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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:35 pm
by eCat
I bet they all wore hoodies too

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:36 pm
by Cletus
aTm wrote:It doesn't seem like you live in the same country that I do.
He lives in a tiny bubble governed by his weirdo religion. It's an odd place, to say the least.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:39 pm
by Owlman
CRASHCOURSE: I don't think your 50% of jailbirds being products of single moms holds much weight for causing the decay in society prisoners are coming from.
This is what IB actually said.
"Look at our prison population of over 3,000,000 and almost 50% of those are children of single moms."
This means more than 50% are from married moms, which means most of the prison population are from two parent households and by that IB's logic, marriage and two-parent households is the reason for the decay and society.

Truthfully, I doubt the stat anyway and much of what IB has printed isn't based on any statistical analysis but his opinion based on his personal observations or just beliefs. Doesn't mean he's wrong. Doesn't mean he's right. But awaiting better stats.

Reminds me of the lady on the radio who pointed out that smoking increased during and after WWI while at the same time lifespan increased. Therefore she said, smoking is good for you.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:40 pm
by Owlman
eCat wrote:I bet they all wore hoodies too
Heh. Not Adams. He was as stuck up as anyone can be. But Franklin, yeah, he was as big as lech as anyone can be even up until his 80's.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:45 pm
by Jungle Rat
Im a bad mamma jamma

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:46 pm
by Owlman
Ben Franklin: After three days men grow weary, of a wench, a guest, and weather rainy.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:03 pm
by innocentbystander
Owlman wrote:
CRASHCOURSE: I don't think your 50% of jailbirds being products of single moms holds much weight for causing the decay in society prisoners are coming from.
This is what IB actually said.
"Look at our prison population of over 3,000,000 and almost 50% of those are children of single moms."
This means more than 50% are from married moms, which means most of the prison population are from two parent households and by that IB's logic, marriage and two-parent households is the reason for the decay and society.

Truthfully, I doubt the stat anyway and much of what IB has printed isn't based on any statistical analysis but his opinion based on his personal observations or just beliefs. Doesn't mean he's wrong. Doesn't mean he's right. But awaiting better stats.

Reminds me of the lady on the radio who pointed out that smoking increased during and after WWI while at the same time lifespan increased. Therefore she said, smoking is good for you.
You want some stats? Fine. ... om-guilty/
First Wife Ann Coulter wrote:“Here is the lottery ticket that single mothers are handing their innocent children by choosing to raise them without fathers: Controlling for socioeconomic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared....

“But Americans used to be able to care about the circumstances of their children’s births: The illegitimacy rate has gone up by more than 300 percent since 1970. Moreover, even assuming that, sometime around the year of 1969, the entire human race lost the ability to defer gratification, there’s still the wholly volitional decision not to give the baby up for adoption.

In 1979, only about 600,000 babies were born out of wedlock and one quarter of them were put up for adoption. By 1991, the number of illegitimate births had doubled to 1,225,000 annually, but only 4 percent were allowed to be adopted — and most of those babies were snapped up by either Angelina Jolie or Mia Farrow. By 2003, 1.5 million illegitimate babies were born every year, but only about 14,000 of them, less than 1 percent, were put for adoption. Not surprisingly, unwed mothers who care enough to give their children up for adoption also come overwhelmingly from responsible backgrounds. They tend to have higher education and income levels and to come from intact upper-middle-class families with highly educated parents.

You will note that we do not read about adopted children filling up the prisons, welfare rolls, and runaway shelters. Adopted children are no worse off — and, indeed, are generally better off — than nonadopted children.”
This is disgusting. Right about now, Hedge is sending some vile retort over the internet wishing me dead for even mentioning these numbers.

Marriage matters. Fathers matter. If you show single moms these stats they either start crying or start yelling (demanding more money from government) because to far too many of them, money fixes all these problems. But you aren't going to have a rational discussion with all but a few single moms on this because a single woman's emotions prevents her from looking at this issue, objectively. To them, it almost always winds up being a personal attack on their character.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:56 pm
by crashcourse
how many of those moms thought about abortion but decided no--its too expensive I wonder.

how many of those moms whos kids went to jail also were jailbirds themselves or barely stay at home moms etc etc.

contrast that by how many single moms do a bang up job with what they have and do have some involvement of dad with their kids.

unfortumately the majority of all prisoners are black. 5% of all black males are incarcerated--700K. contrast that to whitemales --0.7% 600K

black males from the ghetto do not believe in getting married, black moms have to surviv e and one way is to have more kids ensuring more money. I'm sure the % of black males in jail whom had any type of dual parenting or any decent parenting at all is low.

why my sons refuse to get married I'm not really sure. but there both happy, my grandson (s)is well adjusted and a stud. I exp[ect both to finally break down and do it in the next 5 years.

i disagree with marriage being the #1 factor in who i's in jail

I think a much bigger factor is where you are born at. If your born in the hood chances are you have 1 active parent if that teaching you right from wrong. chances are you never make it out of the hood and death or jail is in your young future.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:00 pm
by hedge
"One of them said to me that she actually believes all single guys her own age are either in jail or they just go to work, go home, surf free porn and masturbate all night. She says how can she compete with that?"

She can't...

"Right about now, Hedge is sending some vile retort over the internet wishing me dead for even mentioning these numbers."

I definitely wish you were dead, but the only objection I have to those abortion numbers you mentioned is that you somehow escaped being one of them. The idea that abortion stops fucknuts like you from being born please me...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:07 pm
by Gator by God's Grace
who gets most of the abortions?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:09 pm
by Jungle Rat
I prefer spanking it in the morning.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:29 pm
by sardis
IB, you have a few good points hidden in your rants, but you have this uncontrollable urge to take them across the lines of lunacy in your arguments. When you are arguing a conservative point to liberals you can't use sources that start with "". Those sites are biased and even if the subject in them may be true no moderate to left individual will give any credibility in them. Slow your argument down and back up each point with statistics from accepted sources.

There is a very good argument on how a solid family structure strengthens the moral and financial fiber of a nation. Don't take the train off the tracks and down a cliff.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:35 pm
by Jungle Rat
See that blood right here on the sidewalk?------------------------------------------------------------^

15 year old girl. ... |text|News

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:45 pm
by innocentbystander
sardis wrote:IB, you have a few good points hidden in your rants, but you have this uncontrollable urge to take them across the lines of lunacy in your arguments. When you are arguing a conservative point to liberals you can't use sources that start with "". Those sites are biased and even if the subject in them may be true no moderate to left individual will give any credibility in them. Slow your argument down and back up each point with statistics from accepted sources.
No leftwingnews is going to carry Ann Coulter. And only Ann Coulter has enough cajones to blame single moms for what has happened to our children. Only Ann Coulter has gathered the information in one nice, neat, effective, pile.

I have no choice. My argument stems from data that no liberal would print.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:50 pm
by hedge
Any argument you make comes from a piehole that no intelligent human being, irregardless of political persuasion, would give a mote of credence to. You are subnormal, and any "values" or "morals" you speak of are bullshit. You are the most immoral asshole I've ever come across. You deserve death. Richly...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:52 pm
by hedge
I saw a show on TV the other week that purported to show what the earth would be like if all humans suddenly became extinct. It went thru several different time frames ("1 year after humans, 20 years after humans, 100 years, etc, etc). The best part about that show was the thought that if all humans became extinct, IB would be dead, too. That would almost make it worth it...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:54 pm
by Jungle Rat
innocentbystander wrote:
sardis wrote:IB, you have a few good points hidden in your rants, but you have this uncontrollable urge to take them across the lines of lunacy in your arguments. When you are arguing a conservative point to liberals you can't use sources that start with "". Those sites are biased and even if the subject in them may be true no moderate to left individual will give any credibility in them. Slow your argument down and back up each point with statistics from accepted sources.
No leftwingnews is going to carry Ann Coulter. And only Ann Coulter has enough cajones to blame single moms for what has happened to our children. Only Ann Coulter has gathered the information in one nice, neat, effective, pile.

I have no choice. My argument stems from data that no liberal would print.
What sardis is saying is take a few deep breaths before you dive into another rant. Lower the pulse rate and slow down.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:07 pm
by Gator by God's Grace
does Ann Coulter even have any kids?

I thought she was a dyke.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:08 pm
by hedge
"What sardis is saying is take a few deep breaths before you dive into another rant. Lower the pulse rate and slow down."

I'd love to see IB's pulse rate lowered to zero...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:09 pm
by innocentbystander
Gator by God's Grace wrote:does Ann Coulter even have any kids?

I thought she was a dyke.
no kids, never married