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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:17 am
by eCat
the bottom line is either black people want to be treated as equals or they want to be treated separately.

if they want to define their life by their black experience, their black difference, then don't get pissed at white people - especially Gen X and younger for acknowledging they are different.

I'm supposed to have empathy for a young 20ish black girl that is about to graduate from Harvard with a Masters Degree who is going to into the world as a leader of our society with a chip on her shoulder because her struggle is real? Because she came from a poor background (which we don't even know is true) , was black and had the entire world against her yet she still managed to overcome those barriers to attend and graduate from the most prestigious University in the world?

fuck that noise

my predetermined narrative is that I've had racism dumped on me my entire life as some burden I've had to carry for being white. Even if I've never done a racist thing in my entire life, I still fall into the umbrella of white privilege - and I'm supposed to read about a girl who hasn't even been in the world as a professional - I have T-shirts older than her - talking about her struggle to be at Harvard? I'm now supposed to understand why they want to segregate themselves to honor the differences that I'm supposed to ignore?

sorry but not sorry - She should be grateful for the opportunity she has - no matter how hard she has worked, no matter what she has had to overcome - she is at Harvard. This country gave her the opportunity to be there and the start she has in life is going to put her well past 99% of the population as a whole. After her little ceremony she'll enter the world of 1%'er with an attitude that her struggle is real.

As a 51 year old man, I'm just past caring about any label, ignorance or attitude that is put on me by anyone at this point. People used to recoil in fear of being called a racist. But I live in a world where white people talk about equality and blacks talk about being separate and preferential treatment. The bottom line is you can't talk about the differences between whites and blacks in a negative manner without being labeled or hearing some justification about why they should be able to be different.

I'm over it. I have no desire to support anyone that pushes an agenda of difference.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 8:20 am
by hedge
"men's basketball teams have been bastions of Black segregation for decades."

Not really at Ivy League schools...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 8:46 am
by aTm
Most white people arent gonna shed any tears for someone with that kind of opportunity , because Harvard is just as closed to us. Just because we're white and people who go to Harvard are white doesnt mean we're the same folks. Personally, I believe I probably would have got in to Harvard, but it would have been a waste of time. Without significant financial help my family didnt have the resources to send me somewhere like that.

I mean, maybe white people have it easier to move around through the classes, arent trapped in poverty, have less of a struggle just getting basic education, but Harvard is not some proud white intitution. Most white people when they hear about Harvard probably are as likely to think "Fuck Harvard" as anything else, and black chick graduating with a Master's is gonna be lumped in. Of course, why go to Harvard if you didnt want to be lumped in with the elite assholes of the country. Congrats lady, youre now an elite asshole and now youre even whining and humble bragging about your accomlishments in our news already. Nobody wants to hear about how the other elite assholes dont respect you or whatever.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:14 am
by bluetick
Our county courthouse had whites-only fountains and rest rooms when I was a kid. I bet that Harvard kid has relatives that know all about that.

Thing is, if the white bathroom was full I could go to the colored's. It definitely didn't work the other way 'round though. That must have been a terrible experience, being denied by law a drink or a piss because of your skin color. Every fucking day. Hard to even imagine..

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:27 am
by eCat
bluetick wrote:Our county courthouse had whites-only fountains and rest rooms when I was a kid. I bet that Harvard kid has relatives that know all about that.

Thing is, if the white bathroom was full I could go to the colored's. It definitely didn't work the other way 'round though. That must have been a terrible experience, being denied by law a drink or a piss because of your skin color. Every fucking day. Hard to even imagine..

yes it is hard to imagine for anyone under 60

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:24 am
by bluetick
Not revealing taxes, Flynn firing, Sessions recusal, Manafort, Paige, Nunes and Chaffetz fleeing, Comey firing..

There's so much 'there' there wrt Russia, it overwhelms the senses. But the thing that hides in plain sight, the thing that defies all rational explanation and therefore gets mostly ignored because how do you categorize it.. is this. 17 intelligence organizations and all members of Congress, including all majority and minority speakers, concede that the Russians attempted to influence the last presidential election. Whereas Trump as late as last week tried to pin the DNC hacking on the Chinese. Our most sacred institution as a democracy was attacked by a foreign adversary, and the CiC won't acknowledge it in any form or fashion. Nor will he make mention of the Russians attempts to influence the French election. All he says is Russian news is fake news, end of story - move on.

According to Trump, taxpayer dollars are being wasted on investigations into Russian interference, period. He's right, all of our intelligence agencies and Congress are wrong. Why is he alone so certain the russkies are innocent?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:33 am
by aTm
First off, how many votes did "the Russians" cast in the election?

Secondly, if Russians are hacking and influencing our institutions...who is to blame? Trump, for being the candidate a foreign government wants? No. Its these fucking intelligence services that are supposed to stop that shit from happening. Maybe Trump broke some laws, while he was a candidate or whatever, but as far as "influencing the election".... if Russia was really allowed to influence our elections, that is clearly the fault of the intelligence apparatus that existed before Trump was in office.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:41 pm
by bluetick
aTm wrote:Secondly, if Russians are hacking and influencing our institutions...who is to blame?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:49 pm
by hedge

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:37 pm
by aTm
bluetick wrote:
aTm wrote:Secondly, if Russians are hacking and influencing our institutions...who is to blame?
So what should we do to the Russians, then? Write them a sternly worded letter so that they won't do it next time?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:59 pm
by Toemeesleather
It ain't about Russians, it's about the establishment of all three parties, R, D and MSM getting their asses handed to them by inferiors.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:03 pm
by hedge
Does Fox News not count as a party? Sad...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:56 pm
by Professor Tiger

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:54 am
by eCat
a couple of things about Comey

1. regardless of which side you fall on, Comey had turned into a political animal - and not only is that not the role of the FBI director in Washington, its a dangerous situation because he has a credibility problem with both sides.

2. Trump is in a lose/lose situation with Comey. If Comey says there is no evidence of collusion with the Russians, the democrats will cry foul, and if he keeps Comey - he'll never know what his political motivations are. He is the FBI director who took it upon himself to declare that no prosecutor would indict Clinton on her emails and a couple of months later bypassed the Attorney General to address congress directly in saying he was re-opening the case. You can't keep a guy like that.

Now Trump is still in a lose/lose situation. His
hand picked guy will never have credibility if he finds him innocent and he can't bring in a guy who might be so determined he'll make a conclusion and then look for evidence to support it.

The best move here would be for Trump to tell a bi-partisan committee to provide him a list of names that both democrats and republicans would approve of - and then he select a name from that list.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:18 am
by Professor Tiger
The Russia-Trump investigation looks like this:


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:19 am
by crashcourse

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:27 am
by BigRedMan
eCat wrote:the bottom line is either black people want to be treated as equals or they want to be treated separately.

if they want to define their life by their black experience, their black difference, then don't get pissed at white people - especially Gen X and younger for acknowledging they are different.

I'm supposed to have empathy for a young 20ish black girl that is about to graduate from Harvard with a Masters Degree who is going to into the world as a leader of our society with a chip on her shoulder because her struggle is real? Because she came from a poor background (which we don't even know is true) , was black and had the entire world against her yet she still managed to overcome those barriers to attend and graduate from the most prestigious University in the world?

fuck that noise

my predetermined narrative is that I've had racism dumped on me my entire life as some burden I've had to carry for being white. Even if I've never done a racist thing in my entire life, I still fall into the umbrella of white privilege - and I'm supposed to read about a girl who hasn't even been in the world as a professional - I have T-shirts older than her - talking about her struggle to be at Harvard? I'm now supposed to understand why they want to segregate themselves to honor the differences that I'm supposed to ignore?

sorry but not sorry - She should be grateful for the opportunity she has - no matter how hard she has worked, no matter what she has had to overcome - she is at Harvard. This country gave her the opportunity to be there and the start she has in life is going to put her well past 99% of the population as a whole. After her little ceremony she'll enter the world of 1%'er with an attitude that her struggle is real.

As a 51 year old man, I'm just past caring about any label, ignorance or attitude that is put on me by anyone at this point. People used to recoil in fear of being called a racist. But I live in a world where white people talk about equality and blacks talk about being separate and preferential treatment. The bottom line is you can't talk about the differences between whites and blacks in a negative manner without being labeled or hearing some justification about why they should be able to be different.

I'm over it. I have no desire to support anyone that pushes an agenda of difference.


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:30 am
by BigRedMan
I actually saved all of that so I would never lose it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:27 am
by hedge
"The Russia-Trump investigation looks like this:"

So you're saying Trump is like a bottom-feeding fish trying to avoid getting caught? Sounds about right...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:28 am
by bluetick
Trump Suggests Cancelling Press Briefings for 'Accuracy' - Associated Press ... id=U142DHP

If you can't keep your stories straight then it's time to shut down the stories. Makes sense, really.