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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:23 pm
by Jungle Rat
My ex wife told me we could never afford to live in Beaufort.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:24 pm
by Jungle Rat
She still can't. BAHAHAHA!!

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:29 pm
by sardis
The guy makes a good argument why we should militarily help now. ... 60643.html

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:33 pm
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:18 pm "They took me sailing one day and I told my very pregnant wife "Honey I want to move here, immediately." She kept shaking her head to softly say no, she wished we could but no. We could never afford to live there no matter how much the two of us wanted that."

I'd say most people in the Bay Area would put up with a lot more than they currently have to endure if it will ensure keeping you out...
LOL Can't argue that.

My sister lived in Oakland and (later) Redwood City California for 6 years. I can't really say lived is a good work, existed is more like it. Every penny from her check, gone. Just to exist. So expensive. But the sushi was great.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:39 pm
by Jungle Rat
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:29 pm
by hedge
sardis wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:29 pm The guy makes a good argument why we should militarily help now. ... 60643.html
I get that sending troops in would provoke Putin, but we're sending anti-aircraft launchers and missiles and a bunch of other shit, how is that any less provocative? What difference does it makes who's pulling the trigger? For that matter, how is cutting him off economically and bleeding him out not provocative?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:41 pm
by Jungle Rat
We should use the jewish space lasers and zap his yacht.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:10 pm
by sardis
A rare cogent point by Hedge.

I understand not sending troops on the ground, but can't we give air support like we did in Bosnia?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:05 pm
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:21 pm
by innocentbystander
I think Lindsay Graham is correct.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:39 am
by eCat
attack a fucking nuclear plant with 10X the radioactive material of Chernobyl

that is insane

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:06 am
by hedge
We've never (well, I've never) really spent a lot of time worrying about nuclear war, certainly not like the past generation did when it was all new and terrifying. And of course, it's always terrifying if you stop and think about it, but I don't feel like many people of my generation and younger have really spent a lot of time thinking about it, much less being terrified. But the fact is, you've got this nutcase Putin who's fixin to die anyway (I mean, he'll be 70 this year, not saying he's going to die tomorrow but he's definitely well on the downslope) and he might be thinking "fuck it, I'll take everybody out with me, or at least several major cities in Europe and the east coast of the US." I just hope there's enough people around him that aren't willing to cross that line, but it really is terrifying that it comes down to having to trust people like that not to blow up the world...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:12 am
by Jungle Rat
I never grew up fearing it either. If it happens it's not like I'm gonna be around for the aftermath.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:32 am
by eCat
being vaporized yea, what can you do

slowly dying from radioactive poisoning where your insides burn? man, that's no way to go

its ground zero or the north pole, you don't want to be downwind

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:38 am
by sardis
There is something to be said about having a crazy in the White House that would make other crazy world leaders pause...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:40 am
by Jungle Rat
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:48 am
by DooKSucks
Nixon ordered a tactical nuke strike on North Korea while drunk one night, but the Joint Chiefs told everyone to ignore the orders...

Similar instances probably occurred under Brezhnev, and there was at least once incident when the Soviet Union thought it was under attack due to computer malfunctions but cooler heads stopped the launching of nukes.

Mutual Assured Destruction is a strong deterrent for even lunatics.

I think that Putin's generals will take him out. If things become bad and the Russians keep looking incompetent, suffer heavy losses, and have this situation devolve into something akin to the civil war / constant insurgency that seems certain, Putin is a dead man.

I would imagine the command structure is made up of those who were junior officers in the USSR, were educated in the USSR and had senior officers who were long time Soviet commanders who served as their (current leadership) mentors/teachers. They could give two fucks about what the west thinks about them or the oligarch's money. Those dudes just want to have a strong Russia, make life hell for the US / West and retain power. The oligarchs are too worried about their money and partying. I seriously doubt the oligarchs would / could do anything without the military's support, and I doubt the military needs the oligarchs' support in the same way. They just need to ensure the oligarchs keep the money flowing after Putin is taken out, which the oligarchs will because they don't want to lose their Russian assets.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:58 am
by eCat
read up on Goldwater and Vietnam

I think it cost him the election

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:57 pm
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 2:36 pm
by innocentbystander
eCat wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:58 am read up on Goldwater and Vietnam

I think it cost him the election
LBJ's ad to end Goldwater's campaign