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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:37 am
by hedge
Do the repubs really want to go after Biden for verbal gaffes? Good lord..

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:12 pm
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:55 pm
by aTm

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:56 pm
by aTm
Sadly, they turned the comments off. I would really, really love to see what the reaction is to this ad.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:30 pm
by eCat
yea, that is a high risk ad given the content.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:00 pm
by aTm
Heh, Outkick is already passing out the conspiracy foil by linking everything back to this article over the summer.

Can the Big Ten swing a presidential election? Kevin Warren wants to find out
There’s a good chance that the next leader of the United States will emerge from voters in swing states in the Big Ten Conference’s footprint. Five states that President Donald Trump won in 2016 – Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa – were democratic states when Barack Obama won the election in 2012.

First-year Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren has made it a priority that the conference’s nearly 10,000 athletes will have a say in that election. Warren is in just his fifth month in charge of the 14-member league, and he’s made it clear with his early actions that social change will be among the league’s priorities. The Big Ten announced a league-wide voter registration initiative on Monday, which will include non-partisan education and a deeper understanding of registration, voting and voter suppression.
And of course linking it to Kevin Warren's (what seems now to have been) unilateral decision to cancel the Big Ten season, this new Joe Biden ad blaming Trump for that outcome, and the seeming reversal of course since by the Big Ten to maybe start playing, but only after the election.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:19 pm
by Tree
eCat wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:40 am I reject the notion that nationalism is racist

I can see where some racists groups felt enabled by the idea of nationalism but that is a by product of Trump, not an intent. The liberal narrative turned nationalism into some white supremacy thing because they realized they were losing on nationalism versus globalism. Its not like white supremacists groups are going to gravitate to the Democratic party. Especially when they are outwardly supporting racial based groups like BLM.

Nationalism isn't racist, its why more African Americans and Latinos were employed prior to Covid-19, the idea that as a nation we reject one sided trade agreements, America punishes corporations that move manufacturing offshore and reward companies that bring it back. It also focuses heavily on immigration control and forcing countries to address their own problems instead of dumping immigrants into our country - again displacing unskilled labor and lowering wages - both of which hurt African Americans and American Latinos the most.

Nationalism was already gaining ground prior to Trumps election globally but its not hard to see that people all over the world were fed up with globalism.

Its a weak minded narrative to look past that and just tie it to white supremacy, especially when the middle and upper classes were the least likely to directly benefit from it.
Nationalism is basically an "us vs them" mentality, typically complete with fearmongering, incitement to violence, etc. Even if you refuse to see Trump's obvious dog whistling to white supremacist groups (through both rhetoric and policy) in what world are you living in where his nationalism is in any way inclusive of blacks and browns in 'murica?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:01 pm
by eCat
I pretty much explained it in my answer.

controlling immigration means higher wages and more job opportunities for American citizens, and by far that impacts African Americans and Latinos the most.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:28 pm
by aTm
I'm pretty sure "Trump is racist" is a thing because that is the most effective political counterpoint to someone who is against open borders.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:50 pm
by hedge
Then why isn't anybody saying Biden is a racist? Or almost any other elected democratic official?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:17 pm
by aTm
Many do say Biden is a racist

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:00 pm
by hedge
Not b/c he is against open borders...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:01 pm
by eCat
that's the real beauty of nationalism

its truly color blind.

If you are an American citizen you benefit, if you aren't an American citizen (an that is where the real Trump is racist thing came from) then you're left with the leftover scraps tossed over the border wall.

When a meat factory in Nebraska that was paying $7.25 an hour to illegal immigrants suddenly finds itself with a shortage of workers, it has to increase the salary to attract able bodied American workers. Its a trickle up situation where their hiring increase create gaps in other areas - and worker demand increases job opportunities and wages for all workers. Especially those who skill sets were no better than an illegal immigrant, but couldn't work at the poverty wages that someone from a third world country would gladly accept.

That is Nationalism.

Globalism is AOC saying that we should fill the USA up with Guatemalans because cartel gangs are taking over the country. Yes, its a sad story, but Nationalism demands we take care of our own and are not apologetic about increasing the standard of living for all of our residents. Guatemala has an obligation to take care of its residents, to create the best standard of living it can (within its own borders) at the expense of every other nation on the earth. We have no such obligation to Guatemala. People with a similar heritage believe we do, that our melting pot mantra extends to lowering our standard of living in a world where 70% of the population earns less than $10 a day.

People are demanding $15 an hour wage in this country. In a capitalistic society, you aren't going to get that if you have open borders flooding the country with immigrants willing to work for literally half that. Nationalism is the natural, free market approach to maximizing workers wages. Supply and demand has to support that wage.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:03 pm
by hedge
I mean, he's obviously against open borders, like almost every other elected official (certainly at the federal level and probably even moreso at the local level), but nobody is accusing him of racism b/c of that. I'm sure anybody can pull up almost anything against anybody and turn it into a racist talking point, but open borders isn't one of them with regard to Biden's ostensible racism...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:10 pm
by aTm
hedge wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:00 pm Not b/c he is against open borders...
No, but many do to score political points in other ways

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:14 pm
by hedge
" We have no such obligation to Guatemala."

It's not about obligation, it's about self-interest. If we invested 1% of what we've spent on this covid bullshit into Central America, those countries would be built up and the people there would want to stay. But some people get their goddamn assholes into such a pucker about "giving" money to other countries that they can't see how that's actually the cheapest and best way for us to look after ourselves. But the fact is nobody wants to do the jobs that those people do, which is exactly why we aren't helping them make their own countries better, b/c we need them to stay shitholes so we can rape them for their labor...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:15 pm
by hedge
I mean, why do we have an obligation to Kentucky? We pump billions into that shithole every year and nothing changes. Never will...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:29 pm
by eCat
hedge wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:14 pm " We have no such obligation to Guatemala."

It's not about obligation, it's about self-interest. If we invested 1% of what we've spent on this covid bullshit into Central America, those countries would be built up and the people there would want to stay. But some people get their goddamn assholes into such a pucker about "giving" money to other countries that they can't see how that's actually the cheapest and best way for us to look after ourselves. But the fact is nobody wants to do the jobs that those people do, which is exactly why we aren't helping them make their own countries better, b/c we need them to stay shitholes so we can rape them for their labor...
you're talking about something different

monetary aid, trade, education , helping them grow as a country and move out of 3rd world poverty - all self interest

mass importing their impoverished to become Americans ? not in our self interest

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:21 pm
by eCat
he didn't see this coming

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 11:47 pm
by Jungle Rat


Fools. Love the this is Bidens fault ads