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Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:27 am
by Orangefreak
Corso apologizes after vulgar outburst

Talk about the Corso curse...


Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:24 am
by Orangefreak
The morning after...


Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:22 am
How the mighty have fallen

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:32 am
by Jungle Rat

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:40 am
by Big Orange Junky
How do we always get such pathetic refs?

They blew the end of the game AGAIN.

The facemask on Poole was very weak, not because he didn't do it but because they had just let Vandy get away with it one or two possessions before where the RB threw the DB to the ground with his facemask. RB's do that all the time and it's almost never called but they decided to call it on us.

Then at the end of the game some ref who had to have money on Vandy decided that an interception was not an interception. He decided it was a reception by Vandy, then a fumble and that the Tennessee back was down when he recovered the fumble. At no point did he even look down. It wasn't even close in real time let alone replay, where that guy came up with that I don't know.


Then to top it off they got it wrong on replay because they said "there was no whistle" and there was CLEARLY a whistle. Whether or not it came from the official or the stands is in question I guess but if it came from an official then the play should have been dead and we should NOT have been awarded the TD even though nobody stopped playing and the whistle didn't effect the outcome of the play. By rule, if the whistle is blown then the play is over and can't be reviewed.

Good Lord I've never seen such poor officiating at the end of games for Dooley.

The last two they screwed us out of wins by the rules (not standing over the ball for both LSU and UNC and allowing them to get plays off that they by rule didn't have time to run then calling the wrong penalty for UNC as well). In this instance they screwed Vandy out of a chance to play defense against us.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:58 am
by AlabamAlum
The SEC has admitted that there was a whistle and the play should not have been reviewed.

So, the wrong call was made originally by a ref who had money on Vandy and a ref who had money on Tennnessee overturned it when the play wasn't reviewable.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:07 am
by Orangefreak
DDAL wrote:How the mighty have fallen
Not everyone can luck into a game like Jawja can!! Don't get so high and mighty: LSU is gonna take the football and shove up your collective asses and there isnt a thing Jawja can do to stop them.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:08 am
by Orangefreak
AA is now in BOJ's the ref's suck camp. Shameful. :mrgreen:

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:13 am
by Big Orange Junky
AlabamAlum wrote:The SEC has admitted that there was a whistle and the play should not have been reviewed.

So, the wrong call was made originally by a ref who had money on Vandy and a ref who had money on Tennnessee overturned it when the play wasn't reviewable.
Yep there was a whistle but nobody except the one that blew it knows where it came from.

The players and most of the officials didn't hear it. Every single player out there played and gave chase all the way to the endzone and so did the officials so they did NOT hear a whistle even though there clearly was one from somewhere. Heck the guy explaining the play was under review was still out of breath from his long run. If he had heard a whistle he wouldn't have ran to the other endzone.

The whistle happened after he was already away from the pack and gone.

When asked, the guilty official must have denied blowing it (after seeing his huge blunder on the jumbotron). SOMEBODY blew a whistle and either the officials saw how completly idiotic his theory of "reception, fumble recovery with the knee on the ground" was and lied about it, or it came from the stands, or nobody else heard it and the official the blew the whistle denied it.

Heck they may have been afraid of getting out of the stadium if they took yet another win away from Tennessee after the game was already over.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:18 am
by AlabamAlum
I think that the refs know. Steve Shaw didn't name the ref, though.

The right call was made on review, and that's good, even if it shouldn't have been reviewed.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:21 am
by Big Orange Junky
And if they knew there was a whistle and actually lied "to make it right" then that is just awful. You can't make up your own rules or apply them based on how you think things should be. Yes ignoring the whistle gave the win to the team that rightfully earned it on the field but if they knowingly ignored it then that is just as wrong as giving a team a TD they know they didn't score.

I don't think the head guy knew there was a whistle because he ran all the way to the endzone, I don't think he lied about it. I think he just didn't know.

By rights if they knew there was a whistle then they should have wiped the TD off and we should be firing the guy that blew the whistle for something as stupid as his theory. No way he could see anything and come up with that craptacular theory. It should have just been a tough break against Tennessee but they should have followed the rules, just like they should have followed the rules last year for LSU and UNC instead of blatantly ignoring them so bad they had to rewrite them in the off season.

I don't agree with this newer fad of "letting them play" and swallowing a whistle at the end of a game either. If it's PI in the first minute it should be PI in the last.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:45 am
by AlabamAlum
I don't think they "lied" to make it right.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:11 pm
It is funny that it took two blown calls to get what was right and should never required the two bad calls/unnecessary whistle. The only debacle worse was the FSU game. Jimcrow is no Bowden, but apparently the curse of the kickers goes with the school and not the coach...

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:15 pm
OF: Winning 9 straight is not backing into anything. Georgia should never have played that Boise game with a young team coming off a losing season. Georgia also lost to South Carolina by 3 points in a game where it missed a FG and gave up 28 points from turnovers and special teams. Regardless of the 0-2 start, Georgia has gotten better all season and won its games. Can UT make such a claim? Thought not.

As far as being tiger bait: Georgia has the number 4 Defense and stuffs the run. Additionally, Georgia has what Bama didn't have in their game: A quality QB. If Murray steps up to the pressure and hits the plays when it is one on one, then Georgia has a great shot to make it a game. Georgia's Defense will keep them in the game.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:39 pm
by AlabamAlum

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:59 pm
by Hacksaw
I wasn't celebrating when the INT happened. By now, I'm conditioned to know better.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:42 pm
by Orangefreak
I watched the Derek Dooley show a bit ago. During the replay of the run back, you didn't hear a whistle blow even though it was there during last nights game and playbacks during the night. It sure sound like the powers at be stuck in the sound of the crowd from lord knows where. hehe

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:12 pm
by GBJs
DDAL wrote:How the mighty have fallen
I said after the USCe game G would win out. Well, you've won the east, 9 straight, and have a mediocre Ga Tech team to finish up with. And on the plus side, y'all won't have to hunt a head coach this off season.

Re: Tennessee Volunteers

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:13 pm
by GBJs
Never mind Paul Johnson's triple option kicked Clemson's high scoring O/mediocre D out of the stadium...

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:46 pm
by JRB
Unfortunately for GT, Al Groh's defense has given up 68 points in GT's last two games, including 31 to Duke.