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Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:18 pm
by hedge
LMAO at the cake...

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:49 pm
by bluetick
Now I'm done. Maybe. ... header.png

University of Tennessee Student Athletes:
  • Must be enrolled full-time, which is a minimum of 12 credits, at all times during the semester

    Must successfully complete at least 24 credits towards your designated degree program during the fall, spring and summer to be eligible next year.

    You must pass at least 6 credit hours each semester to remain eligible.
Additionally, student athletes must:
  • Have a 1.8 GPA prior to the start of their second year

    Have 40% of their degree completed and a 1.9 GPA at the start of year three

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:23 pm
by Toemeesleather
At least you won't have to re-name any more streets from here on out....tough I tell ya.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:57 pm
by Big Orange Junky
No Tick I posted DIRECT QUOTES FROM HUBBS on Charlie Strong turning down UT because of the academic trouble there.

I posted DIRECT QUOTED from Hubbs that said CP is ineligible at UT because of issues SPECIFIC TO UT that is not present at the other SEC schools. To put it another way he is ineligible here but would be ELIGIBLE at ANY OTHER SEC SCHOOL (that's what "unique to Tennessee" means).

I provided the links to those issues as well. Heck one of those articles was in The War Room and it stayed up for a week, but now that that week is over you chose to comment.

Look it's not me you are disagreeing with. It's Matthews, Hubbs, Hyams and other journalists and everything I put in quotes, including the quotes about Strong turning us down and CP being ineligible because of UT but not anywhere else in the SEC. That's not me, that's Hubbs. I linked them for you.

Now if you don't think Hubbs is credible that's fine, but it's untrue that you say I don't have a shred of proof. It come directly from him.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:19 am
by bluetick
No journalists have ever written anything that you claim. You lie.

Prove me wrong with a link, you lying liar.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:47 am
by Big Orange Junky
bluetick wrote:No journalists have ever written anything that you claim. You lie.

Prove me wrong with a link, you lying liar.

I did tick and you claimed you couldn't see it. I even took a picture of it with my cell phone, remember that? I can't help it if you want to project things you may do onto others but I assure you I have never lied to you. I have never put something in quotes and called it a quote that it didn't come word for word from the source I used.

Go back and look at the quotes on CP. "UNIQUE TO TENNESSEE" is what Hubbs said, not me LOL.

It's not like any of this matters but I am beginning to think that you could see those links and just said you couldn't because you know it's a pay site (that had a free trial so you could see it) that doesn't archive anything so that you have to see it in real time. I think you intentionally waited over a week because you saw Hubbs say CP was ineligible at Tennessee due to rules specific to UT and not other SEC schools and since The War Room stays up and available for a week you intentionally waited a week to comment on it.

But the quotes are in this thread, directly word for word.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:49 am
by Big Orange Junky
Here's the quote AND the Link, direct word for word.

According to Hubbs it was because of academic issues specific to Tennessee that other SEC schools don't have to deal with.

"We do believe that Patterson, perhaps more so than the others, gave long consideration to exploring a return to the Vols. He attended classes late in the semester and tried to accomplish some things academically. There was chatter that the potential need to accumulate a significant number of hours in the spring and summer sessions --- perhaps as many as 26 more credit hours in order to have eligibility next season --- was a factor in Patterson's decision. It was a situation that was indicated to us wasn't simply about progress towards degree, which affects all programs, but also because of academic structures SPECIFIC TO TENNESSEE." ... 79&style=2

Now this link is dead because The War Room only stays up one week, but something tells me you already knew this and this is why you waited over a week, but I did provide you a link that was up for a week. Your problem if you chose not to use it while it was still there.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:04 am
by Big Orange Junky
LOL, you are in luck apparently Hyams just said Phillips was eligible on his radio show. While I didn't personally hear this because I don't listen this is per posters that do listen on Rivals. I will link you to the thread. I have asked them for a link of the transcript or a podcast or something. Again this isn't the same as when I saw Hubbs confirm this because this is coming from Donelsam and not Hubbs or Hyams themselves so that's why I am hoping he has a link to the transcript or podcast. ... 79&style=2

There's your link.


Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:21 am
by hedge
You are a rube...

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:44 am
by Jungle Rat
Big time

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:17 pm
by bluetick
None of your links work, BOJ.

Here is an example of a link that works. It's from John Adams, the Sports Editor of the Knoxvile News Sentinel - a story about Cordarelle Patterson going pro. Notice it says nothing about CP being hindered by the UT English Dept. or him being undone by high academic standards on The Hill. ... artner=RSS

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:11 pm
by Big Orange Junky
bluetick wrote:None of your links work, BOJ.

Here is an example of a link that works. It's from John Adams, the Sports Editor of the Knoxvile News Sentinel - a story about Cordarelle Patterson going pro. Notice it says nothing about CP being hindered by the UT English Dept. or him being undone by high academic standards on The Hill. ... artner=RSS
Tick the above was direct, word for word from Hubbs stating that it was a UT rule only and had nothing to do with the SEC requirements and that it was SPECIFIC TO UT, meaning he would still be eligible at the other SEC schools but because the UT administration has some silly requirement the rest don't he has to leave. I'm glad you are happy to see him go. It was rules like this Cheek has promised to help fix, but he should fix them BEFORE we lose CP.

I can't help it if you are too tight to pony up for the membership or if you won't do the free trial. The links work when I post them. I know the link to the War Room doesn't work because it is over a week old and it only stays up a week.

The link I posted today works, it's front page on the message board now and others have confirmed that Hyams said today on 104.5 the Zone that he was eligible at UF, which would be a third source. Does 104.5 have a podcast for today's show? I would think so. Have at it. I didn't hear that one.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:40 pm
by Professor Tiger
The fingerprints of the WWAVC are all over this.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:42 pm
by KeviNole
To change the subject...

Looks like we've hired Randy Sanders as QB coach. While he certainly sucked ass as OC at UT, the consensus seems to be that he's a pretty good position coach. Any commentary?

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:03 pm
by 10ac
I blame Fulmer.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:06 pm
by 10ac
When I got to Salt Lake the temp was in the teens, a foot of snow last night and I had to dig the rental car out this morning. I get to Nashville and it's 70 degrees......In January......Fuck you Al Gore.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:43 pm
by Orangefreak

I think you guys will be happy with RC as a QB coach. Now if it looks he will take the OC position, round up as many friends as possible, grab pitchforks, and proceed to run him out of town.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:45 pm
by AlabamAlum
Anyone have hacksaw's email addy?

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:50 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:52 am
by Big Orange Junky
Well here is Hyams on Phillips "...........they didn't think he had good character, he had gained alot of wieght they didn't like what they saw from him so they cut him loose and Tennessee desprate for defensive linemen decided to go ahead and take him. It was not as I was told an issue of well he couldn't get in academically at florida but he could at Tennessee, that's NOT WHAT HAPPENED."

11:35 of the podcast from today looks like those guys on the other site really did hear him say that. Here's the link. ... 1&f=963031

So now that would mean that Robbie Andrew (beat writer for The Gainsville Sun), Hyams and Hubbs is supposedly lying about it. LMBO. What timing for that show today. Still can't believe that.

And look, the link isn't to the pay site so even Tick can follow it.