Florida State Seminoles

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:06 am

"but expecting Jeff Sessions to reign in a rogue DOJ official who used a unvetted campaign financed document to justify spying on an American presidential candidate is out of line."

As long as no one breaks into your car, it's cool...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:07 am

hedge wrote:
Professor Tiger wrote:This is a great way for the Deep State to get past the Trump-Cohen attorney-client privelege. I’m sure that when the FBI raided Cohen’s office, for whoever’s “investigation,” they followed orders and went straight to files containing everything that Trump has ever communicated to his personal attorney, and then passed them along to Mueller.

Given all the partisan corruption and criminality and abuse of power that has been going on at FBI and DOJ, I’d be shocked if that didn’t happen.
Wrong again. If Cohen comes up on any charges based on anything he thinks is inadmissible due to attorney/client privilege, he has a right and a full opportunity to have a hearing before a judge to have it excluded. Of course, if that judge rules against him, it will just be more evidence of your "deep state" conspiracy. But then, if he gets convicted, he can appeal and by saying the original judge ruled improperly on his motion. That can go all the way up to the supreme court. I wonder if those guys are also in on the conspiracy? I guess it would depend on which way they rule, right? Once again, it's like that article Cletus posted the other day. Prof thinks he's an expert on everything now (in this case, attorney/client privilege), if a real expert (in this case, a federal judge) contradicts Prof's understanding of the issue, that's just further evidence of a conspiracy. Prof's the real expert here, and in all cases. Right, Prof?

that won't be how it happens given this FBI - they know they can't go against attorney client privilege so they will just leak it out to the press. Once its out in the public domain then its open season to proceed however they wish.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:21 am

Professor Tiger wrote:
Tick, you have told us countless times for over a year now that Trump had colluded with the Russians to throw the US election
not even once
There was never any actual proof to support that conspiracy theory
not true
but you assured us over and over again that it was coming
nope .
Well, it never did.
look up "ongoing"
And last week, the entire edifice of Trump Derangement Syndrome black helicopter watching society came crashing down when Mueller told Trump's lawyers he wasn't even the subject of his investigation anymore.
More lies. He WAS labeled a subject. And "anymore" is also your invention.
So now that the Trump-Russia narrative has been a colossal epic fail
colossal epic?
are you are seriously urging us to "bet our life" on another one of your kook crackpot tinfoil hat conspiracy theories?
I said you could bet trump has broken the law. It's a sure thing - he has fractured several laws through the years.

Seriously,dude - bone up on the meaning of "ongoing."
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:30 am

Prof is projecting. The whole "Trump derangement syndrome" is more aptly descriptive of his own derangement, i.e., that Trump has never done anything wrong and is belongs in the pantheon of noble, upright presidents alongside Washington and Lincoln...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:53 am

The FBI and DOJ have already proven that they have one consuming goal - to force Trump from office. That's it. That's the first thing they think about when they wake up in the morning, and the last thing they think about when they go to bed at night. Since they failed to get rid of Trump by legal means, they have already proven that they are perfectly willing to do so by illegal means, e.g., the Hillary campaign>Russians>bogus pee pee dossier>fraudulent FISA warrant> spying on Carter Page>spying on the campaign of Hillary's opponent. That is not a theory. That is a fact. That really happened. That is simply outrageous.

In a normal criminal justice system, you start with evidence of a crime. Then you look at evidence that points to the person who committed that crime. Then you charge and prosecute that person based on evidence.

But in the current Trump Derangement Syndrome Venezuelan justice system we have right now, the FBI and DOJ start with the person that they want to get rid of - Trump. Then they cooked up the dubious crime of colluding with Russia that Trump supposedly committed. Then they tried to find evidence that he committed the that crime. Since they couldn't find any evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, they just started making stuff up and breaking the law themselves to get rid of Trump. Now they are frantically to find ANY crime to get Trump.

Maybe you are okay with the FBI and DOJ seizing privileged communications between an attorney and client, but I am not.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:09 am

7 years ago a German law student did a project in school on internet privacy. He asked facebook to send all the information they had on him.
At the time Facebook was still pretty bold about all this and saw data collection on people as a source of pride for them. They sent the guy over 1,000 pages of material they had on him.

He was so stunned he brought it up to authorities and took them to court. The result was Germany and by extension Europe enacted laws to force facebook to stop data collecting on its citizens to the degree it does.

He was being interviewed this morning and basically his take was , of course, that Zuckerburg is clearly lying about all of this - and there are hundreds of Cambridge Analytica's out there doing data scraping.

Again, I'm not as worked up as some people about this. I try to have a fairly limited footprint on social media in regards to things that can come back to bite me. You guys taught me a lesson on posting Lee Harvey Oswald gun photos of myself, that's for sure. The bigger concern here is the targeted advertising of political influence, its employers, insurance companies, police and local government using data scraping to investigate you - and ultimately going after you in one way or another because social media allows this collection of data.

What is most interesting to me is that the FCC under Net Neutrality laws would be able to get on top of this, if it really were a big deal, but they shot themselves in the foot by dismantling it in favor of big business so that cable companies could potentially rake in huge profits.
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:27 am

"The FBI and DOJ have already proven that they have one consuming goal - to force Trump from office. That's it."

Textbook definition of "conspiracy"...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:47 am

Parkland Students: "Hey FBI, we are concerned about a guy making terrorist threats against us"
FBI: "sorry kids, nothing we can do"
Porn Star: "I want to break a confidentiality agreement with the President for having sex with him 7 years ago"
FBI: "we're going to see that justice is served
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Saint » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:10 am

It's only a matter of time before Trump fucks up so bad that they all turn on him. Except Prof. He'll still be clinging to hope that Trump will defeat all of his enemies, real and imagined. But mostly imagined.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:15 am

Professor Tiger wrote:Tick, you have told us countless times for over a year now that Trump had colluded with the Russians to throw the US election
bluetick wrote:not even once
Professor Tiger wrote:but you assured us over and over again that it was coming

bluetick wrote:nope

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
Postby bluetick » Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:23 am
You called it from the start, rat - Trump is surely due for an early exit. It's only a question of how he goes out - in cuffs, bagged with a toe tag, or running out the back to a getaway car/copter.
Re: Florida State Seminoles
Postby bluetick » Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:53 am
Trump Campaign Aides Had Numerous Contacts With Russian Intelligence - NY Times 6 hrs ago
a leak here, an iceberg there..
Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
Postby bluetick » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:53 pm
Stick with your original instincts. They WILL have something on Trump; it's gonna happen. Just like that republican pol's comment about rape...maybe you oughta relax and enjoy it.
Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
Postby bluetick » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:34 pm
Once Michael Flynn gets his immunity deal, and then Manafort and Paige get theirs - this lame effort to deflect attention to the whistleblowers will dissolve into nothingness.
Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
Postby bluetick » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:02 pm
You said it yourself - he's already in deep shit. Merely confirming what's already a given isn't going to give him the immunity he craves. He's going to have to roll over on somebody, wouldn't you agree?
Ah well. It just takes one domino to get the show rolling.
Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
Postby bluetick » Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:52 pm
Uh oh. According to the Wall Street Journal, Flynn made that request of the FBI and the House and Senate Committees. And so far none of the 3 have accepted his immunity offer.
What do you think prof - give the General immunity or not? Sorry to interrupt your inane stand-up routines, but "shit's gettin' real bruh."
I could post plenty more, but you get the idea. Why do you lie, Tick?
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:50 pm

Trump is going down!

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:21 pm

Keep digging, prof - none of that has me saying "trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election." Not in any form.

I could be proven wrong, but I've always and without equivocation stated I didn't think Putin or Russia altered the election. However I'm certain Vlad has info damaging to Donnie, surely financial but the sordid stuff is certainly a possibility. Trump has been cozy with the russkies for a long time, and ditto for all his people. Manafort's Ukraine-rebel millions dovetails with the changes to the RNC platform regarding Ukrainian sovereignty. The many millions of dollars and rubles laundered in Cyprus. Eric Prince in the Seychelles, Cohen in Moscow re: another trump tower, Carter Paige the russkie 'expert'. The yuge meeting in Trump Tower. Flynn and Kislyak, Sessions and Kislyak,

And ALL of it was lied about. Which brought on Mueller. And the investigation is "ongoing." Trump may answer questions, yet he's just as likely to try to axe Mueller. Either option could prove fatal to Donnie's presidency. Notice the qualifier "could." Or don't notice, as is your want.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Cletus » Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:04 pm

So far this year, the president has changed his secretary of state, national security adviser, veterans affairs secretary, CIA director, chief economic adviser, staff secretary, communications director and most, if not all, of his legal team. It's possible that this kind of turnover is not good.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:04 pm

Cletus, I agree with you on that. Staff turnover like that is bad for any president, including Trump.

There is an interesting theory out there that Lurch is goading Trump into firing him. I don't necessarily buy it, but it makes sense. Since Mueller can't find anything on Trump-Russia collusion, he would rather get fired by Trump and solidify his rock star status among the Left, than sit there, in his wheelchair, soaking his depends, sometime in Chelsea's second term as POTUS, and admit he couldn't find anything on Trump.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:13 pm

if any of us had been standing around the white house when he first got elected, we'd probably have jobs in his administration too
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:17 pm

Keep digging, prof - none of that has me saying "trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election." Not in any form.
Okay, then help me out here: If you never said that Trump colluded with the Russians in any form" then when you said, "Trump is surely due for an early exit. It's only a question of how he goes out - in cuffs, bagged with a toe tag, or running out the back to a getaway car/copter" what circumstances were you referring to that you think would lead to that early exit in a getaway car/copter?

If you never said that "Trump colluded with the Russians in any form," then when you said, "They WILL have something on Trump," what exactly would that "something" be?

If you never said that "Trump colluded with the Russians in any form," then when you said, "...a leak here, an iceberg there.." what exactly was the "iceberg" that you were actually referring to?

If you never said that "Trump colluded with the Russians in any form," then when you said, "It just takes one domino to get the show rolling," what was exactly was the "domino" that you were referring to?

If you never said that "Trump colluded with the Russians in any form," then when you said, "...but "shit's gettin' real bruh," what is the "shit" you are referring to?

If you are going to say with a straight face say that you never said, "Trump colluded with the Russians in any form," then I will start asserting that I never supported Trump in any form. Both those statements are equally ludicrous.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:41 pm

Professor Tiger wrote: There was never any actual proof to support that conspiracy theory [that Trump colluded with the Russians]
Bluetick wrote: not true

And finally, this:

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections...There is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time.” -President Obama, 2016.

If you disagree with President Obama, then you are a KKK racist.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:40 pm

Trump lied. Hopefully hedge died.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by sardis » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:55 am

Trump's being goaded by the Washington establishment into getting involved in Syria. I don't see why we should be there. This is Iraq all over again.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:32 am

Trump is part of a group that believes we have a moral obligation to stop Syria from using chemical weapons

Russia has said they will shoot down any missiles that attack Syria

Trump response was this

Donald J. Trump
‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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