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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:34 pm
by DooKSucks
hedge wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:52 pm
eCat wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:49 pm there is no way Trump is going to prison.
I'll bet you $100 that he does...
I doubt it. DOJ would intentionally slow roll the investigation / prosecution, and Biden's or his successor would quietly pardon the bastard on the way out the door or something like that.

Yes, Nixon was a crook, but Ford did the nation a great service by sparing this nation a criminal prosecution of a former president.

Fun fact: Nixon committed treason, and LBJ didn't act on it (despite having it on tape).

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:39 pm
by DooKSucks
For the record, I think Trump wins reelection.

If Democrats want to win from the middle, they need to nominate a mid-40's moderate to slightly progressive nominee who is highly educated, charismatic and who comes across well on television. Otherwise, I think the only way they win is a liberal who isn't batshit crazy, has some actual experience in life and comes across as reasonable.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:52 pm
by Saint
Biden is actually in the middle more than just about anyone. But he's a career pol and people would rather a pants-shitting con man run the country and steal their money than someone like Biden. Trump will win again and when he steals my SS money, I"m going to kill the motherfucker.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:04 am
by eCat
the last thing we need is guys who looks like this ( ok well, looks like me) running around liberal cities shooting the place up and "trying to take our country back"


no, this guy wasn't one that showed up to fight antifa , I just randomly looked for a fat guy in tactical gear trying to channel his inner rambo

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:06 am
by eCat
Saint wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:52 pm Biden is actually in the middle more than just about anyone. But he's a career pol and people would rather a pants-shitting con man run the country and steal their money than someone like Biden. Trump will win again and when he steals my SS money, I"m going to kill the motherfucker.
if I were Biden, that would basically be the platform I run on

yea, we're liberal and we don't believe in personal accountability, but a lame duck Trump will manage the country like he managed his casinos - and its your social security, medicaid and military funding that will be at risk

because for me personally, that is my biggest fear. He is going to go into king for life mode the next 4 years. That said I will vote for him without hesitation if my option is to have a party run the white house that tolerates the shit we've been seeing for the last 3 months. The democrats only want the rioting to end now because they see the backlash building. Before they wanted it, not because they believed in what the protestors were demanding - notice, few democrats in congress if any have any momentum or desire to defund police - but because the felt the rioting would hurt Trump.

You can say alot of things about the GOP and conservatives but their motivation to end the riots wasn't first and foremost gaining political points - I'm not going to say they looked to leverage it, but they would have put efforts to end it. Its been about protecting the people at risk from the riots because that's what their constituents demand.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:20 am
by eCat
I think this is where alot of people are starting to lean now after that man's, from what I can tell, only crime was wearing a Trump hat and participate in a Trump parade.

After 4 years of the most vicious, hyperbolic and incendiary character assassination campaign in the nation’s history, the media finally claimed its first fatality in a shootout in Portland on Saturday night. The victim–whose name has not yet been disclosed– was shot by an (allegedly) Antifa member who saw the man’s hat as sufficient provocation to gun him down in cold blood. This is the first incident in which the hysteria generated by the media and its accomplices in Democrat party can be directly linked to a political assassination justified on the basis that the victim espoused political beliefs different than those of the perpetrator. Simply put, he was killed because he was identified as a Trump supporter and, thus, “fair game”.

The media has fanned the flames of political hatred and retribution from the very beginning; from advising the public to reject the results of the 2016 elections to openly challenging Trump’s legitimate right to govern the country. They have fueled the animosity towards Trump by denouncing him as a fascist, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist and a Russian agent. The media has employed all of its prodigious powers of persuasion to relentlessly demonize Trump, and they are responsible for the highly-charged and toxic atmosphere in which a tragedy– like Saturday’s shooting– became unavoidable. They cleared the path for a confrontation in which a self-righteous perpetrator felt entirely-justified in killing an unarmed man whose only crime was that he openly supported the president of the United States. There is no way to overstate the media’s culpability in this shocking incident.

This was not a robbery, a mugging or a clash between gang members. It was a political “hit” executed by a remorseless assassin who believed he was fulfilling his moral obligation by exterminating someone he considered an enemy of humanity. The media is as guilty of this crime as if they had pulled the trigger themselves. The blood is on their hands.

Unsurprisingly, the killer’s colleagues — gathered in downtown Portland for their nightly rioting session– were thrilled to hear the news that a Trump supporter had been shot-dead by one of their own.

“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” a woman barked into a bullhorn at the downtown riot. Her statement was greeted with cheers of enthusiasm from the bloodthirsty crowd.

Earlier in the evening, the group had laid siege to a gas station protected by a frightened owner who was verbally abused and physically threatened for having the audacity to protect his own property. For this, he was spat upon and denounced as a “Nazi”, which is the moniker attached to anyone who doesn’t ascribe to the prevailing anarchist doctrine that all property is a crime and that anyone who defends himself or his belongings is an enemy of the people. Thankfully, the owner was not beaten or killed like the unlucky victim just blocks away who was fatally wounded by a man (allegedly) connected to this same group of cutthroats.

It’s worth noting, that there is evidence that the killing was both intentional and premeditated. Just seconds before the gun was fired, an accomplice, who accompanied the killer said:

“Hey! Hey, we got one right here! We got a Trumper right here!”

(The accomplice’s comment was recorded on Twitter.) His pronouncement was followed immediately by two gunshots which slayed the victim and sent the killer fleeing into the night. As of this writing, the killer is still “at large.” (NOTE– There are many photos of the alleged killer on Twitter who has been identified by his unusual clothes and tattoos. We will not share those photos here since we do not have any corroborating evidence.)

The shooting took place following a long day of counter-protests in which a 600-car pro-Trump caravan drove through downtown Portland touching-off a violent reaction from BLM and Antifa activists. Bags of feces and other projectiles were hurled at the flag-strewn trucks as they slowly wound through the downtown corridor. There were a number of verbal altercations and some physical dust-ups that were not reported in the media but which popped up later on Twitter. These videos provide an instructive seminar on the rapid devolution of a major American city into a dystopian Marxist free-fire zone. Portland –much like its neighbor, Seattle, to the North– has essentially detached from mainland America and become an independent Republic governed by violent extremists, radical ideologues and moonstruck anti-Trump sociopaths all of who are determined to defund the police, eliminate all institutional means for providing security to the public, and establish their own malignant mini-state based on their own skewed version of history. Regrettably, Portland’s liberal mayor and governor have been supportive of this farce from the get-go and continue to reject federal assistance from Trump. They seem to enjoy their role as stewards of thriving American city that is presently descending into anarchy and ruin.

The Democrats continue to believe that they can control these elemental forces of violence and mayhem and use them for their own political advantage in November when (supposedly) these hooligans will put down their Molotov cocktails long enough to vote for Joe Biden, thus, eliminating the threat of a crackdown from Donald Trump.

It could happen, but it seems increasingly unlikely. Saturday’s murder crosses a number of red lines that demand an immediate and heavy-handed response. Something must be done. Without order, there can be no commerce, no security and no civilization. Our streets belong to the American people, not a raucous mob that rules through violence and intimidation. Saturday’s murder underscores the importance of straightening this situation out fast. If the Governor is incapable of preserving the peace, then Trump should.


supposedly 4 chan has identified the killer, and the guy oddly enough has porn videos on pornhub.

secondly you aren't going to get much political traction when the narrative is you have a different political ideology and you should be killed. If all of government doesn't work hard to end that narrative quick, its going to get really ugly. The Portland Mayor blaming Trump for sending people to his city to show their political support for a party when he's been saying that rioting is first amendment protected speech is beyond hyprocrisy, its political incompetence - and as such - some city leaders are now demanding his resignation.

That video of the crowd cheering the death of a Trump supporter is going to resonate for quite awhile in America.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:32 am
by DooKSucks
Were the videos of him fucking good looking poon?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:16 am
by hedge
"They say these are his parents. I didn't know Rat had a son."

Damn, that dude has a massive camel toe going...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:26 am
by hedge
"You can say alot of things about the GOP and conservatives but their motivation to end the riots wasn't first and foremost gaining political points"

Good lord. Many an election has been won on "law and order (uber alles)"...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:50 am
by eCat
DooKSucks wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:32 am Were the videos of him fucking good looking poon?

The guy the identified is named Michael Reinoehl and his tats give him away

There is a SFW screen shot from his pornhub account floating around but I can't find it anymore. It was in a link to a link kind of thing.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:34 pm
by aTm

Hmmm. So the #TeamBlue candidate thinks #TeamRed has failed to control their supporters?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:10 pm
by Jungle Rat
Trump. Heh

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:04 pm
by eCat
The Governor of Oregon created a plan to have law enforcement from neighboring counties go into to Portland to assist the Portland Police

Both counties refused.

They told the Governor that additional police will not help secure Portland as long as Portland supports these rioters and refuses to enforce the law.

Not really sure how you can defund police while asking for more at the same time

Of course, Portland doesn't need any help right?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:26 pm
by aTm

I like how obvious this is that English isn’t the first language of the person who wrote this.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:17 am
by eCat
that is perfect American Engrish!

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:23 am
by eCat
The last time voters elected a Republican mayor:

Seattle - 1964
Minneapolis - 1957
Portland - 1952
Chicago - 1927
Washington, D.C. - NEVER

This parody hits a little too close to home for them I bet

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 7:44 am
by hedge
Crotch would've posted that as fact. He already has posted several Babylon Bee stories like that, and it was obvious he believed them...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:30 pm
by Saint
My co-worker's brother and sister-in-law live in Portland. She said they were unaware of any civic unrest going on in town. Maybe they are just have quiet riots. Get it? Cum on feel the noize, bitches!

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:31 pm
by eCat
They must live in Portland, Maine

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:34 pm
by Saint
No, they're crossfit-doing, craft beer-drinking millennials who left Raleigh to join their hipster brethren on the West Coast.