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Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:26 am
by hedge
Just saw it...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:25 pm
by Saint
I think it was her schtick. Man, Bernie Mac really was the best. I think I underappreciated Martin Lawrence. He always reminded me of the kid in class who is funny for awhile but doesn't know when to quit

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:45 am
by hedge
Doesn't know when to stop cartooning...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:35 am
by eCat
interesting read about what has happened to Terry Crews since he came out about a sexual assault ... crews.html

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:23 pm
by eCat
real life Pam from Archer

make all the big girl jokes you want, but she gives me a boner

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:12 pm
by hedge
The real one or the cartoon?

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:58 pm
by BigRedMan
Cracker please!! Like it matters....

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:29 pm
by DooKSucks
We know where I stand...

I would fuck her senseless while those big bulbous tits flop around

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:30 pm
by DooKSucks
We know where I stand...

I would fuck her senseless while those big bulbous tits flop around

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:38 am
by Saint
If we know where you stand, why did you say it twice?

You stand behind flabby ass while you hump it, your own flab wobbling in a tight rhythm to the sloshing of her expansive twat.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:20 am
by hedge
Considering the amount of flab involved, I'm skeptical that any kind of rhythm could be established, but I guess if the yeasty waves of the multitudinous oceans can be coaxed into a tidal rhythm, anything is possible...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:11 am
by crashcourse

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:29 am
by hedge
Partially plagiarized from Shakespeare. Borderline sacrilegious to be doing so for such a foul purpose as this...

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:59 pm
by DooKSucks
I use gold bond.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 9:30 am
by eCat
don't lie, everyone of you have done this


Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:19 pm
by Jungle Rat
DooKSucks wrote:We know where I stand...

I would fuck her senseless while those big bulbous tits flop around
That poor bed. Or trailer.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:40 pm
by eCat
Will Ferrell is hosting the Rose Bowl parade on Amazon Prime as Cord Hosenbeck

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:22 pm
by eCat
I remember several years ago when Crow was on here talking up Youtube and how great it was. For us, it was basically we could find a video as a reference to some iconic movie quote or sports moment , whatever. Mostly for guys our age its an online library of how to videos, movie clips and montage videos that provide entertainment for us.

But that isn't the case for my kids. To them Youtube is similar to what, I don't know , I'm trying to think of a semi-celebrity we'd follow back in our day - not quite a movie star or someone that can move the needle in pop - maybe the equivalent of like a very popular DJ or a one hit wonder band.

At any rate my kids follow these people who have realized there is an audience on youtube if you are a prolific content creator. You don't have to be particularly creative or even unique, and you can look like a Marty Feldman after a night of drinking house tequila in a Mexican brothel (only people 40 or over would even get that reference) and have a huge following in this platform. You combine Youtube, Instagram and Twitter and these guys can have 3 or 4 million followers - and are able to monetize this content into a very lucrative income. I mean there are people out there - mostly under the age of 35 that are making hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions for creating videos of them playing video games, giving opinions on bluetooth headphones, playing pranks on people, just everyday shit that we would have considered about as entertaining as a trip to the mall.

I knew about this on the periphery, but a few weeks ago I kind of got into it a bit because this asshat who goes by Faze Banks went to a bar in Cleveland, got drunk, showed his ass and got thrown out. Supposedly this Faze Banks kid is part of a gamer group and has enough money he lives a pretty good life without having to 9 to 5 it.
Afterwards he hung around and got into a fight defending his girlfriend from some patrons of the bar. So he does what any millenial would do, he makes a testimonial video about the event to his legion of followers on youtube, except he lies in order to make himself out to be a good guy. Those young sociopaths in turn light up yelp dogging the bar and giving it one star ratings and then track the employees down on facebook and threaten them.

Lawyers get involved and now he has a gag order.

So yesterday, another one of these idiots releases a video of him going to japan - yes, that is the kind of jack these youtube stars have - to the suicide forest and with his crew they find a dead body. In the video he acts like a moron showing the body of a man who hung himself, and from what I've read, they walk up to the body and film themselves standing next to it cracking jokes. This guys name is Paul Logan. He has banked well into 7 figures from creating Youtube content. This one video he made got over 6m views before he took it down and issued an apology noting that he is so popular on youtube that he often forgets how influential he is.

To make matter even more absurd, then there are dozens, maybe hundreds of "reaction" videos that people have made talking about what an asshole this Paul guy is - in an attempt by them to capitalize on his notoriety by getting their views up - all in an effort to convert views into money.

There is this cuthroat competition where people accuse each other of stealing content, stealing copyrights, attempting to copyright common youtube forms like commentary on watching another video, just petty shit in order to try to get "market share" in followers/views

And the thing is, my kids don't watch TV - its Netflix, Hulu and Youtube. My two children haven't watched a single program on any of the Network or cable channels. If they can't find it on the 3 I just mentioned , then its not worth watching. So they are just as easily entertained by some talentless jackhole 24 year old creating a video on his phone providing some stream of consciousness as they would someone who has a least some measurable talent

Now admittedly, if youtube was full of 51 year old guys using cultural references from the 80s and talking about the inane shit we enjoy talking about on here, I'd probably be interested in hearing what they say, so I get that part of it. I just can't get the monetizing of video you create on your phone 10 minutes after you wake up and I can't get the dedicated following these guys have - to the extent their followers just go on the defensive, like trying to defend what this Paul guy did as OK.

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:01 pm
by Jungle Rat
My daughter has over 350k instagram followers and 200k+ you tube followers. And it isnt even porn. I don't get it

Re: UCLA Bruins

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:37 am
by Saint
I pray that my kid never has the words "YouTube star" before his name.

the advent of YouTube jackholery is more discouraging than anything for the future of the world.