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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:58 pm
by bluetick
Toemeesleather wrote:So your point is...because of China's disregard for the environment and its people, we should shut down the US coal industry, increase everybody's utility bill, and idle thousands of US workers.
My point was/is.. coal is nasty.

I just threw in the American Lung Association stuff there at the end because I know how you like a body count (50 California condors killed by wind turbines since 2011 - OMFG!!!11!!!).

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:01 pm
by bluetick
Toemeesleather wrote:on their best days, they care about middle-class people, the poor, the sick, and the hungry..

Delusional. Forcing energy prices higher, shutting down industries for your political agenda, keeping unemployment for coloreds higher than whites, open borders for any terrorist/felon who wants to come in?? What planet/drug you on?
My God.. is that you Uncle Gaylord?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:13 pm
by sardis
bluetick wrote:
sardis wrote:Well, it did refute your ridiculous statement.
How so? His U.S. stats have nothing to do with my assertion that modern-day Shanghai is in worse shape coal-smoke-wise than Victorian London.

The Cost of China's Dependence on Coal - 670,000 Deaths a Year - Fortune Magazine ... hs-a-year/
This was your quote:

"Coal is just as nasty today as it was in Victorian times...worse, I suppose, if you have the guts to spend half a day in Shanghai or Beijing."

The first part of your statement implies coal is as bad everywhere and worse in China. He was showing that in the US it is burnt cleaner than in the past which is correct and refutes the first part of your outlandish claim.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:10 pm
by bluetick
sardis wrote:
bluetick wrote:
sardis wrote:Well, it did refute your ridiculous statement.
How so? His U.S. stats have nothing to do with my assertion that modern-day Shanghai is in worse shape coal-smoke-wise than Victorian London.

The Cost of China's Dependence on Coal - 670,000 Deaths a Year - Fortune Magazine ... hs-a-year/
This was your quote:

"Coal is just as nasty today as it was in Victorian times...worse, I suppose, if you have the guts to spend half a day in Shanghai or Beijing."

The first part of your statement implies coal is as bad everywhere and worse in China. He was showing that in the US it is burnt cleaner than in the past which is correct and refutes the first part of your outlandish claim.
Jesus, Sardis..cherrypicking much? My nasty coal comment dealt with getting it out of the ground and dealing with the residue, not just the burning. Which hits close to home, since the Kingston Ash Spill occurred just 30 miles west of of the worst ecological disasters in U.S. history. You reckon the Victorians ever built an entire mountain of coal ash and watched it crumble and flatten entire neighborhoods, and spoil an entire river? And mountaintop removal mining is a 20th century scourge which also hits close to home.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:13 pm
by Toemeesleather
Professor Tiger wrote:I know that I'm on firm footing when I piss off liberals AND corporatist conservatives.

Parroting the msm re: liberals caring for the poor....if that gives you the warm and fuzzies, so be it. Tell the truth, were you and Ted Kennedy drinking buddies?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:44 pm
by sardis
How so? His U.S. stats have nothing to do with my assertion that modern-day Shanghai is in worse shape coal-smoke-wise than Victorian London.

The Cost of China's Dependence on Coal - 670,000 Deaths a Year - Fortune Magazine ... hs-a-year/[/quote]

This was your quote:

"Coal is just as nasty today as it was in Victorian times...worse, I suppose, if you have the guts to spend half a day in Shanghai or Beijing."

"The first part of your statement implies coal is as bad everywhere and worse in China. He was showing that in the US it is burnt cleaner than in the past which is correct and refutes the first part of your outlandish claim."[/quote]

"Jesus, Sardis..cherrypicking much? My nasty coal comment dealt with getting it out of the ground and dealing with the residue, not just the burning. Which hits close to home, since the Kingston Ash Spill occurred just 30 miles west of of the worst ecological disasters in U.S. history. You reckon the Victorians ever built an entire mountain of coal ash and watched it crumble and flatten entire neighborhoods, and spoil an entire river? And mountaintop removal mining is a 20th century scourge which also hits close to home."[/quote]

You know what hits close to home? Growing up in a coal mining family in Western Pennsylvania seeing families and rural communities fall into recession, having to go bankrupt, and having whole generations move out of the area. You tree hugging panty wetters don't consider the livelihoods of people when you put into practice your wild ass theories.

Oh, but let me apologize for dumping coal ash 30 miles away from you. I'm sure the fatalities were incredible.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:50 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:40 pm
by Professor Tiger
Toemeesleather wrote:
Professor Tiger wrote:I know that I'm on firm footing when I piss off liberals AND corporatist conservatives.

Parroting the msm re: liberals caring for the poor....if that gives you the warm and fuzzies, so be it. Tell the truth, were you and Ted Kennedy drinking buddies?
The reason I said that liberals, on their best days care for the poor, is because, by every indication, liberals on their best days care for the poor. The only reason we are not all living in an "Oliver Twist" world is the liberals passed laws against working 12 year olds in coal mines 18 hours a day and leaving them to rot when they got black lung disease by age 16.

Corporatist conservatives show their compassion for the poor by vowing to slash food stamps and Medicare/Medicaid.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:05 pm
by innocentbystander
Okay so..... wife went online last night and scored me free tickets to the "sold out" Trump event at the Phoenix Convention Center this afternoon. I'm going. I am not Trump fan (not at all) but I'm going. I just want to check this sh-t out. I'll let everyone know how it goes, all the details.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:54 pm
by Professor Tiger
I just want to know how he gets his hair to look like that.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:21 pm
by Professor Tiger
So, IB, are you now on the Trump bandwagon (i.e. The Donald is The Willard version 2.0)?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:40 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:14 pm
by innocentbystander
Professor Tiger wrote:So, IB, are you now on the Trump bandwagon (i.e. The Donald is The Willard version 2.0)?
No I am not. I just wanted to go to see what it was like. He's funny.

There were (at most) 50 protestors. They just kept yelling f bombs at everyone, yelling f bombs even at the little kids waiting in line, telling everyone we are all racist and we're all going to Hell right along with TrumpMchaliburtonBushHitler. Maybe 5 of them were wearing those BS V for Vendetta masks that were at the Occupy Wall Street Bullsh-t. Cops did nothing, didn't even touch them. They just stood there like drones. No was arrested.

We get inside and a black Pastor leads us all in prayer. Then we go through these long lists of Amens very Christian.

So Sheriff Joe comes out and says of his 8500 inmates, about 38% are illegal aliens. Everyone howls, kick 'em out of the country, rah RAH! Red meat!

Then this mother of a slain Maricopa County police office comes on and she says her son was killed by an illegal immigrant. This guy who killer her son had been arrested 3 other times, but never deported because Democrats wouldn't hear of it. So he goes on a meth bender and drives the wrong way down a highway and runs head on into her son's car and kills him instantly. And I'm thinking, Trump is pretty smart putting her on.

Then we had (like) 30 minutes of music, both kinds, Country AND Western.

Then we got Trump. He comes out with the full comb over, everyone goes nuts. He talks about PGA renting something of his and then calling him to tell him they were cancelling. So he smiles and says..... "So I cashed their deposit, and rented it out to someone else for more money. Two for One!" Everyone screams, hell yeah!

Then he talks about NASCAR and the thing they cancelled. It was one of his ballrooms somewhere in Miami or something or other. So he smiles and says "SO I cashed their deposit...." Now everyone is laughing ".... and rented it out to someone else! Two for One! Hey I'm going to MAKE MONEY running for President!" Everyone howls.

Then he talks about NBC firing him and he said they begged him to do the Apprentice two months ago but he told them he couldn't because he was going to run for President. They knew more than two months ago but had a gag order. If he went on The Apprentice (by law) every other GOP candidate would have had an hour or two in this coming season for their campaigns. He wasn't going to do that so being "fired" by NBC was like.... nothing.

Then he gets to Macy's. He tells us that the owner of Macy's, his friend, called him two minutes before he was going to do some appearance somewhere to ask Trump, beg him really, to let Macy's out of their "tie" deal with Trump. And Trump is like, ".... I don't care, all those ties are made in China!" Everyone howls. Trump is laughing, he is having a grand old time. Then he tells everyone to cut up their Macy's cards. I think everyone did. (Insider trading alert, I don't even know if its publically traded or not, but if it is, dump your Macy's stock.)

Then lastly, Trump gets to Univision. Apparently, 70% of it is owned by the Mexican government. The Mexican government makes all the rules for Univision. And as a result of what they did with the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants, Trump is now suing them for..... wait for it.... $500,000,000. Yes half a billion. Everyone howls, they expect him to get it.

Then Trump introduces another token black guy, this one from Los Angeles who's son was shot and killed by another illegal alien. This guy had been arrested 4 times, been deported twice, but just... crossed the border, came right back and killed his son. If we enforced the border and put up a real wall, then his son would still be alive. And he says thanks to what Trump said 3 weeks ago, this man who buried his son, he start to feel HOPE for the first time in 7 years. More cheers, more red meat.

Trump mentioned Hillary like... once. That was it. He mentioned Jeb Bush (who Trump is beating now at #1) four or five times. Everyone in the audience is howling, no more Bush! No more Bush! We want TRUMP!!! We want TRUMP! The Donald sticks his hands in the air, goes around the audience gets all sorts of selfie pictures with all the tiny young pretty girls wearing Tempe-ASA-Hot slutty dresses, it was quaint.

All and all, it was fun. Am I supporting Trump now? Meh. I don't know?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:40 pm
by Johnette's Daddy
innocentbystander wrote:Then we got Trump. He comes out with the full comb over, everyone goes nuts. He talks about PGA renting something of his and then calling him to tell him they were cancelling. So he smiles and says..... "So I cashed their deposit, and rented it out to someone else for more money. Two for One!" Everyone screams, hell yeah!
Seriously - thanks for sharing. It's a great look into the other side for me. Of course, Trump needs to be fact checked:
Then lastly, Trump gets to Univision. Apparently, 70% of it is owned by the Mexican government.

Univision is owned by a consortium of Jewish billionaires and hedge funds (I know, redundant).

Haim Saban is the principal investor and he's a strong pro-Israel hawk . . . but also a big Hilary supporter.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:58 pm
by innocentbystander
Johnette's Daddy wrote:
innocentbystander wrote:Then we got Trump. He comes out with the full comb over, everyone goes nuts. He talks about PGA renting something of his and then calling him to tell him they were cancelling. So he smiles and says..... "So I cashed their deposit, and rented it out to someone else for more money. Two for One!" Everyone screams, hell yeah!
Seriously - thanks for sharing. It's a great look into the other side for me. Of course, Trump needs to be fact checked:
Then lastly, Trump gets to Univision. Apparently, 70% of it is owned by the Mexican government.

Univision is owned by a consortium of Jewish billionaires and hedge funds (I know, redundant).

Haim Saban is the principal investor and he's a strong pro-Israel hawk . . . but also a big Hilary supporter.
Well I'm sure he knows who owns Univision. I don't know why he would say that about the Mexican government or maybe I misunderstood what he was saying at that moment (entirely likely.)

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:19 pm
by Johnette's Daddy
1 - I'm sure Trump knows who owns Univision, and

2 - I'm sure he told the crowd that the Mexican government owns 70% of it.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:39 am
by Toemeesleather
Here's another example of the dems care for the poor....per PT. Repeat the cant, ignore the evidence.

On Saturday the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) endorsed Hillary Clinton—16 months before Election Day.

The endorsement is even more notable as another sign of Hillary’s left political turn. Democrats in New York and elsewhere have been debating education reform, but by embracing the AFT Mrs. Clinton is choosing the union status quo that opposes school choice and teacher accountability.

At the AFT executive council meeting in June, Mrs. Clinton sent the same signal by declaring that, “It is just dead wrong to make teachers the scapegoats for all of society’s problems. Where I come from, teachers are the solution. And I strongly believe that unions are part of the solution, too.”

The AFT wouldn’t be backing Hillary this early if it didn’t expect to be repaid in policy if she wins. Poor children will be the losers.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:17 am
by Professor Tiger
Liberals invented public schools. I'm sure the corporatist R's strenuously objected to the idea of public education since those toddlers needed to be back in the coal mines and textile factories where they belong instead wasting valuable time learning to read and wright.

But I will agree that liberals took a noble idea and mismanaged it for the past 70 years.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:31 am
by hedge
So your issue with "liberalism" is based on management, not core principles?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:28 am
by Johnette's Daddy
Carl Hiaasen: There will never be a President Trump


Before one more straight-faced political story is written about the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, the obvious begs to be stated: The man has absolutely no chance of winning.

Zero. Nada.

Write it down. Take it to the bank. Bet the farm.

This preening self-parody of an egomaniac will never, ever be elected president of the United States. He has more baggage than all the Kardashians put together, and less class. The only way he could win is if the Democrats nominate Bill Cosby.

Anyone who manages to defame an entire Hispanic nationality on his first day of campaigning will, inevitably, offend practically everybody . The early Republican polls showing Trump in second position behind Jeb Bush are hilarious — and meaningless.

Trump wears thin fast on voters. He isn’t the sharpest tack in the corkboard, but he has brains enough to know he can’t possibly capture his party’s nomination, much less the White House. So why is he running?

Many think it’s to boost the value of his “brand.” Trump is known for licensing his name to real-estate projects that he doesn’t plan, own, develop or manage. Basically you pay him for the right to hang the T-word on your building.

Some investors actually go for this. More than 180 of them put down deposits for the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Fort Lauderdale starting in 2005. They thought Trump was the developer because that’s what the advertising said.

Unfortunately, the actual developers were led by a convicted felon and ex-FBI informant named Felix Sater, who put together a partnership that did other name-licensing ventures with Trump (at least two have gone into foreclosure).

At the time the Fort Lauderdale Trump Tower began to rise, Sater had just pleaded guilty in a $40-million securities swindle involving Mafia members. Sater’s files had been sealed by a New York judge, so investors were unaware of the case.

The Fort Lauderdale project tanked. Trump took his name off of it when he stopped getting paid. Trump was later acquitted of engaging in deceptive business practices, a case that’s being appealed. Most buyers recouped part of their down payments in out-of-court settlements.

This is one of many stories that will resurface during Trump’s dead-end candidacy, raising questions about his judgment and greed. If you sell your name to a mob-connected felon who is peddling condos, it’s not enough to claim you “didn’t know him very well.”

That makes you sound lazy and careless, not ideal branding for a future president.

Philip Bump of the Washington Post has half-seriously suggested that Trump might really be running to sabotage the Republican Party and help Hillary Clinton, to whom he has donated generously.

Trump wasn’t always a conservative Republican. In the not-too distant past he advocated higher taxes for the wealthy, drug legalization and a single-payer healthcare system. He was also pro-choice.

Still, to believe Trump is on a sly mission to cause mayhem in the GOP gives him too much credit. His “birther” crusade against Democrat Barack Obama was authentically hateful.

Likewise, his recent “rapists” rant about Mexican immigrants was so toxic that it had to be unscripted, the sentiment coming from somewhere deep inside. (“I love the Mexican people!” he brayed belatedly to Anderson Cooper).

The rapist comment will go down as one of the stupidest political ad libs ever. Three minutes into his campaign, Trump destroyed any possibility of winning the Hispanic vote in this country, which is crucial.

The fact he won’t apologize tells you how vain and short-sighted he is.

If Trump lasts until the major primaries (he tends to quit early), he’ll get some votes but not nearly enough. By then, other Republican candidates will be gunning for him, with abundant ammunition.

Running a beauty pageant isn’t the same as running the war against ISIS. Nor does hosting Celebrity Apprentice qualify as practice for choosing a Cabinet, unless the country is ready for Gary Busey as the secretary of Defense.

Since there’s no chance Trump will be on the ballot in 2016, why are we writing about him? He’s loud, self-bloated and obnoxious — but he’ll probably make the cut for the upcoming GOP debates.

In past election years he was an entertaining sideshow. The gaseous way he exaggerated his wealth. His roadkill hair-do. The inane bombast.

But now that he’s trashing minorities, Trump is not so amusing — not to Univision, NBC Universal, Macy’s or even the PGA.

And not to most Americans, who don’t pick presidents based on how many condo towers bear their name. Trump is one that now stands for something cold and ugly.

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