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Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:47 pm
by DooKSucks
Who cares? Harrison Barnes is coming back, and that's all that matters at this moment.

SG-Strickland (and reserve PG)


That's going to be one hell of a team...

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:03 pm
by Professor Tiger
Glad to know you survived the tornadoes, DS. My mom's okay in Pittsboro. Too bad the Lowe's that got destroyed was in Sanford, not Pittsboro.

According to SBB, Bama may (note I said MAY) have a big "Peaches Problem."

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:21 pm
by Dora
What is wrong with the Lowes in Pboro?

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:33 pm
by bluetick
The one in Sanford is going to have a helluva scratch-and-dent sale.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:14 pm
by It's me Karen
The Lowes made our front page news. Wow. Scrap heap.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:40 pm
by Professor Tiger
DS used to work at the Lowe's in Pittsboro. He loved it there.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:17 pm
by GBJs
Peaches. Heh. Much like SbB , yer a little late with that.

We should actually thank little Jeffy for bringing this to light. If it's true that there was any moronic activity, the young man hasn't and won't step foot on our campus. None of the individuals listed by Jeffy are considered boosters. He's not even too convinced of his accusations...he wouldn't keep his commitments to appear for civil debate

What I expect is that the young man will eventually be deemed ineligible. Shame he can't go to the university of his choice without a bunch of ass hats interfering with his and his parents, decision.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:02 pm
by Professor Tiger
Personally, I doubt anything will come of Peaches-gate. It's really hard to assess any of these accusations because the accusers usually have a HUGE vested interest in frying the other program, not getting at the truth. I'll believe this when the NCAA does.

But I do think that if this were Cecil Newton instead of Peaches, there would be daily updates on ESPN, HBO, PBS, etc.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:47 pm
by 10ac

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:08 pm
by bluetick

But hey - check out the link. Especially the before/after breast pics. Particularly the "after" pics..

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:08 pm
by GBJs
I agree 10ac...that just fucked up the whole flow of conversation.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:44 pm
by aTm
In general, anyone who has listed VCU has their hoops pick is a spammer. I dont quite understand why all the spammers pick that choice. You guys might want to get with the program and let me know who need moderator powers to delete that kind of shit.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:48 pm
by 10ac
Me! Me! Me!

and puter, and Hack, and Tick...

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:00 am
by Jungle Rat

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:12 am
by aTm
10ac wrote:Me! Me! Me!

and puter, and Hack, and Tick...
OK, Ive eliminated those 4, anyone else?

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:14 am
by 10ac

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:16 am
by Jungle Rat

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:56 am
by Professor Tiger
10ac wrote:damn
aTm runs a tight ship.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:01 pm
by aTm
I have removed the ability for a normal registered user to post a new topic to this forum. 10ac, hacksaw, puter, and tick have been given full access to start new threads if needed. Hopefully that will chop out spammers starting spam threads here.

Re: AA's "Mike Price was never the Head Coach at Alabama" Th

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:14 pm
by bluetick
Full access!

Things are going to start happening to me now.