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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:39 am
by Jungle Rat
Removing statues is stupid. It's history. Good or bad it's a part of what America is today. To wipe it away is to ignore what happened and that's not right. I'm in no way condoning what happened but it happened. Hell the Jews don't want the concentration camps destroyed because it's a reminder of what happened. This knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville is pathetic. We need to keep these statues up to teach what America was like back then. Not hide it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:09 am
by BigRedMan
Ecat : "people don't want equality, they want entitlement - a reason to believe why they should get something for their lot in life. I'm poor, I'm black, I'm a coal miner, I'm a southerner, I'm in California -just get up each day and recognize you're given the same opportunities as anyone else. In 2017, its not anyone's fault outside your home that you don't have what you think you should have."


Rat: "Removing statues is stupid. It's history. Good or bad it's a part of what America is today. To wipe it away is to ignore what happened and that's not right. I'm in no way condoning what happened but it happened. Hell the Jews don't want the concentration camps destroyed because it's a reminder of what happened. This knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville is pathetic. We need to keep these statues up to teach what America was like back then. Not hide it."

Holy Jesus. What the fuck is this? A rational thought? Something I 1000% agree with. Well said Rat. Well said.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:18 am
by BigRedMan
Since Trump has become President it seems like the country has become even MORE knee jerk reaction to stuff. Think about those statues in Charlottesville, they have stood there for what 100 years. Holy hell, NOW something is wrong with them? Oh I know, Democrats want to erase their own history. It all makes sense now.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:36 am
by Toemeesleather
..the country has become even MORE knee jerk reaction to stuff.

Not really. This is true only if you believe the line the MSM/establishment is selling. These are professional/paid riot/goon squads, not protesters. Change the language, remember? Didn't Orwell write some book on this?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:44 am
by Toemeesleather
Case in point:

Pay attention to your president. MAGA is passe'. Listen to what he says, watch what he does. It's MAWA. It probably always was.

I am, you're the one filtering everything thru the media, letting them think for you.

Remember the media went out their way to paint the Tea Party as racist, even making up quotes that were never said. Now we got antifa/whatever and they get a pass as some patriotic protesters. LMAO

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:48 am
by crashcourse
I guess you cant be named Robert lee anymore and hold a job

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:54 am
by Toemeesleather
MAGA is passe'

So is Nazi/racist/biggot.....


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:24 am
by bluetick
Jungle Rat wrote:Removing statues is stupid. It's history. Good or bad it's a part of what America is today. To wipe it away is to ignore what happened and that's not right. I'm in no way condoning what happened but it happened. Hell the Jews don't want the concentration camps destroyed because it's a reminder of what happened. This knee jerk reaction to Charlottesville is pathetic. We need to keep these statues up to teach what America was like back then. Not hide it.
Removing a statue from public property is not wiping away history. The statues and monuments are being moved to museums and other places of special interest (aka non-taxpayer funded places). Black people in particular don't like walking in a public square underneath a statue of a general who fought to keep their ancestors in chains. Others don't agree with the rebellion/secession blight on our history. These things were erected when blacks (and women) had no say about such things. Now several cities are seeing minority leadership, where often the minority is now the majority, and they're moving them out. It's no more complicated than that.

Except, people who memorialize those generals don't care about any of that and want the statues to stay put on public land. It's the war on Christmas writ large, as it pertains to municipal spaces.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:27 am
by eCat
Cletus wrote:Well, I guess someone needs to take the surprisingly unpopular anti-Nazi stance.
where is the pro-Nazi stance on here?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:29 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:Trump basically just promised that he was going to pardon that hardass sheriff from Arizona...
surprises no one

should happen

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:43 am
by hedge
"Didn't Orwell write some book on this?"

Yes he did, but you clearly didn't read it, much less have the faintest clue of what he was talking about...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:49 am
by 10ac
Loved the speech.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:03 pm
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:51 pm
by sardis
crashcourse wrote:I guess you cant be named Robert lee anymore and hold a job
That Asian mother was insensitive to name her child after a confederate general. ... ml?mcubz=3

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:09 pm
by eCat
Cletus wrote:Well, I guess someone needs to take the surprisingly unpopular anti-Nazi stance.

If one line captured the essence of Saturday’s Boston Common rally and counterprotest, it was a quote halfway through Mark Arsenault’s Page 1 story in the Globe:

“‘Excuse me,’ one man in the counterprotest innocently asked a Globe reporter. ‘Where are the white supremacists?’”

That was the day in a nutshell. Participants in the “Boston Free Speech Rally” had been demonized as a troupe of neo-Nazis prepared to reprise the horror that had erupted in Charlottesville. They turned out to be a couple dozen courteous people linked by little more than a commitment to — surprise! — free speech.

The small group on the Parkman Bandstand threatened no one. One of the rally’s organizers, a 23-year-old libertarian named John Medlar, had insisted vigorously that its purpose was not to endorse white supremacy. “The rally I’m helping to organize is about promoting Free Speech as a COUNTER to political violence,” he had posted on Facebook. “There are NO WHITE SUPREMACISTS speaking at this rally.”

Indeed, nothing about the tiny rally seemed in any way connected with bigotry or hatred. One of the speakers was Shiva Ayyadurai, an immigrant from India who is seeking the Republican nomination in next year’s US Senate race. As Ayyadurai spoke, his supporters held signs proclaiming “Black Lives Do Matter.”

Call them Nazis, white supremacists or “free speech” advocates — whatever label you prefer, they were the hunted and harassed Saturday on Boston Common.

But he and the others who gathered at the Parkman Bandstand had never stood a chance of competing with the rumor that neo-Nazis were coming to Boston. That toxic claim was irresponsibly fueled by Mayor Marty Walsh, who denounced the planned rally — “Boston does not want you here” — even though organizers were at pains to stress that they had no connection to Charlottesville’s racial agenda and intended to focus on the importance of free speech.

What happened on Saturday was both impressive and distressing.

A massive counterprotest, 40,000 strong, showed up to denounce a nonexistent cohort of racists. Boston deployed hundreds of police officers, who did an admirable job of maintaining order. Some of the counterprotesters screamed, cursed, or acted like thugs — at one point the Boston Police Department warned protesters “to refrain from throwing urine, bottles, and other harmful projectiles” — but most behaved appropriately. Though a few dozen punks were arrested, nobody was seriously hurt.

But free speech took a beating.

The speakers on the Common bandstand were kept from being heard. They were blocked off with a 225-foot buffer zone, segregated beyond earshot. Police barred anyone from approaching to hear what the rally speakers had to say. Reporters were excluded, too.

Result? The free-speech rally took place in a virtual cone of silence. Participants “spoke essentially to themselves for about 50 minutes,” the Globe reported. “If any of them said anything provocative, the massive crowd did not hear it.”

Even some of the rally’s own would-be attendees were kept from the bandstand. Yet when Police Commissioner Bill Evans was asked at a press conference Saturday afternoon whether it was right to treat them that way, he was unapologetic. “You know what,” he said, “if they didn’t get in, that’s a good thing, because their message isn’t what we want to hear.”


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:21 pm
by eCat
Richard sang at my grandfathers funeral


At Tuesday's Paducah City Commission meeting, Commissioner Richard Abraham addressed debate in the community about on the statue of Confederate Gen. Lloyd Tilghman in the city.

Several petitions are going around about the statue on Fountain Avenue —some are in favor of keeping the statue and others are in favor of removing it.

Abraham said he recently met with a group of African Americans to discuss Confederate monuments and other issues. He then read a prepared statement.

The statement reads:

As humans, we tend to gravitate towards the easy fix. Tearing down a statue, that should serve as an encouragement and motivation as to how far we have come as a nation, will not fix any of these issues. Fixing the woes of our country will be only accomplished by the same solution for all of its citizens, personal responsibility.

There are five petitions involving Paducah's confederate monuments on

Personal responsibility....the antithesis of big government

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:16 pm
by 10ac
sardis wrote:
crashcourse wrote:I guess you cant be named Robert lee anymore and hold a job
That Asian mother was insensitive to name her child after a confederate general. ... ml?mcubz=3

Xavier Keough
12 hrs ·
In Living Color
ESPN has temporarily replaced an Asian American employee who was scheduled to announce a nationally televised football game in Virginia because his name is Robert Lee. No, that is not a typo and yes I wish I was joking. Somewhere a black Elvis has a job for not being Elvis and somehow no one has rioted or asked for a paternity test! Forgive my functional spine, but how do these neutered, hyper-apologetic and spoonfed sponges even make it out their door without spontaneously combusting from exhaling carbon dioxide or drowning in a kiddie pool overflowing with their own unbottled, politically correct tears? Although I typically love to watch a good farce, here's a little friendly FYI, ESPN: your attempt to place bubble wrap around the fragile feelings of coddled Antifa and BLM viewers who probably cuss, drink, discriminate and watch porn even more than your network needlessly interjects social victimization into sports...was distinctly and unequivocally racist! Sorry but Asian lives matter too; no matter how bad your ping pong ratings may be! Next time try sending every melting snowflake traumatized by the mere coincidence of a name, a box of chocolate laxatives, a "shit happens" t-shirt and a signed picture of Forrest Gump wearing his U.S. Army uniform while defending his white hippie crush from an abusive communist at a Black Panther meeting. Or, if you prefer insanity with a side of infamy, just hire a surly replacement named Joseph Stalin and not one of your liberal viewers will be offended or wonder why the Ukraine never brings halftime snacks. Who would have guessed Gulags don't have cable? Or food?!! Ignorance, not reality, is now the most widely acceptable form of political flattery.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:01 pm
by Professor Tiger
sardis wrote:
crashcourse wrote:I guess you cant be named Robert lee anymore and hold a job
That Asian mother was insensitive to name her child after a confederate general. ... ml?mcubz=3
It just gets worse:
Los Angeles (CNN) - Hundreds of protesters appeared in the front yard of the home of Shannon Lee, the daughter of iconic martial artist, Bruce Lee. He was a world class practitioner of the martial art of Wing Chun, but he created an entirely new martial art, which he called Jeet Kune Do. He is especially noted for his movie performances, including, "Enter the Dragon," "Fist of Fury," and "Game of Death." He is widely credited for establishing a permanent place for martial arts in American cinema, and paving the way for Asian Americans to act in them. Lee died in 1973.

Bruce Lee's accomplishments both on and off the screen had little influence on the protesters, who call themselves, "#CitizensAgainstTheDragon'sBigotry." The group carried around signs saying, "Bruce Lee was a Confedarit!" and, "How many slayvz did Bruce Lee own?' The group even chanted, "Hey hey! Ho ho! Bruce Lee's racism has got to go!"

Lee's daughter, Shannon Lee, in whose front yard the protest took place, could not be reached for comment. But according to her publicist, Ms. Lee is deeply confused by the protesters' association of her late father with the famous Confederate General, Robert E. Lee. According to a written statement, she states, "My father was CHINESE you idiots! For crying out loud, "Lee" is an extremely common name in China! He had nothing to do with slavery or the Civil War, or some general with the last name Lee. Get a life, leave us alone, and get off my lawn."

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:57 pm
by Professor Tiger
There's more:
Monroeville Alabama (MSNBC) - The small town of Monroeville, Alabama was shocked when the gravestone of their most renowned citizens - Harper Lee - was desecrated by a group of protesters from Berkeley, California.

Lee is considered by many as one of the great writers in American history. In her masterpiece, "To Kill A Mockingbird," she portrays the racial discrimination and injustice of the South in the 1930's. The book was a national best-seller, and resulted in Lee receiving the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1961. President George W. Bush awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007. She also received the National Medal of Arts from President Barrack Obama in 2010 for "outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth, support and availability of the arts." Lee died in 2016.

Because Harper Lee's fiction was such a searing indictment of racism and bigotry, her fans were shocked yesterday when a group calling themselves, "#HarperLeeWasAConfederitRaycist" desecrated her grave in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. According to police reports, the group assembled at Lee's grave on Tuesday evening and spray painted "KKK" on her tombstone. Neighbors notified law enforcement when they saw the group piling copies of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and setting them on fire. The group was immediately arrested.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Department stated that the group consisted mostly of faculty from the University of California at Berkeley. They included a tenured professors of the African American Studies Department, the Womyns Studies Department, and the English Literature Department. All were immediately released on bond. Their attorney, a law professor at Cal Berkeley, told the press, "This was a brave and noble protest by the socially conscious academic community, which is deeply traumatized by the writings of Harper Lee.

Some consider her writings to be progressive. But because of her last name, she is forever associated with the racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. Our group, #HarperLeeWasAConfederitRaycist, calls on all people who believe in tolerance, pluralism, diversity, inclusion, and open mindedness, to burn as many copies of "To Kill A Mockingbird" as they can find. In 2017, it is not okay to celebrate a slave holding alt-right Confederate bigot like Harper Lee any more."

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:02 pm
by hedge
Do we have an ignore function in this forum?