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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:19 pm
by innocentbystander
eCat wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:52 pm anyone that doesn't think the FBI is out of control isn't in touch with the reality they see

or they are happily complicit with it.
I pretty much gave up on the FBI (and gave up on "the left" and their common belief with "the right" on the purpose for federal law enforcement) when Agent Strzok used all his power and authority to try and usurp the 2016 election with a horseshit investigation AND when "the left" dismissed any real attempt to hold the FBI accountable for that. Politics were more important than facts or law.

We're done. It's over. Time for the states to get a divorce.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:22 pm
by innocentbystander
aTm wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:57 pm It is clear to me that in the aftermath of the 2016 election, Twitter (and likely all other social media services as well) essentially became moderated by the United States government, the Democratic Party, and (yes) the Republican Party through all of their affiliated allies, NGOs, lobbying groups, etc. They fabricated a mandate by engineering a crisis (Russian election interference) and used that mandate to insert federal government into all forms of social media and communication with the goal of “never letting it happen again.” “It” being the election of of an outsider and rogue like Donald Trump. They decided they needed to control voter perception, in the guise of fighting “misinformation” and the chaos of the last roughly 5 years or so has allowed the expansion of that mandate into something else entirely.

Social media became a psyop. The new “moderator” then had to start using its powers against the elected Presidential administration eventually leading to the banning of media accounts of the sitting President of the United States. It began to try to turn every domestic issue (race, guns, immigration, abortion, etc) into crises in which the position of the President was portrayed as extreme while the opposite view must be right and rational. It had to start censoring information on health and the economy once those became flashpoints with COVID-19, and it made the position of the CDC, HHS and FDA the only allowable online viewpoint allowed, culminating with instigating government and public purges of those it decided needed to be ostracized as “anti-vaxxers” and conspiracy theorists. And in the end, the new moderator even intervened by censoring news media that it felt would be detrimental to the insider candidate running for President.

The fact that the left wing wholeheartedly supports this new Goebbelian approach to media control is frankly frightening. It points a couple things.

Number one is the fact that this WORKS. The government and its useful allies are able to successfully whip up the frenzy and loose the rabid dogs of the populace on someone like Trump. Sure Trump is a crazy motherfucker and does a lot of PR harm to himself, but the fact is that his reputation is absolutely almost 180 degrees from how he would have been perceived in like 2008. Trump used to be perceived favorably by those with center left viewpoints. And if thats too much to swallow just look at what happened to the Space-X, Tesla darling of 4-5 years ago. In about a year theyve been making hime the new “literally Hitler” just because he threatened the whole thing by buying Twitter.

The second thing it shows is just how far around the twist the left wing has gone from Liberalism. They dont even bat an eye. They are going to impose their dystopian paradise upon us if they have to drag us all kicking and screaming into it with lies, dirty tricks, and violence for our own greater good.
perfectly said

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:44 pm
by hedge
"The new “moderator” then had to start using its powers against the elected Presidential administration eventually leading to the banning of media accounts of the sitting President of the United States."

LOL. When "the sitting President of the United States" got banned from Twitter, he had 12 days left in office. That's like banning Hitler from the radio on in April 1945. Ooooo, what an injustice. That really showed him who was boss, huh? Up to that time, he had carte blanche to tweet dozens of times a day (oh, and he did) whatever he wanted. And that's fine. But if this deep state conspiracy to control who and what got to be posted on Twitter was real, why wasn't he banned years earlier? Maybe b/c there wasn't one? Certainly not an effective one...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:05 am
by hedge
"it made the position of the CDC, HHS and FDA the only allowable online viewpoint allowed"

You mean the CDC, HHS and FDA under the control of a republican administration? I mean, I get it, Trump only controlled the executive branch in 2016, the House and the Senate still were able to use their influence to "control" what social media allowed to be published. Oh wait, the republicans controlled the House and the Senate in 2016. Well, by 2018, the dems had taken over the House and the Senate so maybe that's when you're saying they exerted their dread power over social media to squash all right wing viewpoints. Oh wait, the Senate was still in republican control after the 2018 election. So they still controlled the executive branch and the most powerful house of the US Congress. Amazing how the forces of the left somehow wrested the power to control "social media" from the republicans under that scenario. But such, you would have us believe, was the case. Wow....

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:10 am
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:44 pm "The new “moderator” then had to start using its powers against the elected Presidential administration eventually leading to the banning of media accounts of the sitting President of the United States."

LOL. When "the sitting President of the United States" got banned from Twitter, he had 12 days left in office. That's like banning Hitler from the radio on in April 1945. Ooooo, what an injustice. That really showed him who was boss, huh? Up to that time, he had carte blanche to tweet dozens of times a day (oh, and he did) whatever he wanted. And that's fine. But if this deep state conspiracy to control who and what got to be posted on Twitter was real, why wasn't he banned years earlier? Maybe b/c there wasn't one? Certainly not an effective one...
Did you really just compare the former President Trump to Adolph Hitler?

You are completely batshit nuts hedge. There is no point trying to discuss this with you. As I said before, the states need a divorce and the two states that you and I live in, they need to separate from one another.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:16 am
by aTm
What an injustice? They should not be influencing who gets banned at any time. Maybe we can ban your ass for a week from this shithole then let you back and say it was “only” 14 days you couldn’t post about whatever Slackjaw or Hairnet who drive the trucks in said to you last week.

Number one, it took so long because its a slow creep of expanding influence, not outright control over the whole platform. First you convince them they just have to ban a handful of really dangerous people, then you tell them folks saying this are just as bad. Its a long way to go until you get to the point where you actually convince someone that “the President must be banned because if we dont he is going to overthrow the US government!”

Secondly, convincing a media company to ban the President is arguably a criminal act under a wide range of circumstances. You’re not going to want to be pushing that button until you know you can get away with it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:20 am
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:23 am
by hedge
"They should not be influencing who gets banned at any time."

OK, well you said yourself that republicans were also doing it, please share some examples of right wing government dictating to social media whose points of views weren't allowed to be seen...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:30 am
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:20 am
Prosecuted Hunter Biden for what? For having his father shakedown the government of Ukraine to make sure that his son (who had a do nothing job at Burisma for a $1 mil a year) was not to be investigated by the Attorney General of Ukraine?

This is typical strawman horseshit. The reason why Trump was impeached by congress (the first time) was because he wanted to go public to tell the whole world (in October of 2020) that then Vice President Biden shook down the nation of Ukraine (and threatened to withhold $2 billion in military aid) if they didn't FIRE their attorney General who was investigating his son and the pointless job he had being on the board at Burisma. Obviously, that job Hunter had, was patronage, buying off Joe Biden. Trump wanted the world to know what kind of man Joe Biden really was and what he did for his useless, cokehead son. There was never going to be any charges because it wasn't a crime in the United States for either Joe or Hunter. It was just a really super shitty thing Joe did for Hunter, so much so that barely just enough moderate voters might have voted to re-elect Trump in November of 2020 if they were allowed to know about it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:31 am
by aTm
Trump got himself elected as a “Republican” and many “Republicans” have adopted policies similar to his own, but the Trump Administration was not Republican, and many “Republicans” were against him including people who he was technically their boss. Trump is a populist leading the legions of unsophisticated rubes. The neocon elites that make up the bulk of the bureaucrats aligned with the party didnt want Trump’s populism any more than Democrats do. As Ive said before this is global elites vs nationalists and the vast majority of government officials of both parties are in the “global eites” type faction. They don’t want someone like Trump to be able to win, but simultaneously they are creating dangerous precedents and state apparatuses that will be tools of oppression in the hands of someone truly nefarious AND competent. Trump is Gaius Marius (or possibly more like someone like one of the Gracchi) not Julius Caesar, the idea that a rube and conman like him is going overthrow the country is the ravings of lunacy. But the way the tactics used to fight him are the beginnings of future Sulla’s or Caesar’s, IMO

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:36 am
by innocentbystander
aTm wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:31 am Trump got himself elected as a “Republican” and many “Republicans” have adopted policies similar to his own, but the Trump Administration was not Republican, and many “Republicans” were against him including people who he was technically their boss. Trump is a populist leading the legions of unsophisticated rubes. The neocon elites that make up the bulk of the bureaucrats aligned with the party didnt want Trump’s populism any more than Democrats do. As Ive said before this is global elites vs nationalists and the vast majority of government officials of both parties are in the “global eites” type faction. They don’t want someone like Trump to be able to win, but simultaneously they are creating dangerous precedents and state apparatuses that will be tools of oppression in the hands of someone truly nefarious AND competent. Trump is Gaius Marius not Julius Caesar, the idea that a rube and conman like him is going overthrow the country is the ravings of lunacy. But the way the tactics used to fight him are the beginnings of future Sulla’s or Caesar’s, IMO

But you are preaching to the choir aTm. I am not for sure that hedge knows what a "nationalist" vs a "globalist elite" really is, nor does he care. He just knows whatever narrative the DNC gives him to memorize.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:50 am
by hedge
So I guess I'm a global elite? Or at least their supporter and/or minion? Cool. Can't wait to tell Hubcap tomorrow...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:11 am
by Jungle Rat
Y'all need to get some rest. Tomorrow (now today) is Referral Day.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:21 am
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:50 am So I guess I'm a global elite? Or at least their supporter and/or minion? Cool. Can't wait to tell Hubcap tomorrow...
Have you ever heard anyone on "the right" compare POTUS Biden to Adolph Hitler simply because they didn't want to argue any narrative Biden said is important? Why doesn't "the right" do that? Why won't Trump supporters do that? Ask Hubcap that question tomorrow.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:42 am
by eCat
Looks like CNN has had enough and the leftists are unhappy with the idea of a "centrist" approach to delivering news

Chris Licht, who became CEO of CNN earlier this year, said he has been surprised by the “uninformed vitriol” directed at him from liberals as he attempts to shift the network’s editorial direction, in a series of interviews with the New York Times.

Licht took over the network in May, making a series of staffing and programmatic changes that have sparked buzz about Licht aiming for a more centrist slant.

“The uninformed vitriol, especially from the left, has been stunning,” Licht told the Times. “Which proves my point: so much of what passes for news is name-calling, half-truths and desperation.”

Since joining CNN, Licht shook up the network’s morning lineup by moving host Don Lemon, an outspoken critic of former President Trump, out of his primetime slot and into “CNN This Morning” with Kaitlyn Collins and Poppy Harlow.

“They obviously like each other,” Licht told the Times of the show. “The chemistry is great. I love the collaboration. Every day, it evolves. It’s not like me giving orders. It’s so much fun.”

Licht has also let go prominent pundits like Chris Cillizza and Brian Stelter, also known for their sharp criticisms of the former president.

Many inside and outside the organization see Licht steering the network toward a more centrist direction, a characterization Licht has pushed back on.

Instead, Licht told the Times that he wanted the network to offer a “rational conversation about polarizing issues,” adding that he hoped viewers would “take what they’ve heard to the dinner table and have a discussion.”

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:49 am
by eCat
hedge wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:20 am

you think the FBI was taking direction under Trump.

There are texts where one of the main operators in the FBI is telling co-workers they have a plan B in place if Trump wins the election.

Comey steps over the lines and tell America that Hillary doesn't have any prosecutable actions

They are leaking information to the media to take down Trump on multiple occasions.

you are better than this

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:08 am
by eCat
the twitter supplemental is pretty damning

the FBI reaches out to Roth demanding that they respond to their questions in written form essentially asking them why they don't see state actors promoting propaganda on their site when a New York Times article says its prevalent elsewhere on social media

At this point even twitter is like "since when does the FBI do this?"

the FBI responds to this information coming to light saying they regularly work with private entities to identify "foreign influence actors".

This apparently includes multiple low post count contributors who make political jokes and included actor Billy Baldwin.

Just blow up the FBI at this point. They had 80 operators monitoring social media but can't send someone to follow up on a tip on a high school shooter.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:14 am
by aTm
Just in case any of you want to take a little mental trip back to how things were in the old days. One year ago.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:18 am
by eCat
I'll LMAO if Elon appoints Trump as head of Security and Trust at Twitter.

I know he can't, he has a fiduciary responsibility to his investors, which is why he is stepping down as CEO, but I'd love for him to fuck with some people for awhile.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:22 am
by eCat