 per cent faster than they can be replenished.

He said: “We’re all familiar with the stories of what we’re doing to Planet Earth, the ways in which we’re changing the climate, depleting the world’s fisheries, destroying the world’s forests.

“The Living Planet report tells us the cumulative pressure we’re putting on the Earth.

“The report measures the health of nature. It looks at what’s happening to 2,600 different species, and it tells us that over the past 30 years we’ve seen a 30 per cent decline in the world’s biodiversity – but more than double in the tropics.

“The report tells us that we’re already using the earth’s resources 50 per cent faster than it can be replenished, and that, if we don’t change our ways, by 2030 we will need two planets to support us.”

Mr Leape stresses that the starting point for reducing our impact on the planet is to end our love affair with fossil fuels – “the energy technology of the 20th century” – and switch to renewable energy.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:01 pm
by Toemeesleather
More of tick's brand of optimism....

When Thomas Malthus predicted in 1798 that the booming population would doom the world to famine and disaster, he had no idea how wrong he would prove to be.

Two centuries on, as the global population tops seven billion, his theory is wholly discredited – and in an ironic twist of fate, his own direct bloodline has been wiped out entirely.

Malthus didn’t foresee family lines simply petering out. He believed the population would double every 20 years until people were no longer able to produce crops fast enough to feed themselves.

He predicted that eventually there would be what is now called a Malthusian crisis. ‘This could be a dearth, a famine, a plague, or something that would cut numbers so the population and natural resources would be kept in tandem with one another,’ explains historian Dr Emma Griffin, of the University of East Anglia and author of A Short History Of The British Industrial Revolution. ‘Of course, it has never happened.’

Indeed, although our population hit seven billion last week, experts already say it will reach nine billion by 2050.
Economists believe the Industrial Revolution saved us from the doom Malthus foresaw. Technological innovation enabled modern society to equip itself with sufficient resources.......

....Writing in 1974, the Ehrlichs predicted that “we can be reasonably sure . . . that within the next quarter of a century mankind will be looking elsewhere than in oil wells for its main source of energy.” [1] Consequently, “we can also be reasonably sure that the search for alternatives will be a frantic one.” [2] He predicted that proved world oil reserves were no more than 35 years of supply at current demand levels. …..He also predicted that by 1980, life expectancy in the United States would drop to 42, and that the U.S. population would drop to 22.6 million by 1999........

Remember back in 1988, Ted Danson predicted that we only had ten years to live because the oceans were going to be dead and, if the oceans died, then we would soon follow?

Some more educated than others, all liberal and wrong.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:15 pm
by bluetick
Hacksaw wrote:Interesting news headlines today on the Trayvon Martin case. Evidently, someone at the local police department made the statement that Trayvon's death was "ultimately avoidable". So this summary judgemente was the big headline of the day -- an opinion. Once again, someone's opinion becomes a substitute for reporting of the facts. The person who voiced that opinion is not known. But their opinion is being reported as if it is fact. It was also revealed today that Trayvon tested positive for drugs at the time of his death. This is not someone's opinion. It is, in fact, a fact...the same way the Zimmerman's nose being broken when police arrived that night is a fact. But we had to wait weeks to hear that from the 9:1 media, even though that fact was known for quite some time. Very interesting.

Just like it's interesting that CNN has a headline that reads "Ticker: Rove blasted for B.S." To the casual observer, this looks like a simple news headline. Read further and you'll learn that it's someone's opinion. The someone just happens to be one of Obama's campaign managers.

So, according to Hack, the police report verbage that states the Martin/Zimmerman encounter was avoidable is opinion. Whereas Zimmerman's Dr.'s statement of a broken nose is fact, as well as the pathologist report on Martin's mary jane consumption. Funny how that works - opinion-wise. Heh.

Fact: nobody has as good of 9:1 tin foil hat as Hack

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:36 pm
by bluetick
Toemeesleather wrote:More of tick's brand of optimism....

When Thomas Malthus predicted in 1798 that the booming population would doom the world to famine and disaster, he had no idea how wrong he would prove to be.

Two centuries on, as the global population tops seven billion, his theory is wholly discredited – and in an ironic twist of fate, his own direct bloodline has been wiped out entirely.

Malthus didn’t foresee family lines simply petering out. He believed the population would double every 20 years until people were no longer able to produce crops fast enough to feed themselves.

He predicted that eventually there would be what is now called a Malthusian crisis. ‘This could be a dearth, a famine, a plague, or something that would cut numbers so the population and natural resources would be kept in tandem with one another,’ explains historian Dr Emma Griffin, of the University of East Anglia and author of A Short History Of The British Industrial Revolution. ‘Of course, it has never happened.’

Indeed, although our population hit seven billion last week, experts already say it will reach nine billion by 2050.
Economists believe the Industrial Revolution saved us from the doom Malthus foresaw. Technological innovation enabled modern society to equip itself with sufficient resources.......

....Writing in 1974, the Ehrlichs predicted that “we can be reasonably sure . . . that within the next quarter of a century mankind will be looking elsewhere than in oil wells for its main source of energy.” [1] Consequently, “we can also be reasonably sure that the search for alternatives will be a frantic one.” [2] He predicted that proved world oil reserves were no more than 35 years of supply at current demand levels. …..He also predicted that by 1980, life expectancy in the United States would drop to 42, and that the U.S. population would drop to 22.6 million by 1999........

Remember back in 1988, Ted Danson predicted that we only had ten years to live because the oceans were going to be dead and, if the oceans died, then we would soon follow?

Some more educated than others, all liberal and wrong.
I'm sure there is something meaningful in all that, toe, but I've got a half hour before I have to tee it up and redistribute a few R's hard-earned cash into my pocket.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:01 pm
by Jungle Rat
bluetick wrote:
Hacksaw wrote:Interesting news headlines today on the Trayvon Martin case. Evidently, someone at the local police department made the statement that Trayvon's death was "ultimately avoidable". So this summary judgemente was the big headline of the day -- an opinion. Once again, someone's opinion becomes a substitute for reporting of the facts. The person who voiced that opinion is not known. But their opinion is being reported as if it is fact. It was also revealed today that Trayvon tested positive for drugs at the time of his death. This is not someone's opinion. It is, in fact, a fact...the same way the Zimmerman's nose being broken when police arrived that night is a fact. But we had to wait weeks to hear that from the 9:1 media, even though that fact was known for quite some time. Very interesting.

Just like it's interesting that CNN has a headline that reads "Ticker: Rove blasted for B.S." To the casual observer, this looks like a simple news headline. Read further and you'll learn that it's someone's opinion. The someone just happens to be one of Obama's campaign managers.

So, according to Hack, the police report verbage that states the Martin/Zimmerman encounter was avoidable is opinion. Whereas Zimmerman's Dr.'s statement of a broken nose is fact, as well as the pathologist report on Martin's mary jane consumption. Funny how that works - opinion-wise. Heh.

Fact: nobody has as good of 9:1 tin foil hat as Hack

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:00 pm
by Big Orange Junky
Well the "facts" are that someone said (and I don't know if it is in the police report or not) that it was avoidable but they could have been meaning Trevon could have avoided it by not attacking Zimmerman for all we know. But that's not the way it will be played in the 9-1 media. They didn't know he was hispanic when they publicly lynched him.

Then when that was learned they started calling him a "white hispanic".

It does seem the objective facts coming out do support Zimmerman, he had a broken nose, two black eyes, and cuts on the back of his head and Treyvon was on drugs at the time of the incident. It indeed WAS Zimmerman screaming for help in the tape, even by Treyvons fathers own admission which he now claims he didn't say.

We don't know who started it, but Zimmerman says Treyvon attacked him back at his truck when he found out he called the law on him. If that's the case it's self defense.

If Zimmerman attacked him it's murder. That verdict will be the one that is favored and I have no doubt that he will be found guilty regardless of what actually happened.

The Duke Lacrosse players were just very fortunate that info leaked out or they would be in jail now for something they didn't do either.