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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:17 pm
by Cletus
No Americans are going to win in this disaster.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:20 pm
by eCat
Cletus wrote:No Americans are going to win in this disaster.
find a safe space.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:28 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:Right smart thinking there, University Interscholastic League.

And yet there are still dumbasses who will insist that he's a girl.
but here is the problem, and that Tucker Carlson video reminded to go back to this.

at this point - why even have a separation of men's and women's sports?

the solution to the gender bathroom issue is to just have one bathroom - because we aren't willing to stand up and say with any definite line in the sand, you are woman, you do this, you are man, you do this.

so the solution with sports will be the same - there is no men's football, there is no women's softball.

this wrestler (and honestly I didn't even know there was girls wrestling) can't compete against women - because as a woman, she's pumped full of testosterone - which is in this case is like a PED.

So now her only option is to compete against the boys - and we still have the argument of fairness to her and to them on various levels.

We're talking about title IX in the interest of fairness but what we aren't talking about is why we have a separation of the sexes in sport to begin with.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:38 pm
by bluetick
Sure, it makes sense to say repubs wanted Trumps SCOTUS picks over Hillary's. What will NEVER make sense is how Trump managed to win the GOP nomination in the 1st place. Kasich or Rubio or Cruz or xyz-non-crazy-person should be making supreme picks desirable to conservatives, not the raging schitzo currently holed up in the WH.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:44 pm
by eCat
Rachel Dolezal, white woman who identifies as black, now jobless, may soon be homeless

Rachel Dolezal, the infamous white woman who for years passed herself off as African American and rose to become head of an NAACP branch, is now jobless, on food stamps and expects to soon be homeless.

A defiant Dolezal, 39, recounted her current plight to The Guardian. Dolezal said she’s only been offered jobs in reality television and porno flicks. A friend helped her come up with the money for February’s rent and she doesn’t know how she’s going to pay for March.

And she still says she’s not white.

“I do think a more complex label would be helpful, but we don’t really have that vocabulary,” Dolezal told The Guardian. “I feel like the idea of being trans-black would be much more accurate than ‘I’m white.’ Because, you know, I’m not white . . . Calling myself black feels more accurate than saying I’m white.”

Dolezal was exposed in June 2015 when a local television crew asked her the simple question: “Are you African American?”

Pictures of a younger, white-skinned and blonde-haired Dolezal soon surfaced and her story exploded. The formerly successful leader of the Spokane NAACP chapter and a university professor, Dolezal – who once sued historically-black Howard University for racial discrimination, because she was white – now says she’s been turned down for 100 jobs and her memoir was rejected by 30 publishers before finding a taker.

She’s also apparently begun ruffling feathers in the transgender community by claiming that race, like gender, is fluid.

“It’s more so,” Dolezal told The Guardian. “Because it wasn’t even biological to begin with. It was always a social construct.”

Dolezal said she’s never considered identifying as white again.

“I feel that I was born with the essential essence of who I am, whether it matches my anatomy and complexion or not,” Dolezal said. “I’ve never questioned being a girl or a woman, for example, but whiteness has always felt foreign to me, for as long as I can remember. I didn’t choose to feel this way or be this way, I just am.

“What other choice is there than to be exactly who we are?”

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:54 pm
by Saint
How did it get better? Are you shitting me? When Obama took office we were on the brink of an economic collapse brought about in part by Bush policies. That we moved off the ledge means we got better.

Besides, aren't all you conservative types always saying to the average Joes "shoulda gotten a better degree" or "go find a better-paying job"? Yeah, Obama is, as I've said from the beginning, yet another big money politician like all the others before him. But let's not pretend that we weren't on the edge of disaster 8 years ago and let's not pretend that Trump is some type of populist or anything other than a batshit crazy narcissist who has little control of his emotions. Tear it down, fine. Let's see if that works but let's find someone else to man the wrecking ball.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:56 pm
by Saint
Who's worse? The wannabe black chick or the cashmeousside girl?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:07 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:How did it get better? Are you shitting me? When Obama took office we were on the brink of an economic collapse brought about in part by Bush policies. That we moved off the ledge means we got better.

Besides, aren't all you conservative types always saying to the average Joes "shoulda gotten a better degree" or "go find a better-paying job"? Yeah, Obama is, as I've said from the beginning, yet another big money politician like all the others before him. But let's not pretend that we weren't on the edge of disaster 8 years ago and let's not pretend that Trump is some type of populist or anything other than a batshit crazy narcissist who has little control of his emotions. Tear it down, fine. Let's see if that works but let's find someone else to man the wrecking ball.
you aren't giving me specifics. How did it get better for that guy?

How did it get better for you?

If your solution is that Obama saved us, then ok, let any president and congress add 10+ trillion in spending to the economy. Its going to improve. There wasn't some great plan that was in place here. Obama had the world largest credit card with no limit. Certainly a libertarian president would have gone a different route but for the most part a GOPe or Democrat's only solution would have been to spend our way out.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:44 pm
by Saint
It got better because we didn't completely crash and I'm not living off human flesh cooked over an open flame right now.

If you expect the middle class to return to its past glory, you're going to have to get past blaming one president or another and look at the whole system of a corporate-funded govt. I'm all for tearing that shit down but Trump definitely isn't the guy to do it.

So yeah, Obama is just as bad as all the others in that regard just don't expect Trump to be any different despite all these changes in gov't. The ones calling the shots are still calling the shots.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:08 pm
by hedge
Listening to Trump's speech now. Man, we are fixin to enter a golden age. Taxes are going to be slashed, government programs and spending are going to be expanded tremendously (The Wall, the military, infrastructure in general, education) and everybody's gonna have a good, high paying job. Sounds like a few non-essential federal jobs might get cut. That should more than offset all the rest of that stuff. Sounds great...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:33 am
by Saint
A good, high-paying job? Fuck that shit. Just send me a check, Trump. A big one, Big'un.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:14 am
by Bklyn


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:36 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:Listening to Trump's speech now. Man, we are fixin to enter a golden age. Taxes are going to be slashed, government programs and spending are going to be expanded tremendously (The Wall, the military, infrastructure in general, education) and everybody's gonna have a good, high paying job. Sounds like a few non-essential federal jobs might get cut. That should more than offset all the rest of that stuff. Sounds great...

kinda like when everyone was going to save an average of $2500 with cheap affordable health care.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:16 am
by eCat
The democrats boo'd a program that Trump is implementing to protect American citizens from immigrant attacks.

I know people who have relatives on the border who are afraid to leave their house at night. One of their neighbors buys bottled water and granola bars leaving it out on the edge of their property in the hopes those people don't come to their house and steal from them.

and these motherfuckers are booing a proposal choosing to support illegal immigrants and criminal legal immigrants over the protection of Americans.

and then they have a spanish response to the president's speech - first of all...why? English is our national language. Secondly, the person they chose to deliver it isn't an American citizen

These people will let an American die to protect an immigrant future democratic voter. That isn't hyperbole on my part.

Who would boo a program to protect American citizens from violence against foreign nationals? Their hatred for Trump is so extreme, they've lost all perspective.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:54 am
by Bklyn
I don't know enough about what you're talking about to comment. With that said, I don't believe we have an official "national language." It's not like we need to have one, anyway.

Speaking of regulation (segues are for kids)... ... scussions/
The measure to repeal Section 1504 passed by a vote of 52-47 strictly according to party lines and was done in a pre-dawn vote on Feb. 3. The revocation of the transparency provision was done by the Trump administration to overturn Obama-era rules on “excessive regulation,” which Trump said is impairing job creation and corporate competitiveness. According to The Hill, the vote is “a major win for oil producers and other companies in extractive industries.

But the repeal has become the focal point for more discussions about corruption, terrorism, corporate governance, transparency and shareholder rights that have all more or less broken down along the lines of Democrat and Republican philosophies.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:59 am
by eCat
Bklyn wrote:I don't know enough about what you're talking about to comment. With that said, I don't believe we have an official "national language." It's not like we need to have one, anyway.
ok, so its the de-facto language.

The point is still valid. Why feel the need to provide Spanish and not Hindu, Arabic, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.,?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:03 pm
by bluetick
Best line of the night: "The time for trivial fights is over." Said the guy who spent the first 48 hours of his presidency arguing about his inauguration crowd size.

Said the guy who constantly tweets like a lovelorn twelve year-old. Sad!

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:14 pm
by sardis
eCat wrote:The democrats boo'd a program that Trump is implementing to prevent attacks and protect American citizens from attacks from immigrants.

I know people who have relatives on the border who are afraid to leave their house at night. One of their neighbors buys bottled water and granola bars leaving it out on the edge of their property in the hopes those people don't come to their house and steal from them.

and these motherfuckers are booing a proposal choosing to support illegal immigrants and criminal legal immigrants over the protection of Americans.

and then they have a spanish response to the president's speech - first of all...why? English is our national language. Secondly, the person they chose to deliver it isn't an American citizen

These people will let an American die to protect an immigrant future democratic voter. That isn't hyperbole on my part.

Who would boo a program to protect American citizens from violence against foreign nationals? Their hatred for Trump is so extreme, they've lost all perspective.

This will irk you. ... 15144.html

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:19 pm
by sardis
bluetick wrote:Best line of the night: "The time for trivial fights is over." Said the guy who spent the first 48 hours of his presidency arguing about his inauguration crowd size.

Said the guy who constantly tweets like a lovelorn twelve year-old. Sad!
Nothing on the issues, tick? Last night revealed that once you peel away the Trump distraction, his issues against globalism and immigration are extremely popular. Your only hope is that Trump self destructs so that's why you and the media root it on.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:56 pm
by hedge
Root, hog or DIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!