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Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:15 pm
by crotch

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:22 pm
by Saint
'61 violations were point-shaving, I believe. I thought we covered that at

The problem with the passage eCat posted is that idiot jocks always get special help so why should it be any different with fake courses? Try to keep up.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:23 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:'61 violations were point-shaving, I believe. I thought we covered that at

The problem with the passage eCat posted is that idiot jocks always get special help so why should it be any different with fake courses? Try to keep up.
if special help is impermissible benefits, then its cheating.

Your own bought and paid for guy says it is.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:26 pm
by Saint
Special help could be any type of tutoring then. Or having an academic advisor for just one team, like John Thompson had at Georgetown and now most teams have that.

[JR Ewing voice]: You're reaching, boy.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:32 pm
by hedge
You've read "fake classes" so many times that you believe it. An easy class isn't a fake class. Work was required. You may scoff at the stringency of the requirements, but they were there and work had to be turned in. Independent studies are standard at every school.

"Finally, it must be noted that the claim inherent in Allegation 1 that the classes in question were not academically substantive is not only false; it is also exceedingly harmful to the thousands of students who worked hard to write thoughtful term papers. This unfounded devaluation of these students’ education—and by extension their degrees—is irresponsible, and the NCAA should stop maligning former students’ reputations by continuing to bring factually unsupported claims related to the quality of their course work."

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:35 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:Special help could be any type of tutoring then. Or having an academic advisor for just one team, like John Thompson had at Georgetown and now most teams have that.

[JR Ewing voice]: You're reaching, boy.
I'm not the one that wrote the report that UNC submitted to the NCAA.

You're as bad as the UNC fan boys that just ignore whats in front of them.

You can classify it any way you want. Wainstein has laid it out that athletes were given preferential treatment and access to classes the general population was not, had assistance to the extent that work was done for them and benefited from this with the purpose of being eligible in some cases with Athletic personnel requesting and receiving course grades for the athletes. That's a long fucking way from bunny classes.

I can't predict what the NCAA will do , but there is one thing that is not up for debate. UNC athletes received impermissible benefits to stay eligible.

If you want to tell me Wainstein is a liar, fine. But no one is listening to the "they were just bunny classes" horseshit you're trying to sell. Have some fucking integrity and just admit what it is. Your college cheated and they are trying to get out of it on a technicality.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:47 pm
by Saint
Nope. UNC never broke a rule. "Impermissible benefits" can be stretched in any way they want but I'm still waiting for anyone to point to the concrete rule that UNC broke. It won't happen bc there isn't one and the catch-all "impermissible benefits" is all anyone can come up with.

The stuff you're talking about had to do with the football team and that punishment was already served.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:52 pm
by eCat
ok, I'd like to say lets let it play out but I don't have faith that the NCAA is going to do whatever

but you and I know what you just typed is complete horseshit

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:55 pm
by Saint
What is horseshit is that UNC tried to pull this off and sold its academic soul. What isn't horseshit is that the NCAA came up with this lame graduation rate rule and UNC exploited it. It's also horseshit that I and most UNC fans believed the school was about academic integrity for many years. I know better now but I still maintain UNC found a loophole and exploited it and the NCAA is like, "I know you did something! I don't know what it is but you're in trouble anyway!"

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:52 pm
by Professor Tiger
Like the New England Patriots, UNC is too big to fail.
"Finally, it must be noted that the claim inherent in Allegation 1 that the classes in question were not academically substantive is not only false; it is also exceedingly harmful to the thousands of students who worked hard to write thoughtful term papers. This unfounded devaluation of these students’ education—and by extension their degrees—is irresponsible, and the NCAA should stop maligning former students’ reputations by continuing to bring factually unsupported claims related to the quality of their course work."
^Reminds me of...


Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:00 pm
by Saint
Man, Tubby Smith is getting excoriated by all these Memphis players. I'll bet that old cnnsi poster China Cat is enjoying this. Wasn't he the one who constantly posted tubbysux?

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:59 am
by eCat

I wouldn't have advised those kids to go on snapchat and scream Fuck Tubby Smith, but it seems a natural reaction when a man demotes your father to bring in his son.

Its unbelievable to me that the AD at Memphis gave this man a $15m contract after his stints at Minnesota and Texas Tech. Might be different if he was a young Shaka Smart type coach, but a man who is clearly marking off the days on his calendar while trying to setup his son is not the guy you bring a wheelbarrow full of money to

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:42 pm
by crotch

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:22 am
by eCat
I watched another highlight tape of Zion Williamson again. I don't think I want this kid at Kentucky.

Every dunk is followed by a stare down. And the problem is he is dunking over 5' 10" kids.

Not a fan.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:19 am
by hedge
"The world lost a great man with the recent passing of Tilford L. Underwood of Paducah yesterday."

Anybody you know, eCat?

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:45 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:
"The world lost a great man with the recent passing of Tilford L. Underwood of Paducah yesterday."

Anybody you know, eCat?

no, its a small town but I've been removed for several years

Tilford, which you would think is an uncommon name was pretty common around there.

I knew 2 Tilfords.

One of them ran a garage and knew my dad well. He pulled me aside one day and said , next time your Dad decides to work on the car (or tractor in this case), take the wrench away from him and call me. It will save you money in the long run.

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:46 am
by hedge
Did you pay heed?

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:49 am
by eCat
he would have beat my ass if I did anything close to that.

then he would have went down to Tilford's garage and drove his truck thru the front door.

Tilford had the Moss brothers working for him, one was a year older than me. We got along alright but never really hung out. For some reason I was down there - probably related to my dads inability to properly fix a vehicle, and Keith was showing me how to use an electric grease gun. Except he didn't have the nipple firmly on and when he pressed the knob grease shot out and hit his brother. He had a line of grease from his forehead down his face and onto his chest.

It was on after that. Keith tried to run but he was laughing so hard Tommy caught him and wailed on him for a good 2 minutes.

Shit like that happened every day with those people. Not enough though. Maybe it wasn't electric now that I think about it, it was probably air. Not that its relevant to the story

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:28 am
by hedge
I like how you added "probably related to my dads inability to properly fix a vehicle"...

Re: Ostensibly Hoops

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:35 pm
by eCat
new information is reaching the surface on UL and their agreement with the Yum! Center, so much so that Papa John's founder went off on the AD, Jurich at a board meeting.

The Yum! Center will be bankrupt in 2021 unless there is an overhaul and a taxpayer bailout. Part of the reason its going under is the sweetheart deal that UL got when the Yum! Center was built.

Not only do they get a cut of profits from basketball games but they get a cut of profits from any event held in the arena.

Now, UL has to pay fees, etc, for their use of the Center but there is money going in and money going out. Its estimated that UL gets somewhere in the neighborhood of $80m a year from the Yum! Center.

In 2009 , both UK and UL basketball athletics had revenues somewhere around $17m. At the end of 2010 when the Yum! Center was opened, UL's athletic revenue shot up to $28m.

That's at least $10m than any other major school. At the same time word gets out that the UL AD, Tom Jurich gets a $7m off the books bonus , supposedly for his efforts in making the program see this kind of revenue jump and fielding top teams in basketball and football.

Papa Johns said at the board meeting based on his numbers, the Yum! Center has about 35 days of operating capital left. That has been disputed , but he is disgusted enough that I believe he's threaten to pull support of UL athletics.