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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:10 pm
by hedge

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:06 am
by BigRedMan
Jackson story 4 years ago - Protesting a gun store for gun violence, is like protesting McDonalds for being fat

South Side story 3 years ago

Blacks Care about crime 2 years ago

Rest of the stories are within the past 12 months or so.

It is nice to protest, but where is the action? Where is the action to keep kids in school? Where is the action on the parents / adults to be involved in EVERY aspect of their children's lives? Where are the actions of people cleaning up their communities by helping police, turning in drug dealers / violent criminals? Where does the culture change? That is what it will take.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:12 pm
by 10ac
Don't snitch.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:49 pm
by Jungle Rat
Yeah. No matter what they promise it's never as good as it sounds.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:43 pm
by Johnette's Daddy
BigRedMan wrote:It is nice to protest, but where is the action? Where is the action to keep kids in school? Where is the action on the parents / adults to be involved in EVERY aspect of their children's lives? Where are the actions of people cleaning up their communities by helping police, turning in drug dealers / violent criminals? Where does the culture change? That is what it will take.
Where are those things in the White community? Murders/drug dealing/school dropouts only occur in South Central LA & Cabrini-Green?

The fact is, the biggest factor with respect to crime/devolution of the family, etc., is economic access. And, as all the studies ever conducted indicate, the biggest factor in economic access is race.

White High School Dropouts Have More Wealth Than Black and Hispanic College Graduates ... 81838.html

Chart of the Week: White High School Dropouts Do Better than College Grads of Color! ... lege-grad/

White High School Drop-Outs Are As Likely To Land Jobs As Black College Students ... ec823862f2

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:08 am
by sardis
There is no denying that white privilege exists, but let me ask you two questions:

1. How is it that the Hispanics do better?

2. How come you see African American students, disproportionate to the college population, avoid the STEM and finance related degrees that have more prevalent job opportunities?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:58 am
by Johnette's Daddy
sardis wrote:There is no denying that white privilege exists, but let me ask you two questions:

1. How is it that the Hispanics do better?

2. How come you see African American students, disproportionate to the college population, avoid the STEM and finance related degrees that have more prevalent job opportunities?
1 - a) Hispanics are, for the most part, white. Visually and otherwise. You can look at me and immediately tell that I'm Black. To many folks, I sound, act and live white, but as soon as I walk into the room you know I'm black and you react to that. For a large portion of Hispanics, that's not true - especially once you get away from recent immigrants.


Charles Garcia, Xochitl Hinojoso and Joshua Trevino . . . you look at them and you hire them, do business with them and let them marry into your family. You don't do that with Harvard educated DaJuan Washington.

1 - b) Many Hispanics didn't have as far to climb. In the western US, especially, you have wealthy Hispanic families who pre-date the American revolution and, more importantly, you have covenants that barred blacks from home ownership that did not bar Hispanics. Land/home ownership is the #1 source if wealth, especially for the middle class. ALL of the blacks in the US trace their ancestry back to either chattel slavery in the US, chattel slavery in the Caribbean/Central/South America or Colonial Africa.

1 - c) Support - this will take forever to unpack so I will revisit it later.

2 - Straw argument. If a Black college graduate without a STEM or Finance degree is doing WORSE than a White HS dropout (who by definition has NO degree, STEM, Finance or otherwise), the fact that the Black person avoided calculus0based physics is immaterial.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:03 pm
by Johnette's Daddy ... -not-good/

Hispanics are Becoming White and It’s Not Good

Latino Americans – or Hispanics – occupy a stigmatized status in America alongside blacks. For some, that is cause for activism, social change, lobbying for legislative action, or preservation of their ethnic heritage. For others, it is a reason to deny their own heritage and abandon their genetic makeup. Sadly, the number of folks who choose the latter option seems to be growing.

According to a recent Pew Research study, more than one million Americans who previously identified as Hispanic and “some other race” on the 2000 US Census checked Hispanic and white on the 2010 census form. While the number of people who change their race on the federal form varies every decade, this is the first time these statistics have been analyzed on such a large scale.

The study went on to note that most people who identified as white, black or Asian on the 2000 census remained in the same category in 2010. So, it is truly confounding that so many Latino Americans changed their ethnic identity over the course of ten years. One writer noted that much the same trend occurred for Germans, Italians, and the Irish when they first immigrated here. He notes that the arc of change for many immigrant populations is relatively identical. New generations are predominantly English speaking, children attain more education than their parents, and wealth increases intergenerationally. On its face, this seems to be an ethnic Cinderella Story.

Sadly, it’s not. Since race in this country is typically dichotomous and conceived of in the form of a black-white binary, it can be said that what Hispanics and Latino Americans are doing on the aggregate is further distancing themselves from blacks to assimilate with the dominant white culture. While this isn’t true for all Latino Americans, it is certainly true for some. Pew writer, D’Vera Cohn, alluded to this phenomenon saying that this could be happening because of certain “benefits associated with being identified with some groups.”

She said it the politically correct way. I will say it the blunt way. Many Hispanics see that they can get further in America if they simply say they are white, even if it isn’t true. She also noted that the number of people changing their ethnic identity might be higher in the real population. In other words, some people of color are closeted, checking their ethnic identity on the box for the federal government yet presenting themselves as white in public spaces.

This is not just a bad thing. This is a terrible thing. It is the Melting Pot Theory aka Colorblindness aka Post-Racialism at work. These individuals, after being bludgeoned over the head repeatedly by white ideas about beauty, respectability politics in the workplace, and white-washing of media images marketed to children, have acquiesced to the omnipresence of white supremacy. There are certainly benefits to being – or becoming – a member of the majority. But, is it truly worth it if it means one has to abandon their own identity in the process? Certainly not.

Many have said that whites will one day become a minority in this country. With Latino Americans standing as the largest minority group, they were said to surpass whites in total population – making the US a majority-minority country as early as 2043. How exactly will that happen if Latino Americans are becoming white? It simply won’t.

You see, this is the danger of systemic, ingrained, institutional racism. It even has the power to change the ethnic identity of living breathing human beings. Sadly, this leads one to wonder if there is really any way to defeat white supremacy at all or if all of us activists are just chasing our tails. While I would love to say this is not a threat to our collective well-being, I can’t. It is a threat, an imminent threat. And, it just makes our fight that much harder.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:18 pm
by Jungle Rat
I just knocked my dog out with some nasty ass gas.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:04 pm
by BigRedMan
sardis wrote:There is no denying that white privilege exists, but let me ask you two questions:

1. How is it that the Hispanics do better?

2. How come you see African American students, disproportionate to the college population, avoid the STEM and finance related degrees that have more prevalent job opportunities?
Well I forgot we have white only colleges, and the National Whitey College Fund.

Also since Hispanics look white apparently, I can assume that all Asians are good at math and would be good tutors? Should I also assume that hiring a non-hispanic gardener will result in a terrible lawn?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:08 pm
by BigRedMan
Johnette's Daddy wrote:
BigRedMan wrote:It is nice to protest, but where is the action? Where is the action to keep kids in school? Where is the action on the parents / adults to be involved in EVERY aspect of their children's lives? Where are the actions of people cleaning up their communities by helping police, turning in drug dealers / violent criminals? Where does the culture change? That is what it will take.
Where are those things in the White community? Murders/drug dealing/school dropouts only occur in South Central LA & Cabrini-Green?

The fact is, the biggest factor with respect to crime/devolution of the family, etc., is economic access. And, as all the studies ever conducted indicate, the biggest factor in economic access is race.
It is a double edge sword. Businesses won't open in a bad area if they know drug dealers, gangs, and constantly being harassed but people in said area have no place to shop / work. I get that.

But can't there be a start?? Change has to happen and it won't over night. It take consistent pressure to get it done. However, it is just easier to point the finger and not take personal responsibility for any of it.

And that goes for any kind of town, suburb, or other wise for color / race / creed.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:23 pm
by hedge

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:37 am
by Johnette's Daddy
BigRedMan wrote:It is a double edge sword. Businesses won't open in a bad area if they know drug dealers, gangs, and constantly being harassed but people in said area have no place to shop / work. I get that.

But can't there be a start?? Change has to happen and it won't over night. It take consistent pressure to get it done. However, it is just easier to point the finger and not take personal responsibility for any of it.

And that goes for any kind of town, suburb, or other wise for color / race / creed.
Well, if you want to get all serious, yes.

From the traditional Civil Rights POV, what is needed is a Marshall Plan type approach - a mass influx of resources and programs to rebuild Black America after the devastation of slavery and Jim Crow. What was given was a start with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the establishment of the EEOC in 1965. By 1974, all of those had been challenged in court and under continuous erosion.

Are there things the black community could and should be doing? Absolutely, much of it is stuff we did prior to the 60s - emphasize education, entrepreneurship and and faith. There is a school of thought, however, that black America;s biggest obstacle to progress has been integration - I'll let you geniuses intuit that argument.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:53 pm
by Johnette's Daddy ... g-men-pigs

Marriage Is Declining Because Men Are Pigs

The seeming decline of marriage includes one major caveat: educated elites. When it comes to marriage, divorce, and single motherhood, the 1950s never ended for college-educated Americans, and for college-educated women in particular....The share of young college-graduate white women who were married in 2010 was a little over 70 percent—almost exactly the same as it was in 1950.

....It’s also seemingly only Americans with four-year degrees or better who appear immune to the broader cultural and social forces eroding marriage. In 1950, white women with “some college,” such as an associate’s degree, were actually more likely to be married than their better-educated sisters. Today, it’s the opposite. Though women with a high school diploma or less have seen the sharpest drop in marriage rates, the decline has been almost as severe—and ongoing—for women just one short rung down the education ladder, regardless of race.

Why has marriage declined in America? Here's my dorm room bull theory: it's because men are pigs.

I know, I know: #NotAllMen blah blah blah. That said, let's unpack this a bit. Basically, an awful lot of men are—and always have been—volatile and unreliable. They drink, they get abusive, and they do stupid stuff. They're bad with money, they don't help with the kids, and they don't help around the house. They demand subservience. They demand sex. And even on the one dimension they're supposedly good for—being breadwinners—they frequently tend to screw up and get fired.

In other words, marriage has been a bad deal for women pretty much forever. But they've been forced into it by cultural mores and economic imperatives, and that's the only reason it's been nearly universal in the past.

Nothing has changed much about that. It's still a bad deal for an awful lot of women, but cultural mores and economic imperatives have changed, and that means more women can afford to do what's right for themselves and stay unmarried these days.

But there's one exception to this: the college educated. Well-educated men are fairly reliable; they have good earning power; they generally aren't abusive; and they've been willing—slowly but steadily—to change their habits and help out with kids and housework. For college-educated women, then, marriage is a relatively good deal. For everyone else, not so much.

And that's why marriage is declining among all groups except the college educated. For an awful lot of women, it's just a lousy deal. They're tired of putting up with all the crap they get from men, and so they're opting out. They'll opt back in when men start to pull their own weight. There's no telling when that's going to start happening.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:48 pm
by Professor Tiger
Marriage is also a lousy deal for the modern young male. They get sex from modern young females without it. All the male has to do is pretend that he cares while the female emotes and verbalizes. He must also feign a vague intention that the relationship is moving towards deeper commitment at some unspecified future date. Eventually, the female realizes she is being played and the relationship ends abruptly. Then the male finds another female to trade sex for pretend intimacy, and the whole process repeats.

As long as the male has access to sex without real commitment, why does he need marriage?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:10 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:29 pm
by Professor Tiger
"I, ______, take you ________, as my co-habitator. By making this non-commitment, I agree to be a reasonably tolerable roommate. I will pretend to listen to you when you bore me with your incessant talk about your feelings. I will occasionally say you are physically pleasing. In return, I expect creative and highly satisfying sex from you at least twice per week. I also expect you to have sex exclusively with me. If at any point I meet another person that I wish to have sex with more than you, this arrangement may be terminated by me with no notice.

If at any point, you become pregnant, I shall be held harmless. I shall not be expected to provide any support (either financial or otherwise) to either you or the mistake you caused. This situation shall cause my immediate abrogation of this non-commitment and departure with no notice.

If at any point you become less sexually appealing, such as due to age, illness, injury, or even boredom, I reserve the right to abrogate this non-commitment and depart at my discretion. If you ever become ill, I shall be under no obligation to provide you care.

Given these non-negotiable provisions, I also stipulate that I am really crazy about you. You are beautiful. No other woman ever understood me the way you do. I am transported by the sound of your voice. Tell me more. We are true soul mates, and there is no telling how far this love-story might take us.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:46 am
by hedge
"If at any point you become less sexually appealing, such as due to age, illness, injury, or even boredom"

IF?? There's no surer bet than that that's going to happen, and usually within a few weeks, irregardless of age, attractiveness, creativity, whatever. May take longer in some cases for the woman to come to the same conclusion, but that will happen too. Hardly any animal is naturally monogamous, certainly not humans. Everybody knows this...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:04 am
by hedge
Now then, love and respect for the other person is a different issue altogether, but there's no such thing as a person who doesn't have sexual desire for more than one other person (indeed, a for a great number of other persons) and who doesn't become at least somewhat bored with the same person after a certain period of time. Usually sooner rather than later. Biology being what it is, you'll still get the ultimate physical response you're after regardless of who you're having sex with (or if you're fucking a knot in a tree for that matter), but remaining just as physically avid for the same person as you were when you first met? Um, no. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's perfectly natural. Of course, I realize as a christian (or whatever you are), you are loathe to admit the dictates of nature and therefor require an elaborate edifice of hypocrisy to justify your anti-nature, which your kind has most certainly achieved. So congrats on that...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:10 am
by AlabamAlum