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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:09 am
by bluetick
In Tennessee somebody white armed with a semi-automatic is known as a 'neighbor.'

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:32 am
by crashcourse

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:14 am
by Toemeesleather
The American economy remains weak, with growth at the lowest level in more than three decades....

The U.S. has added 11.5 million jobs during the five years of labor-force expansion through June, but the number of full-time jobs today is 0.7%, or 822,000, lower than it was at the prerecession peak—and that was eight years ago. What we have seen within these numbers is a dramatic and unexpected increase in part-time jobs. Millions more are jobless or not looking for work though they are of prime working age....Those who work fewer than 35 hours a week account for a larger share of employment than before the recession, as this newspaper has reported. With about 2.4 million part-time employees today, that number is 84% higher than the 2003-07 average—a major reason that wage growth has been so sluggish.

....Business investment is lackluster. Productivity has fallen off. It is much more difficult for wages to rise unless they are supported by growth in productivity. So how can we raise productivity? Fewer and simpler regulations would be an enormous help...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:31 am
by Professor Tiger
It is much more difficult for wages to rise unless they are supported by growth in productivity. So how can we raise productivity?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:28 am
by Johnette's Daddy
12 year old THUG shot by cop?


7 year old THUG shot by cops? ... -02282.jpg

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:20 pm
by Toemeesleather
U.S. oil prices headed for their eighth consecutive week of falls on Friday, the longest losing streak since 1986, after a sharp drop in Chinese manufacturing increased worries over the health of the world's biggest energy consumer.

The following comment about the above is in tribute to tick's love of lying and liars....

Thank you Obama. As you, and your soon to be successor know, the truth matters.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:00 pm
by Toemeesleather

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:20 pm
by crashcourse
don't forget the 13 yo ... -1.1494144

and don't forget this kid ... e-outrage/

stupidity on the part of kids just like going swimming in unknown waters or texting while driving sometimes kids do stupid things that cost them their lives.

race has little to do with it

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:51 am
by innocentbystander
About Trump and his campaign platform regarding immigration (legal and illegal) and the concept of anchor babies and the 14 Amendment, I'll just leave this youtube here....


Okay so what is this and what is going on? This is a scene from the greatest mini-series in television history, The Captains and Kings. In this scene taking place in 1888 somewhere in Pennsylvania, two powerful men (one an Irishman who escaped the famine to build a fortune as an oil baron in the United States, the other a Pennsylvania Senator) are discussing an immigration bill. The Senator (played by Henry Fonda) is a liberal Democrat, pro-union, and vehemently anti-immigration. The Senator will stop at nothing to prevent any and all immigration into the United States because he knows that the immigrants would compete with current US citizens on wages thus under-cutting the leverage and collective bargaining power of unions. The oil baron (played by Richard Jordan) is a prick, a true member of the capitalist super-rich of the end of the 19th century. He wants to flood the United States with immigrant labor for the sole purpose of reducing worker wages as low as they can go, thus keeping the maximum amount of profit from his oil drilling and refining business.

Okay so what is the point of that and what does that have to do with Trump, immigration, and the 14th Amendment? The point is that it was clear to liberals in 1888 (as much as it was clear to liberals in 1976 when this mini-series was filmed) that immigration was a bad thing for the poor. Immigration hurt workers by cannibalizing their earning power and harming their ability to negotiate better wages with their employers. That was a liberal position. It was only the super wealthy (like our oil baron here) who had no fear of immigration hurting his wealth because he didn't actually... work. He just owned things, ran things, and kept the profit. His wealth was created by raw capitalism. He wanted immigration, legal AND illegal (much the way business and our Chamber of Commerce does today) because it just makes him richer and it wont be HIS JOB that they immigrants are taking. So in order to secure the Senator's vote, the oil baron blackmails the Senator by going public to tell the still very racist 1888 United States that he is 25% African-American, a fact that they all know (in that room) would cost the Senator's daughter her marriage and her future.

Today, liberals are foolish enough to think that they are supposed to LIKE immigration. Why? WHY???? Why on earth should liberals support immigration in any sense? Immigration (legal or illegal) can only hurt the working poor of the United States. It can not help them. It undermines their earning power. Same thing with H1B Visas. Those things undermine MY earning power!!!!! The H1B Visa for the temp worker from India was created by big business for the sole purpose of undermining the earning power of the middle class technology employee. And yet, liberals (today) have been brainwashed into thinking they need to support that as well?


Trump gets all this. What Trump is proposing is really a policy that liberals got behind 40 years ago (a policy that liberals knew to support 100 years ago) the only policy where liberals and paleo-conservatives like Pat Buchanan, totally agreed in principle. Stop immigration. Deport all the illegals. STOP calling them undocumented workers. Call them out for what they are, people who harm the poor.

There is only one candidate in this election that is doing ANYTHING for poor African-Americans, Donald Trump. The only social policy that is better than a paycheck, is a bigger paycheck. And if all the illegals were deported tomorrow and all immigration ceased (for 10 years at least) the one ethnic group that would gain the most financially as a result of that is poor, inner-city, African-Americans. They would be able to negotiate ANY policy with employers, anything at all, and command much bigger paychecks for entry level work. We wouldn't need a $15 minimum wage mandated by government. The minimum wages would ALL float up to $15 pretty much everywhere (by the free market) or else the business would have NO LABOR to do the work! And for those businesses that demand immigrant labor because their product isn't worth anything and they can't afford to raise wages to get US citizens to do the work, well, they can go out of business as far as I'm concerned.

The 14th Amendment was a Civil War Amendment. It was created for the sole purpose of forcing the racist South (that lost the war) to recognize the babies of former slaves (now freed blacks) as US citizens. That is all. That was the only purpose for that Amendment. It was NEVER to encourage pregnant foreigners to play Red Rover with our Border Patrol to give their kids US citizenship. Trump understands this, why can't we all? Can't people crack a simply history book?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:21 am
by Dr. Strangelove
bluetick wrote:In Tennessee somebody white armed with a semi-automatic is known as a 'neighbor.'
A white person in Tennessee openly carrying a gun is a proud patriot and lover of the 2nd Amendment.

A black person in Tennessee openly carrying a gun is a thug and obvious criminal. Take no chances, cops!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:24 am
by Dr. Strangelove
Oh and sarcastic thanks to Obama for ruining the Chinese economy. Thanks a lot, you asshole!!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:30 am
by AlabamAlum

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:16 pm
by Professor Tiger
Today, liberals are foolish enough to think that they are supposeid to LIKE immigration. Why? WHY???? Why on earth should liberals support immigration in any sense? Immigration (legal or illegal) can only hurt the working poor of the United States.
You missed the obvious answer to your question. Establishment conservatives love millions of illegal aliens because they dramatically depress wages, which is good for businesses and their profits. Liberals love millions of illegal aliens and their high birth rates because they are extremely likely to create a whole new and huge Democrat voting block. If that Latino voting continues to grow exponentially, and they vote Democrat as robotically as blacks do, the Dem's will every election forever.

Donald Trump is doing everything he can to drive the Latino vote into the Dem's' awaiting arms, assuring the long-term death of the GOP. I suspect Trump is a Dem mole. He is doing more to destroy the R's and assure the ascendancy of the D's of any candidate out there.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:01 pm
by innocentbystander
Professor Tiger wrote:
Today, liberals are foolish enough to think that they are supposeid to LIKE immigration. Why? WHY???? Why on earth should liberals support immigration in any sense? Immigration (legal or illegal) can only hurt the working poor of the United States.
You missed the obvious answer to your question. Establishment conservatives love millions of illegal aliens because they dramatically depress wages, which is good for businesses and their profits.
Professor Tiger wrote:Liberals love millions of illegal aliens and their high birth rates because they are extremely likely to create a whole new and huge Democrat voting block. If that Latino voting continues to grow exponentially, and they vote Democrat as robotically as blacks do, the Dem's will every election forever.
Well this was going to happen anyway. Demographics means Romney (who had much-MUCH larger voting majority percentages of white and married voters than Reagan had in 1980) loses in 2012. We both know that. 4 years later, it is now just worse for the GOP. Demographics (alone) means that Jeb!/Rubio/Cruz/Trump/Christie loses EVEN WORSE in 2016 unless the GOP can shift the narrative.
Professor Tiger wrote:Donald Trump is doing everything he can to drive the Latino vote into the Dem's' awaiting arms, assuring the long-term death of the GOP.
Being married to a Hispanic woman or being a child of Cuban immigrants (alone) does not make Hispanics want to vote for the GOP. Jeb!, Rubio, Cruz, Christie, none of these guys have done a darn thing to shift the political narrative. They can NOT out pander the Democrats to minority voters. That will never happen. That is not in the nature of the GOP. Try and do that and I wont vote for them.

You have to figure out what minorities really want and what will make them vote GOP. They want what the Irish and the Italians wanted (and got) at the turn of the 20th century. They wanted a chance to get rich. Only after they see real wealth in their pocket from working hard will they ever think about swapping from the Dem to GOP. I'm guessing Trump figured that out a while ago...

Trump is trying to shift the narrative. With his anti-immigration crusade, he is betting that minority US citizens (that were going to vote for HRC anyway) are going to swap to Trump because he is trying to preserve the value of their work, preserve their earning power to give them a chance to become... richer. That is a really big gamble, but a gamble the GOP has to take (eventually) given that white people have basically stopped reproducing themselves.

The liberal Democrats don't give a f-ck how much blacks or Hispanics make in the inner city or if they even have a job. They just want the votes. Here kids, take some affirmative action programs, some welfare, some section-8-housing, some W-I-C, some EBT, some disability, some public rhetoric against the racist police department, and we'll see you in November for your support. I want minorities to make.... money. I want whatever labor they can do (legally) to give them the maximum earning capacity they can get WITHOUT government oversight. A $15 minimum wage legislation (and leave all the immigrants where they are or worse, give them amnesty) just means businesses go out of business. Which is fine for liberal Democrats, they just want the votes (as you said.) Take away immigrants (legal and illegal) and you strip local business of all its cheap labor power, they are FORCED to raise wages for minority US citizens or... go out business. There is no third way.
Professor Tiger wrote:I suspect Trump is a Dem mole. He is doing more to destroy the R's and assure the ascendancy of the D's of any candidate out there.
I suspected this 2 months ago. If you had asked me then I would have guaranteed that you were right, that this was all a gag just to hurt the GOP. Now? (With Trump actually kicking all the other GOP candidate's collective @sses) I am not so sure. Now, I think the Donald might actually be.... sincere.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:58 pm
by Professor Tiger
The Donald is kicking all the GOP rivals is precisely what he is supposed to as a mole. Phase 2 is if he doesn't win the nomination and goes Ross Perot, and even an indicted and presidentially pardoned Hillary can beat the R nominee.

The folly of Trump and the R base attacking Latinos is the latter are not a natural fit with the Dem party. Most Latinos I see work their butts off in the hot Georgia sun laying roof tiles, digging ditches, etc. They are not yet addicted to the liberal welfare state. Also, they tend to be very religious - mostly Catholic but some Pentecostal. They are not yearning to join the Dem's current LGBT obsession. They also value family - traditional family, not the new version. They could easily be like the Irish and Italians and split between R's and D's.

But overt GOP hostility against them, as epitomized by Trump, will make them Deep blue Democrats for sure. I can't blame them.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:01 pm
by 10ac
At this point, what does it matter?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:20 pm
by Dr. Strangelove
AlabamAlum wrote:Hello

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:00 am
by Johnette's Daddy
Professor Tiger wrote:The folly of Trump and the R base attacking Latinos is the latter are not a natural fit with the Dem party. Most Latinos I see work their butts off in the hot Georgia sun laying roof tiles, digging ditches, etc. They are not yet addicted to the liberal welfare state. Also, they tend to be very religious - mostly Catholic but some Pentecostal. They are not yearning to join the Dem's current LGBT obsession. They also value family - traditional family, not the new version. They could easily be like the Irish and Italians and split between R's and D's.
That is precisely why the GOP will get its ass kicked again among minority voters.

You have a paternalistic view of the happy immigrant, grateful for the opportunity to scrub white folks' floors, change white babies' shitty diapers and mow white people's lawns for $200/week, regardless of the fact that they're working 80-100 hours. The little poor-but-honest, dumb-but-earnest, broken english speaking Chuy and Ana.

The problem is - neither Chuy nor Ana votes. They probably can't. Their kids and grandkids - who are educated and increasingly upper middle class - do vote, and at ever growing levels. They remember how Chuy and Ana were exploited, degraded and vilified by rich white folks who now want to build a wall and deny other Chuys the access that Ian, Wolfgang, Patrick, Josep, Rebecca and a host of white folks have had for 4 centuries.

So we agree - they'll become a legacy block for the Dems.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:19 am
by hedge

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:25 pm
by Professor Tiger
It's German for "The Man."