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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:15 pm
by Professor Tiger
Cain wants you to listen to him...he is going to say this again... he did not...have...sexual relations....with that woman.....Ms. Bialek......These allegations are false.... and he is going back to work for the American people.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:48 pm
by TheBigMook

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:29 pm
by Hacksaw
Professor Tiger wrote:Cain wants you to listen to him...he is going to say this again... he did not...have...sexual relations....with that woman.....Ms. Bialek......These allegations are false.... and he is going back to work for the American people.
Hey, it sounds absurd...but it worked for Bill!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:15 pm
by Professor Tiger
Mr Cain says the last words he said to Ms. Bialek were, "You'd better put some ice on that."

Case closed. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:00 pm
by Professor Tiger
This article sums up my current feelings on the R nomination:

Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins ... bama-wins/

Salient quotes:

Mitt Romney is not the George W. Bush of 2012 — he is the Harriet Miers of 2012, only conservative because a few conservative grand pooh-bahs tell us Mitt Romney is conservative and for no other reason.

That is precisely why Mitt Romney will not win in 2012. But no worry, once he loses, Republican establishment types will blame conservatives for not doing enough for Mitt Romney, never mind that Mitt Romney has never been able to sell himself to more than 25% of the GOP voters. It’s not his fault though, it is the 75%’s fault.

You’d think that given the economy, jobs, and the present angst about the direction of the country that the GOP would have an easy path to victory. You would be wrong.

You forget the electoral college. The vote is coming down to a handful of states and Barack Obama still maintains the advantage of incumbency and not terribly terrible polling in those swing states.

Republican billionaires have a fantastic track record of getting Republican opinion leaders to support them and an even better track record at losing elections. Mitt Romney will be no different.

To beat Barack Obama, a candidate must paint a bold contrast with the Democrats on their policies. When Mitt Romney tries, Barack Obama will be able to show that just the other day Mitt Romney held exactly the opposite position as the one he holds today.

Voters may not like Barack Obama, but by the time Obama is done with Romney they will not trust Mitt Romney. And voters would rather the guy they don’t like than they guy they don’t trust.

It is striking to me that in 2012 there is broad based popular angst against Wall Street and Washington and the Republican Party is on the verge of nominating a multi-millionaire scion of the Rockefeller Wing of the Republican Party whose closest encounters with the common man are accidentally touching one of the many hired hands in one of the many rooms of one of his many mansions.

Conservatism itself will not really die. But it might as well be dead as even conservatives in the heartland of the country stop taking Washington conservatives seriously.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:35 am
by Dr. Strangelove
Senate Bill 5, the anti-collective bargaining bill pushed through by Kasich and the Ohio Republicans (and which went farther than Wisconsin's anti-public union legislation), was demolished in a public referendum tonight. 61-39 voted in favor of repeal. 90% of the votes are in and only 6 out of 88 counties voted to keep the bill

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:44 am
by Dr. Strangelove
Additionally, Mississippi rejected (by double digits) their constitutional amendment that would make all fertilized eggs "people"

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:24 am
by It's me Karen
Dr. Strangelove wrote:Senate Bill 5, the anti-collective bargaining bill pushed through by Kasich and the Ohio Republicans (and which went farther than Wisconsin's anti-public union legislation), was demolished in a public referendum tonight. 61-39 voted in favor of repeal. 90% of the votes are in and only 6 out of 88 counties voted to keep the bill
Yes! I did some standing in rally lines for this one.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:48 am
by sardis
"Mitt Romney is not the George W. Bush of 2012"

And that's why we like him...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:12 am
by Toemeesleather
So Ohio joins Kalifornia in the race to see which can be the Greece/Italy of the US....Godspeed.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:28 am
by Hacksaw
TheBigMook wrote:
crashcourse wrote:interesting account of the binladen operation and the haste and consequnces by the whitehouse to announce binladens death ... 33289.html

Wait, so a guy selling a book is saying that HE has the real story! I am shocked! Shocked I say! BTW-I don't care what version is true, as long as Osama is dead at the end of it. The real story could be that he ducked behind a wall of women, children, and puppies and the Seals shot a rocket into it for all I care.

The idea of keeping the mission's results secret, and that not doing so prevented the US from "ending Al Qeada" is ludicrisp though. Think about it for two seconds. The author is saying that Bin Laden had all the info needed to completely destroy Al Qeada and it was all recovered by the Seal team. But, it was only useful information if no one of from Al Qaeda found out that Bin Laden's compound was raided and everyone killed or captured in a struggle that resulted in a top secret helicopter crashing and being left behind at said compound.

BTW-Either you think that EVERYONE that knew Bin Laden was living on that compound was captured or killed during that raid (a retarded idea if ever there was one.) OR you believe members of Pakistani intelligence knew Bin Laden was hiding there. You can't have both.
Agreed. This is the sort of criticism that I disagreed with when it was done to Bush (by folks like you) and I think it's equally unfair to Obama. The only difference is that I'm sure no one will call me an Obama ring-kisser now.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:05 am
by Toemeesleather
This is what Ohio wants more question, what is the catchy MSM phrase like crony capitalism....corporate greed....1%.... that applies when unions do it? Or does it even exist?

The indictment of seven Long Island Rail Road workers for disability fraud last week cast a spotlight on a troubled government agency. Until recently, over 90% of LIRR workers retired with a disability—even those who worked desk jobs—adding about $36,000 to their annual pensions. The cost to New York taxpayers over the past decade was $300 million.

As one investigator put it, fraud of this kind "became a culture of sorts among the LIRR workers, who took to gathering in doctor's waiting rooms bragging to each [other] about their disabilities while simultaneously talking about their golf game." How could almost every employee think fraud was the right thing to do?

The LIRR disability epidemic is hardly unique—82% of senior California state troopers are "disabled" in their last year before retirement. Pension abuses are so common—for example, "spiking" pensions with excess overtime in the last year of employment—that they're taken for granted.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:21 am
by TheBigMook
Hacksaw wrote:
TheBigMook wrote:
crashcourse wrote:interesting account of the binladen operation and the haste and consequnces by the whitehouse to announce binladens death ... 33289.html

Wait, so a guy selling a book is saying that HE has the real story! I am shocked! Shocked I say! BTW-I don't care what version is true, as long as Osama is dead at the end of it. The real story could be that he ducked behind a wall of women, children, and puppies and the Seals shot a rocket into it for all I care.

The idea of keeping the mission's results secret, and that not doing so prevented the US from "ending Al Qeada" is ludicrisp though. Think about it for two seconds. The author is saying that Bin Laden had all the info needed to completely destroy Al Qeada and it was all recovered by the Seal team. But, it was only useful information if no one of from Al Qaeda found out that Bin Laden's compound was raided and everyone killed or captured in a struggle that resulted in a top secret helicopter crashing and being left behind at said compound.

BTW-Either you think that EVERYONE that knew Bin Laden was living on that compound was captured or killed during that raid (a retarded idea if ever there was one.) OR you believe members of Pakistani intelligence knew Bin Laden was hiding there. You can't have both.
Agreed. This is the sort of criticism that I disagreed with when it was done to Bush (by folks like you) and I think it's equally unfair to Obama. The only difference is that I'm sure no one will call me an Obama ring-kisser now.
False, I did no such thing to Bush. I thought he was a lackwit and a pawn of Cheney etc, but I never went after him for killing Al Qeadians. Furthermore, as dumb as I feel going into Iraq is now and feel that Americans were givin misleading and outright false information in support of that folly... I also see it as a solid proof that the government is incapable of any grand conspiracy, as it would have been quite simple for them to plant WMDs at some point for an Army unit to find and thus "proove" that their justification for going to war was righteous.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:24 am
by TheBigMook
Toemeesleather wrote:So Ohio joins Kalifornia in the race to see which can be the Greece/Italy of the US....Godspeed.

Republicans... putting the sore in sore losers.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:30 am
by Toemeesleather

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:36 am
by crashcourse
my point is I don't think the binladen op went down the way the NYT or whomever said that it did.

Very unlikely bin laden in my opinion would have stayed for 20 minutes or so waiting for SF to get him--I would think he would be fleeing as soon as boots hit the ground--had to have some kind of escape rout incase peroimeter was breached. much more likely he was found with 5 minutes or so of boots on the ground

the other part of whether they shuld of announced his death or sat on it for awhile--well bush announced pretty quichk that they got hussein also

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:49 am
by AugustWest

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:49 pm
by puterbac
So what did this prop in OH repeal?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:56 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:14 pm
by puterbac
So the fox (unions) still gets to guard the henhouse (treasury)?

Gotta admit its a sweet deal to be able to vote for the people that determine your pay and threaten them with their jobs to get more money/benefits.

Even Kennedy was against that.