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Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:17 pm
by GBJs
Personally, I never gave a shit if Cam got paid, or Cecil, whichever...The ONLY thing that pissed me off at all, was Slive not having the balls to sit the kid. SEC by-laws. Kid, agent, family member ask for illegal extra benefits, kid loses elegibility.

He didn't sit him. AU won championship game. Might have won it without him either way. That isn't my debate.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:08 pm
by Jungle Rat
So what exactly is your debate?

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:39 pm
by AlabamAlum
I don't care about Cam. I do find it funny when some of Auburn's more ridiculous fans try to throw shit around as fact that other schools are dirty.

Take prof, for example. He's a classic example. A bad, classless fan who throws rumor around like it's fact. Remember Dre's Charger? Lmao! He's ran with every message board rumor like a special olympics kid with a plastic baton.

He's the worst of the worst: a bad fan and a worse person.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:17 pm
by Professor Tiger
I know how much AA likes these. Thanks to Bonfired for providing it:

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:56 pm
by Professor Tiger
I do find it funny when some of Auburn's more ridiculous fans try to throw shit around as fact that other schools are dirty.
I don't need to "throw shit around as fact that other schools are dirty." Instead, I've got the NCAA to officially say that Bama is dirty. They did so in 1995, 2002, and 2009. It was the NCAA COI, not me, who said of Alabama,
The governing body said it considered giving the Crimson Tide the most severe punishment -- the death penalty -- under the repeat violator rules for a recruiting scandal in which boosters were accused of paying money for high school players. "They were absolutely staring down the barrel of a gun," said Thomas Yeager, chairman of the infractions committee.

"These violations are some of the worst, most serious that have ever occurred," he said. ... a_ncaa_ap/

Take prof, for example. He's a classic example. A bad, classless fan who throws rumor around like it's fact. Remember Dre's Charger? Lmao! He's ran with every message board rumor like a special olympics kid with a plastic baton.
Wrong again, AA, as is your habit. Right now, there is a big story floating around the blogs about Bama players and a certain men's clothing store. Did I "run with every message board rumor like a special olympics kid with a plastic baton"? No. I said:
Re: Alabama Crimson Tide
AA, you are going way deeper into that than I intended to. My words were intended to be a playful reply to GBJ's whimsical reference to Auburn and UT's impending sanctions. All light and fun. You should try that sometime.

However, here is my reply to your indignation: When I read about the suitgate brouhaha, my impression was, and still is:

1. The NCAA has a Talmudic rule book to start with. When they slam Lehigh lacrosse or Wlilliam & Mary bowling, it's always over things that strike me as silly. "On this day, an assistant coach of the university made a call from a landline from his office, which is a violation. However, if the head coach had texted the athlete using a cell phone while driving his car, it would have been permissible." I think the NCAA has so many nitpicky rules that programs can't say "Merry Christmas" without breaking some sort of rule.

2. I didn't go very deep into the legalese of suitgate, but it is supposedly along these lines: it was not against the rules for Bama athletes to sign the jerseys; it was supposedly against the rules for the store to use the signed jerseys as an advertisement for his business or resell them. The owner of the store allegedly qualifies as a booster, which invokes a whole new flood of NCAA rabbinical minutiae. To me, the only evidence that something was actually amiss was the University issued some sort of cease and desist order to stop what was going on. If there was nothing wrong, that cease and desist or order would not have been necessary.

3. Please note my repeated and intentional use of the words "allegedly," "supposedly," etc. This reflects my healthy sense of skepticism about the whole thing.

4. Did some archane NCAA rule get violated? Probably. Is it a big deal? Probably not. Will anything come of it? Almost certainly not, nor should it, given what little I see now.
If I wanted to run with suitgate, I could have, but didn't, and preemptively washed my hands of it. At least until it rises above the sbb/tigerdroppings level.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:35 pm
by AlabamAlum
Wow. Idiot. No, you did fun with it. You always do. You stick your head up from the bunker or ITAT or whatever and you proclaim the rumors as fact. DRE'S CHARGER! OMG!!!!

Then you wave the Yeager-gun line about like a drunk with a broken beer bottle. You are quick to drop the NCAA sanction line on others, but when it's (correctly) pointed out that no team on the SEC has had more major sanctions for cheating than Auburn, you quickly go into mitigation mode.

You're a bad person, a bad fan, a liar, and an idiot.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:49 pm
by Professor Tiger
Finally, AA, I found your cruel joke about children with learning disabilities to be both sick and disgusting. Even in his 70's Gene Stallings could and would stomp you for that, and rightly so.

I quote Yeager because he was right. Your school is the gold standard of cheaters. No wonder those two Miami coaches moved on to Tuscaloosa, so that they could take their cheating skills to an even higher level.

By the way, how did your team blow a 24 point halftime lead, at home, against their biggest rival? Just curious.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:07 pm
by AlabamAlum
Finally, AA, I found your cruel joke about children with learning disabilities to be both sick and disgusting
Liar. Plain and simple. Perfect example.
Your school is the gold standard of cheaters.
Incorrect. Auburn leads the SEC in major violations. No team has more sanctions in this conference -and the Tigers are within a sanction or two of leading the entire country.
By the way, how did your team blow a 24 point halftime lead, at home, against their biggest rival?
So glad you posted that. Again, it proves my prior assertion that you are a liar and a bad fan: Remember a couple of years back when Alabama beat Auburn for the first time in a number of years and how impressed you were that I didn't throw that into your face? You talked about how classy I was and how you planned to do the same when Auburn won again. Again, you are a liar and a bad fan. I am so glad you aren't a Bama fan. You are essentially 'Professor Harvey Updike'.

I will do my best to stay off the Auburn board because of you. I would hope you would return the favor and stay away from here. Will you? Doubtful. Should you? Absolutely.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:54 pm
by Professor Tiger
Finally, AA, I found your cruel joke about children with learning disabilities to be both sick and disgusting
Liar. Plain and simple. Perfect example.
AA, you never seem to tire of having me expose your falsehoods by quoting your own words. In the case of making fun of children with learning disabilities, here are your exact words:
He's ran with every message board rumor like a special olympics kid with a plastic baton.
Those are your words, not mine. And for a guy who says he "could have gone to Harvard," even you should have the requisite reading comprehension skills to see that this quote is:

1. A joke.

2. About children with learning disabilities.

Most people with a sense of decency would never joke about things like that.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:20 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:42 pm
by AlabamAlum
Ahhh, you are back in full moron mode. I did not make fun of the special olympics kid. I used that as a description; not a joke.

In fact, there are only two ways you could think that it was a joke:


1. You saying that no kids in the special olympics run with batons.


2. That you run with rumors to the message boards in such a ridiculous manner that the mere association between you and the special olympics is an insult of the highest order to those kids (you may actually have a point there - associating you with the special olympics could very well be considered an insult to that very worthwhile and honorable organization).

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:02 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:23 pm
by AlabamAlum
Finally, professor updyke, please do not task me further. I will gladly return the favor. I do not think much of you personally. You bend the truth into a ridiculous pretzel every chance you get. You incite. You inflame. You are a weak-minded yob with low morals. If your stature were more substantial, I have no doubt that you would make your living picking pockets or beating up pensioners to steal their monthly cheques. You desperately want to bully me as well, but you are lacking the material to make that objective a reality.

Will you honor the request to separate yourself from my presence? I doubt it. It is imperative that I try, though. While, I have no doubt that every time I engage you, it serves a noble purpose -your edification- it wears on me greatly. Fortunately, I am not charged with the responsibility to provide such a service.


Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:11 pm
by Jungle Rat
Seems the NCAA gave Bama the ok to hire those ex Miami coaches.

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:09 am
by AlabamAlum
Florida says the players who transferred to the Gators from Miami are eligible: ... chool-says

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:10 am
by AlabamAlum
Paul Dee -- the former Miami athletic director embroiled in the current scandal involving booster Nevin Shapiro -- was the chairman of the NCAA's Committee on Infractions and oversaw the handing out of severe sanctions on USC.

USC athletic director Pat Haden, when asked about the situation by 710 ESPN radio host Mark Willard, and if he was frustrated by Dee's involvement, said flatly, "Yes." Haden paused for a moment of amusement. ... sc-trojans

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:13 am
by AlabamAlum
Recruiting. Alabama gets the nation's #2 CB in Geno Smith: ... cornerback

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:14 am
by AlabamAlum

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:19 am
by AlabamAlum
Bama currently 4th in the 2012 rankings according to ESPN: ... ssrankings

6th according to Rivals: ... 3cZ_dGPZB4

7th according to Scout:

Re: Alabama Crimson Tide

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:12 pm
by AlabamAlum
Oh, and Prof. The above posts are just sport with me. Looking back I tried to make you look like John Wayne Gacy, when at your worst you are no more than a Jeffrey Dahmer.

No hard feelings?