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Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:00 pm
by AugustWest
Tennessee made their own bed by committing that dumbass roughness penalty on the receiver on that final drive.

no doubt about that.

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:16 pm
by hedge
Welp, after agonizing for 2 days and checking out almost every available seat, we ended up getting seats in almost the exact same spot, just 4 rows higher...

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:18 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:25 pm
by hedge
I wanted to go to the upper deck, we could've gotten seats about 6 rows up on the lower deck on about the 25 yard line, but nobody else wanted to do it...

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:50 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:03 pm
by Ron Mexico
I sit in the front row of the upper deck now at Maryland and wouldn't trade those seats for sitting downstairs. The angle is fantastic and there's never anyone in front of you.

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:02 pm
by TheBigMook
Jared Lorenzen-Northern Kentucky River Monster!



Their cheerleaders are called... no shit... "Bait"


The NKY River Monster's River Monster!


Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:23 pm
by Jungle Rat
Bait = whore

Re: College Football

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 9:46 pm
by Fifer
Jared Lorenz needs to start doing push aways from the dinner table.

Re: College Football

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:23 am
by Saint
that Lorenzen kid ain't bigger than BRM's last Steak & Shake shit

Re: College Football

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:32 am
by Hizzy III
BRM's not that big. Jared looks like he suckles from a bottle of Aunt Jemimah while he sleeps.

Re: College Football

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:11 pm
by BigRedMan
I don't know, I might be able to give Jared a run for his money lately. I gotta get my ass to the gym at some point.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:29 am
by Red Bird
I can't believe I wasted two seconds coming in here.

Entertain me!!!

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:30 am
by Fifer
I'm hearing a new bombshell is about to come out about Jim Tressell.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:57 am
by TheBigMook
Fifer wrote:I'm hearing a new bombshell is about to come out about Jim Tressell.
Did he have a baby with Arnie too? Those sweater vests really cover up a baby bump.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:07 am
by Ron Mexico
Mark Titus:

Having said all of that, I frequently crossed paths with a bunch of the football guys for a variety of reasons (stayed in the same dorm as some of them during my freshman year, went to same place for our training table meals, had a bunch of mandatory athlete meetings with them, some of them hung out with my teammates, etc.). And in crossing paths with them so frequently, I can offer this analysis: While I don’t really know anything about the whole tattoo ordeal, I’m almost certain that there was something shady going on with the car dealer. In fact, as the news of the free tattoos and sold merchandise or whatever came out, I kept telling my family how funny it was that they were getting busted for tattoos and gold pants when I was pretty sure they had been getting serious discounts on cars for years. Again, I have no “inside information” and really only know what the general public knows. But it doesn’t exactly take top notch detective skills to figure this one out. Anyone who spent any time on Ohio State’s campus while I was there could tell you that there were an unusually high volume of brand new Dodge Chargers driving around on campus, and just about all of them had tinted windows and rims on the outside with Ohio State football players behind the wheel on the inside.


From what I can remember, there are all sorts of other forms of financial aid other than just the scholarship checks that the players could be eligible for, so there’s a good chance they got more than the $1,100 a month that I got. But even so, I seriously doubt that the extra aid was enough for them to take on a hefty car payment on top of all their other expenses. Especially when you consider that most of these guys lived lavish lifestyles when compared to your average college student. Sure they theoretically could have probably afforded a new car if they would have lived modestly in an average sized apartment with a few roommates, didn’t go out much, and didn’t spend a lot of money on things like phones, TVs, iPods, etc. But does anyone seriously believe that these guys lived modestly? If you were to play a word association game and were given the phrase “big time college athlete”, the word “modest” wouldn’t even be on the list of the first 100,000 words that come to mind.


The truth is that I have no facts, and God knows that if I’m entirely wrong it would be far from the first time (hell, I hope I am wrong). I’m just saying that I was always under the impression that the scholarships the football guys got were close to (if not exactly) the same as the basketball guys, yet in my four years of playing basketball at Ohio State, my 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee was consistently one of nicest cars on the team because none of us could afford anything better. Meanwhile, it seemed like everyone on the football team had either a new Charger or a new Chrysler 300. From this, I am deducing that either the football guys were paid a considerably larger stipend than we were (in all honesty, that could be the case – I really don’t know), were excellent at managing their money, came from financially well off families, or received discounted and/or free cars. I really can’t see how any of them could’ve had the cars they did without at least one of those four things applying. ... -away.html

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:13 pm
by Fifer
I'm thinking this latest pile of shit is going to involve shady deals with agents. Tresel has to know he's teetering on the brink.

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:57 pm
by Hizzy III
Anyone who spent any time on Ohio State’s campus while I was there could tell you that there were an unusually high volume of brand new Dodge Chargers driving around on campus, and just about all of them had tinted windows and rims on the outside with Ohio State football players behind the wheel on the inside
Not that I'm saying that this isn't true, but the tints on a Charger are pretty dark. Certainly dark enough to where you don't know who's inside unless you flash a light. I'm going to assume that the blogger is saying that you were able to ID the driver prior to or that they also rode with the windows down. In any case, none of this is a revelation, regardless of the campus. A lot of these kids are driving around in new or at least close to new cars. The hard part is knowing exactly how they came across the car and whether its legit. If an uncle basically "let's" his nephew at Michigan (just as an example) drive around in his C300 Mercedes for a semester, is this illegal? Even if the uncle was able to "buy" the car at a very favorable loan rate?

Re: College Football

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:08 pm
by TheBigMook
Hizzy III wrote:
Anyone who spent any time on Ohio State’s campus while I was there could tell you that there were an unusually high volume of brand new Dodge Chargers driving around on campus, and just about all of them had tinted windows and rims on the outside with Ohio State football players behind the wheel on the inside
Not that I'm saying that this isn't true, but the tints on a Charger are pretty dark. Certainly dark enough to where you don't know who's inside unless you flash a light. I'm going to assume that the blogger is saying that you were able to ID the driver prior to or that they also rode with the windows down. In any case, none of this is a revelation, regardless of the campus. A lot of these kids are driving around in new or at least close to new cars. The hard part is knowing exactly how they came across the car and whether its legit. If an uncle basically "let's" his nephew at Michigan (just as an example) drive around in his C300 Mercedes for a semester, is this illegal? Even if the uncle was able to "buy" the car at a very favorable loan rate?
The blogger is Mark Titus. Author of a very funny blog about his 4 years as a bench warmer for the Ohio State basketball team (played AAU with Oden, etc.). He is not known as a hater. He is just giving his little bit of insight gained from 4 years in the OSU athletic program.

Re: College Football

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:28 pm
by crashcourse
they are investigating 52 transactions between ohiostate players and dealers

along with a lot more selling rings jerseys etc ... estigation

bye bye tressell for 2011 and beyond