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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 9:41 am
by eCat
the really sad part of this is no on here reading that thinks its an onion article or is even surprised it happened.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:05 am
by hedge
The democrats are pussies, which is a surprise to no one, but they are really showing their vaginas now. Even idiots like Prof are begging them to impeach Trump, and you know if Prof thinks it would be stupid for them to do it, then it's exactly the right thing to do, b/c, well, he's an idiot. The pussy dems are laboring under the delusion that just b/c the idiot repubs, who gladly brought the federal government to a standstill for 2 years in order to impeach Clinton for fucking an intern and got massive backlash for it, then any impeachment for any reason will face a similar backlash, which is bullshit. Clinton was relatively popular across the board and most people thought it was stupid to impeach any president for fucking an intern, that's why the repubs got massive backlash for doing it. But Trump is widely hated, only his hardcore followers like Prof are going to get their asses chapped if the dems impeach Trump, and those people are never going to vote dem anyway, so fuck em. Then, when the repub Senate refuses to convict, there will be a massive backlash against Trump and the repubs, i.e., he got away with it again and they let him. Sure, the people who would still support Trump if he shot somebody on 5th Avenue will be happy and they'll still vote for him, but the majority would even more pissed than they already are. But the dems are too fucking scared to see it. Pussies...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 8:42 am
by eCat
so you think its a good idea to impeach Trump for trying to stop them from investigating a crime he didn't commit, started by an investigation based on fake documents funded by the democrats running for president on the heels of a cover up by the FBI

when we've had sustained record employment, a booming stock market and Americans are arguably the safest than they've ever been at any time in since 9/11 while we are winding down wars

AND during a time when Nationalism is sweeping across Europe.

Yea, I can see that being a good idea.

you also forget that Clinton was loved for one thing - the economy under him. Republicans were pissed at Ross Perot for splitting to vote on Bush and handing the presidency to Clinton. Clinton's election gave rise to the Newt Gingrich era where Republicans took control of the house for the first time since 1954, then they took control of the senate in 1996.

So clearly there wasn't a universal love for Bill Clinton.

I don't think Clinton should have been impeached but he lied on national television about having sex with an intern. My reasoning for him not being impeached is the same as it is for Trump except I don't think Trump is really guilty of anything. The reasoning is the country is on the right track and any punitive action against the president could be detrimental to our growth.

Are you really blaming congress for impeaching a president who had sex with an intern and lied to the public about it? He didn't leave office because of it, it was a reprimand.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 9:21 am
by hedge
I didn't say Clinton was universally loved, but he wasn't as hated by most repubs as Trump is by most dems, and my main point is that most people didn't think fucking an intern is worth impeaching any president over, irregardless of party. As for obstruction, it doesn't matter if you're guilty of what they're investigating you for, if you obstruct that investigation, that's illegal. You wouldn't think somebody who wasn't guilty would try to obstruct an investigation, but hey, this is Trump we're talking about. This guy is so in the tank for myriad interests that are definitely not in the interest of our country it's ridiculous. I'm sure plenty of senators and congressmen are too, but damn, you'd at least hope the president wouldn't be. Or at least I hope you'd hope that, but I don't think many Trump supporters even give a shit. Also, this so-called great economy is smoke and mirrors, which everybody is fixin to find out about...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 9:58 am
by eCat
Clinton wasn't impeached for screwing an intern, he was impeached for lying under oath - perjury - which last time I checked is illegal - I thought I'd remind you of that since you're focused on the illegality of the justification for impeachment.

the reality is your hatred of Trump is the same as the democrats

It has nothing to do with the obstruction charge, its just the most convenient way to attack his platform and bring him down.

If this was Clinton, you'd be railing about how stupid it was to go after a president for trying to stop wasting millions of tax dollars for investigating a crime he didn't commit, then you'd be castigating the Republicans for being so stupid in the first place to accuse him of a crime, calling it petty and vindictive.

But since its Trump, you, like Democrats believe that any opportunity to go after him is justified - regardless of the cost it does to the nation.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 10:37 am
by BigRedMan
If the Dems impeach Trump, it will fail in the Senate.

This will be seen as another failure on the Dems side and 2020 will be another victory for Trump.

Best thing the Dems could do is just leave him alone and let Trump shoot himself in the foot. They won't and they will suffer for it in 2020.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 10:56 am
by eCat
when they go after Trump, his approval ratings go up

when they leave him alone to his own vices, his approval ratings go down.

its very likely he'd shoot himself in the foot like you said, and its possible the economy could take on a recession between now and the election

The bigger issue for the democrats isn't Trump at the moment, its the crowded field and the bloodbath that is going to happen in an effort to pick a nominee.

The fractured democratic party will not be able to pick a mainstream candidate. And any candidate outside a moderate is going to drive the white population into voting for Trump.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:38 am
by hedge
"If the Dems impeach Trump, it will fail in the Senate.

This will be seen as another failure on the Dems side and 2020 will be another victory for Trump."

Nope, it won't be seen as a dem failure, it'll be seen as repubs sweeping Trump's crimes under the rug, i.e., letting him get away with it, which will galvanize dems even more than they already are...

"If this was Clinton, you'd be railing about how stupid it was to go after a president for trying to stop wasting millions of tax dollars for investigating a crime he didn't commit, then you'd be castigating the Republicans for being so stupid in the first place to accuse him of a crime, calling it petty and vindictive."

Clinton would never be dumb enough to openly attempt to subvert a special counsel proceeding. Yeah, you could argue that lying under oath about fucking an intern is obstruction, and hey, he got impeached for it. I actually don't want Trump to get impeached (or rather, convicted), I would rather the voters decide in 2020. At least this time the dems will have the Chinese countering Russian election software tampering.

Finally, I don't really hate Trump. I am actually kinda enjoying how he has turned the presidency into a joke. I've always been anti-authoritarian, anything that makes supposedly serious and powerful politicians look like idiots, I'm for it. And Trump has done that like no other and, really, even beyond my wildest imaginings. I'm glad that this mildly toxic buffoon has made the entire notion of governance seem a little less palatable...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:43 am
by Professor Tiger
hedge wrote: But Trump is widely hated, only his hardcore followers like Prof are going to get their asses chapped if the dems impeach Trump, and those people are never going to vote dem anyway, so fuck em. Then, when the repub Senate refuses to convict, there will be a massive backlash against Trump and the repubs, i.e., he got away with it again and they let him.
Wildly untrue, even by hedge standards. You and your fellow stoner community activists may may be begging for Trump’s impeachment, but the American public is not decidedly not. This is from the mother of all TDS fake news outlets, CNN:
Voters seem most open to a path in which obstruction of justice is investigated, but not via an impeachment inquiry. A clear majority of voters (57%) agreed with the statement that Congress should "investigate whether Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice during the course of the Mueller investigation" in a CNN poll taken after the Mueller report was released. T

Compare these numbers to those on impeachment. In the CNN poll, 61% of voters were against impeaching and removing Trump from office. A minority of voters, 37%, were for impeaching and removing Trump. An ABC News/Washington Post poll similarly showed that only 37% of Americans want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, while 56% were opposed.

Further, there isn't a clear majority even on the mere question of whether or not to investigate to determine if impeachment should happen. Just 47% of voters told Quinnipiac University that they favor an investigation. A slight majority, 51%, were opposed. The split was even more pronounced in the pivotal swing state of Pennsylvania, where a May poll showed 41% in favor of an investigation to determine whether or not to impeach and 55% opposed. ...
The American public know they have been lied to, 24/7/365, for two years by the media and the Dems about Trump collusion with Russia. They are not in the mood to pay much attention to the same crowd that peddled the Russian collusion to now start peddling a new hoax - an obstruction charge that is riddled with “we’re not allowed to’s” and “if’s” and “would have’s” and “maybe’s.”

But if the Dem’s want to play the Custer at Little Big Horn, then I am totally okay with that.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:49 am
by hedge
Wow, those numbers are higher than Trump's approval rating...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:11 am
by eCat
while we recognize the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is guilty of resisting being hanged for it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 9:06 am
by eCat
this bbc report is an infuriating read. doesn't look like much has changed on TV preachers.

My mom watched Joel Osteen, but as far as I know she doesn't donate. She caught her mom years back writing out checks for $500 a pop to one of 'em and threw a fit, so I guess that is still fresh in her mind....


But in 2007 the Senate committee appeared to think that some ministries were abusing this privilege and violating an IRS rule that church earnings may not "unreasonably benefit" an individual.

The Trinity Foundation shared all its research with the committee, and attended meetings with its officials.

The group - led by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley - decided to focus on six well-known figures: Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn and Paula White - who is now President Trump's spiritual adviser.

All six denied wrongdoing. Four failed to co-operate satisfactorily, according to the committee (White, Copeland, Dollar and Long). Larry had donated to three of them.

"We really thought it was going to come to something," says Pete.

Yet by 2011, the investigation had lost steam. Senator Grassley drew no specific conclusions. Instead he asked an evangelical group - the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) - to study ways to spur "self-reform" among ministries. ... ket-newtab

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 9:33 am
by hedge
That's Prof's racket...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:26 pm
by eCat
You invite the 3rd world to live in your country unabated, then this is what you get - but there is no crisis at the border though

The public health situation in the nation's second-largest city is in "a complete breakdown," Dr. Drew Pinsky said Thursday night on "The Ingraham Angle."

“We have a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now,” Pinsky told host Laura Ingraham. “We have the three prongs of airborne disease, tuberculosis is exploding, (and) rodent-borne. We are one of the only cities in the country that doesn’t have a rodent control program, and sanitation has broken down.”

Pinsky’s comments followed news that Los Angeles police officer had contracted typhoid fever, a rare and life-threatening illness that fewer than 350 Americans contract each year.Pinsky’s comments followed news that Los Angeles police officer had contracted typhoid fever, a rare and life-threatening illness that fewer than 350 Americans contract each year.

Los Angeles had a typhus outbreak last summer and will likely have another this summer, Pinsky said. Meanwhile, bubonic plague – a pandemic that killed tens of millions of people during the 14th century – is “likely” already present in Los Angeles, Pinsky added.

“This is unbelievable. I can’t believe I live in a city where this is not Third World. This is medieval,” Pinsky said. “Third World countries are insulted if they are accused of being like this. No city on Earth tolerates this. The entire population is at risk.”

California can’t handle the current situation, let alone allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with no health records to flood its major cities, Pinsky added.

“[T]he government is somehow insisting that housing is the problem when in fact we have chronic mental illness, we have addiction, we have people who don’t want to leave the streets,” Pinsky said. “They literally won’t take the housing if we give it to them. And that’s the population that’s vulnerable, and is going to get so ill this summer. It scares me for their well-being.”

Asked why the politicians aren’t doing more to alleviate these conditions, Pinsky said they are “disgustingly negligent.”

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 4:41 pm
by hedge
The MIF and I are going to LA this summer, I'll get back to you. Somehow, I'm not terribly worried...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:50 am
by eCat

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:09 am
by aTm
LMAO. Hank Haney got in trouble with the PC police last week for saying the following...
"I'm gonna predict a Korean," Haney said when asked to pick a winner for the upcoming US Women's Open. "That's gonna be my prediction. I couldn't name you, like, six players on the LPGA Tour," Haney continued. "Nah, maybe I could. Well, I'd go with Lee. If I didn't have to name a first name, I'd get a bunch of them right. I don't know...Lexi Thompson...Michelle Wie's hurt. I don't know that many."
So of course, people got "outraged", although I'm not sure that there is anything racist or sexist in there, except maybe the crime of having open disdain for women's golf. He got suspended from his radio show and actually apologized, which is hilarious. Never apologize unless its real bad, btw. So now after all that....the US Women's a Korean chick won. Not just any Korean chick, but one named "Lee". In fact 5 other women golfers have her same name so she actually goes by "Lee6." Nice prediction.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:12 am
by eCat
aTm wrote:LMAO. Hank Haney got in trouble with the PC police last week for saying the following...
"I'm gonna predict a Korean," Haney said when asked to pick a winner for the upcoming US Women's Open. "That's gonna be my prediction. I couldn't name you, like, six players on the LPGA Tour," Haney continued. "Nah, maybe I could. Well, I'd go with Lee. If I didn't have to name a first name, I'd get a bunch of them right. I don't know...Lexi Thompson...Michelle Wie's hurt. I don't know that many."
So of course, people got "outraged", although I'm not sure that there is anything racist or sexist in there, except maybe the crime of having open disdain for women's golf. He got suspended from his radio show and actually apologized, which is hilarious. Never apologize unless its real bad, btw. So now after all that....the US Women's a Korean chick won. Not just any Korean chick, but one named "Lee". In fact 5 other women golfers have her same name so she actually goes by "Lee6." Nice prediction.

funny and indicative of the nonsense people face today.

I do believe the best defense to this if you are the accused is to have complete disregard for whatever someone is objecting to you about.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:13 am
by crashcourse

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:18 am
by aTm
eCat wrote: funny and indicative of the nonsense people face today.

I do believe the best defense to this if you are the accused is to have complete disregard for whatever someone is objecting to you about.
Yeah Haney should have basically kept his mouth shut about it afterwards. Apologizing in his case just changes the story from opinion piece bullshit to a factual headline that "Haney apologizes for racist remarks" where the case that the remarks were racist no longer even needs to be made. Haney seems like he is doubling down on it now, but that also makes him look kinda petty when he already "apologized." Should have not said anything, and then he would be able to truly claim victory with a Crow-esque tirade if he wanted.