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Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:28 pm
by Jungle Rat
If the Bengals don't score a touchdown here you can call it a night.

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:33 pm
by hedge
"Its not painful if you expected it."

If it was really rape, you can't get pregnant!

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:34 pm
by eCat
welll the half didn't end as bad as it looked

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:35 pm
by hedge
So it wasn't rape?

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:36 pm
by eCat
it wasn't consensual

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:48 pm
by Jungle Rat
So she said

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:59 pm
by hedge
Bengals opening a can of whup aiss!!

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:10 pm
by eCat
even though I complain, this team is miles ahead of the shit we've had to watch in the last 2 decades with maybe the exception of the year Palmer got his leg snapped

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:31 pm
by hedge
I thumbed the Bengals!

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:33 pm
by eCat
I'm not sure why the Bengals QB continually has the green light to throw downfield for 30 or 40 yard bombs. That has been a big complaint of mine since Marvin Lewis arrived.

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:34 pm
by hedge
Better than throwing backwards...

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:41 pm
by aTm
Fuck yall cocksuckers

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:54 pm
by eCat
The Bengals have just quit now

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:02 pm
by Dave23
10 carries? motherfuck...

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:03 pm
by aTm
Thats right, the game is over, shut his ass down!

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:05 pm
by Dave23
Fuckin Bungholes...can't even keep it close enough...

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:04 pm
by Saint
AlabamAlum wrote:I'll never forget the first Maui Brackets. Happened the year that Don Sutton announced that Jordan was drafted first.

damn, those 19 words covered more than a decade of TGP posts. well done, sir!

Re: College Football

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:42 pm
by Bklyn
This article is really about Goodell, but I loved this section:
Which brings us to Chris Kluwe, the Minnesota punter and a rising young literary stylist. In Maryland, there is a state delegate named Emmett C. Burns Jr. who is not too fond of the gay people and all the marrying they're doing across the landscape, and he would like there not to be any gay people doing any marrying in Maryland, thank you very much. To that end, Burns has come to oppose a question about gay people and their marrying that's on the upcoming state ballot. Brendon Ayanbadejo, a linebacker with the Baltimore Ravens, spoke out publicly in support of same-sex marriage, and Burns fired off a letter to Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti, telling him that he should "inhibit such expression from [his] employee." This prompted Kluwe to write to Burns, explaining to him that the gay people and all the marrying they were up to were very unlikely to affect Burns's life in any material way. Well, except that was not the way Kluwe put it. Instead, after explaining his case on constitutional grounds, and on the grounds of simple human freedom, Kluwe felt obligated to reassure Burns to the effect that:

"They won't magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster." ... nfl-week-1

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:30 am
by eCat
cockmonster is now officially added to my vocabulary

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:40 am
by sardis
is that a coming out statement?