bluetick wrote:I'm betting Hack is better off today than he was 3 1/2 years ago.
doubting the dubya-gone/oprama-on situation pervades his life beyond simple mental anguish
Make the bet on Hack if you want... Don't make the same wager on me or you'll lose your ass.
I sure wish the Prez would do something about sky hogh gas prices instead of helping line the pockets of his oil buddies.
It sure would be nice if he would do something about thr cost of medical care. What he's done so far sucks large penis. 43 million people in America dont have health insurance. Notice I didn't say 43 million AMERICANS. But let me tell you this... Insurance is a rip off you have to have. The ones who choose to spend our income to care for our families can't any longer afford ro pay for healthy people who choose not to insure their families and the working men and women in this country can't afford what has been shoved through Congress or the state of Massachusetts.
Jeb in 2012