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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:38 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:"I wouldn't argue, but man has broke the bonds of gravity, harnessed the power of the sun and the atom, and has exceeded the speed of sound.

We can give mother nature a fight."

That's what Icarus said...
I prefer to go with the teachings of Mr. Mister

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:42 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:I'm willing to move up to $6 or 7K for my next car (hopefully won't be for a few years, but at any rate, not until the one I'm driving now blows up), there are tons in that price range (or less) on Craigslist. When I lived in SF, I bought a couple of cars for less than $2K, they were fine...
the best thing about a car like that is, you get 30K miles out of it and you're not pissed if it blows up.

I've put maybe 25K miles on that van and if I get another 25K without a major expense, i'll be thrilled.

I put a salvage yard transmission in my daughters car for a total investment of $1800 ( car with bad trans and cost of used trans) and she loves it. She could probably get 80K miles from it - certainly her car thru college.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:32 pm
by eCat
I guess irony isn't being taught in schools anymore.


In response to racist and anti-Semitic emails sent to College of Engineering students last week, Students4Justice, a student organization at the University of Michigan, coordinated a sit-in at the Michigan Union on February 9. The sit-in sought to bring attention to the organization’s list of demands for the University, which criticizes the school’s “dedication to ‘defend’ the right to Freedom of Speech” and supposed lack of concern for student safety. Among the list of demands, Students4Justice called upon the University to express solidarity with students of color, streamline the bias incident report system and increase African-American enrollment.

One of Students4Justice’s particularly astounding demands outlines a plan for the University to “create a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize, and do social justice work.” The author of the list of demands specifies that the space would be separate from the Trotter Multicultural Center, which the University plans to relocate to Central Campus with a price tag of ten million dollars, because the proposed space would be “solely dedicated to community organizing and social justice work specifically for people of color.”

The same organization that criticizes the University for failing to create “an environment that engages in diversity, equity and inclusion,” is calling upon the University to undermine these ideals by facilitating a sort of de facto segregation? One where space and resources are designated for students based solely on the color of their skin?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:16 pm
by Jungle Rat
hedge wrote:I've never paid more than $4K for a car in my life...
Why does that not surprise me.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:24 pm
by Saint
I haven't changed my habits re: climate change. Nobody has. But if companies who make products that affect the ozone or whatever is harmful to the atmosphere would stop making those products, or at least cut back, people's habits will change.

I'm not sure what the push back is on climate change because you've got people claiming that gov't regulations actually hinder the movement all the way down to the idiots who say it's not happening at all. It's hard to get a grip on what is actually going on and what we can do about it since it's become so political.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:26 pm
by Saint
Don't let Hedge fool you. He drove his mammy's Impala for half his adult life.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:38 pm
by DooKSucks
I drive an Impala that is beat to hell. Can I afford another car? Yeah, but why should I?

The impala may be on its last legs though...

The wife, otoh, says that if/when we have kids that she wants a new LTZ Suburban. MSRP is fucking 75k-80k. Thankfully I have an uncle with a Chevy dealership who says he can get me a low mileage late model at an auction for 30k less.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:49 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:I haven't changed my habits re: climate change. Nobody has. But if companies who make products that affect the ozone or whatever is harmful to the atmosphere would stop making those products, or at least cut back, people's habits will change.

I'm not sure what the push back is on climate change because you've got people claiming that gov't regulations actually hinder the movement all the way down to the idiots who say it's not happening at all. It's hard to get a grip on what is actually going on and what we can do about it since it's become so political.
Nobody had any interest in driving an electric car that could go only 80 miles between a charge and required 6 hours to charge.

The solution isn't to make gas burning cars so expensive to drive that people opt to buy an inferior electric car, the solution is to create an electric car that has a range of 400 miles, takes 30 minutes to charge and costs about as much as a Camry.

We've been down that path before - 55 mph speed limits, EPA gizmos that sucked the life out of a car's engine, set your thermostat to 65

Americans are not good with the government dictating to them whats in their best interest, they are good with innovation and technology letting them keep their convenience and comforts.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:40 pm
by Saint
The Gas Bund has prohibited such vehicles from entering the marketplace.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:53 pm
by sardis
I wonder if she'll use up a Title IX scholarship one day. ... 61654.html

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:57 am
by Bklyn
The CO2 issue is tough because once the molecules are pulled from the ground, burned and released to the atmosphere, they're back in the carbon cycle and no plant is removing it.

Having some type of nanotechnology that pulls CO2 from the atmosphere and holds it permanently or can be reused as fuel (stopping any more fossil fuel excavation) is promising. But the question is, how much and what type of energy is used to power the tech that removes the carbon from the atmosphere? If it takes burning fossil fuel to run the tech, it defeats the purpose.

It is interesting to think of the global benefits both in climate and economics, but it's so early in the game.

I'm not sure if we're not past the tipping point on the world getting progressively hotter going forward and the global impacts that will bring in the movement of people and the diversification of species on the planet.

We've all been very short-sighted because that's what humans are...whether it's with retirement saving, vices that lead to known health problems or climate change. We want what we want now and have irrational confidence that we'll figure out the future when it gets here. These coal miners need these jobs.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:19 pm
by Saint
Technological advances are stunted by market forces seeking to protect their stake. Until that problem is solved, we don't have a free market and can't point the finger at the gov't except for being complicit in this behavior.

But yeah, most humans at every socio-economic level are as you described so it's not surprising that our leaders in every field are pretty much the same.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:26 pm
by Saint
On an unrelated note, who is Matthew Weymar?

Yesterday I took a photo of the sign on our newsroom wall of the Thomas Jefferson quote: "A free press is the only safeguard of public liberty," and tweeted it as a response to the RoguePOTUSstaff tweet that the war on the media was going to get worse. I got a few dozen likes and retweets, including this guy Weymar whose Twitter handle is @userx. He doesn't have more than 900 followers and only 6.5K tweets since 2007 but one of his followers is Obama. So I'm wondering why an average Joe has Obama as a follower.

More importantly, Barack needs to get off the dance floor and check his Twitter and retweet my shit. I need some viral shit to go down.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:04 pm
by eCat
Saint wrote:Technological advances are stunted by market forces seeking to protect their stake. Until that problem is solved, we don't have a free market and can't point the finger at the gov't except for being complicit in this behavior.
you can't have a free market when Obama decides I'm going to shut down the coal industry and promote solar

solar would take off only when the market forces deem coal to be too prohibitive to use.

Obama was trying to force feed solar.

The electric car didn't take off recently because of any environmental desire to save the planet, it took off because gas was $5 a gallon at one time.

What the government can do however is kill off the non competitive practices that states allow - like not letting Tesla open car dealerships or sell directly to the consumer.

That is wrong.

As a side not - the FCC has started its dismantling of Net Nuetrality. Local internet providers under 250K subscribers are no longer required to tell you what speeds or limits they can provide for an apples to apples comparison. Won't mean much to someone subscribing to Comcast or Time Warner but the smaller market companies now supporting rural areas are exempt.

Its a relatively small move on their (FCC) part but I'm afraid its just the beginning.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:14 pm
by SnoodGator
I gave you a follow Saint. I think that guy is a teacher.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:41 pm
by eCat
If you want to know why millions of Republicans voted for Donald Trump despite their doubts about his values or policies, look no further than Tuesday’s ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on gun rights. The 10-4 en banc decision shows how a liberal Supreme Court majority would eviscerate the Second Amendment.

The Fourth Circuit is one of several appellate courts that Barack Obama remade over eight years, and in Kolbe v. Hogan the liberal majority upheld Maryland’s Firearm Safety Act. That law bans firearms such as the popular, semiautomatic AR-15 rifle that gun-control advocates call an “assault weapon.”

The Supreme Court’s landmark D.C. v. Heller decision in 2008 upheld an individual right to bear arms, explicitly for guns in “common use.” But the Fourth Circuit’s judicial progressives didn’t let a mere precedent stand in their political way. They concocted a new “military use” legal test. Politicians can ban a firearm, they ruled, if a judge determines that it is “most useful in military service.”

Give them credit for creativity if not fidelity to the law. As Judge William Traxler noted in searing dissent, the “heretofore unknown” military-use test is a purely judicial invention with no historical or legal basis. By that logic, he noted, the muskets favored by America’s colonial settlers could have been banned because they were clearly the same weapons they used in war.

The Fourth Circuit majority simply ignored that hundreds of thousands of Americans own and use AR-15 rifles in lawful ways. This would seem to be a textbook example of “common use” under the Heller standard.

The ruling applies only to Maryland, but it has national implications if other states and judges adopt its logic. The Supreme Court has been reluctant to accept gun-rights cases since its McDonald v. Chicago ruling in 2010 that applied Heller to the states. And progressive politicians have been using that reluctance to press greater regulation of firearms. The Fourth Circuit has now invited progressives everywhere to rewrite Heller.

This is also how a liberal Supreme Court majority would have gone about overturning Heller if Hillary Clinton been able to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Mr. Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuchmeans that a new majority will soon be in place to reinforce Heller, and a good place to start would be to take the Fourth Circuit’s Kolberuling and reverse it after Mr. Gorsuch is confirmed.

The lower-court assault on gun rights also shows that the Trump White House needs to move fast to fill the 18 seats currently open on federal appellate courts. When Mr. Obama took office in 2009, 10 of 13 appellate courts had majorities appointed by GOP Presidents. Now nine of 13 have Democratic-appointed majorities. Mr. Obama appointed 55 appellate judges in eight years, about one-third of the total. Mr. Trump and Republicans need to get cracking while they still have a Senate majority.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:51 pm
by Bklyn
That's bullshit that THAT is why millions of skeptical Repubs voted for Donald.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:33 pm
by eCat
Bklyn wrote:That's bullshit that THAT is why millions of skeptical Repubs voted for Donald.

no its not

SCOTUS is a huge reason why people voted for Trump

Trump pushed hard with conservatives on trusting him to appoint the right people and released a list of judges he'd consider before the election just to prove it.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:18 pm
by Saint
eCat wrote:
Saint wrote:Technological advances are stunted by market forces seeking to protect their stake. Until that problem is solved, we don't have a free market and can't point the finger at the gov't except for being complicit in this behavior.
you can't have a free market when Obama decides I'm going to shut down the coal industry and promote solar

solar would take off only when the market forces deem coal to be too prohibitive to use.

Obama was trying to force feed solar.

The electric car didn't take off recently because of any environmental desire to save the planet, it took off because gas was $5 a gallon at one time.

What the government can do however is kill off the non competitive practices that states allow - like not letting Tesla open car dealerships or sell directly to the consumer.

That is wrong.

As a side not - the FCC has started its dismantling of Net Nuetrality. Local internet providers under 250K subscribers are no longer required to tell you what speeds or limits they can provide for an apples to apples comparison. Won't mean much to someone subscribing to Comcast or Time Warner but the smaller market companies now supporting rural areas are exempt.

Its a relatively small move on their (FCC) part but I'm afraid its just the beginning.

There's a bill coming up that would allow ISPs to reduce protections on users accounts, meaning there would be a lot more risk with online financial transactions. It seems as though there's a movement afoot to dismantle the Internet as we know it, although that certainly wouldn't be in Trump's best interests, would it? Or anyone's really. So why is this even in the works? Just the simple greedy mentality that anything that anyone likes or needs to use should cost dearly?

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:32 pm
by eCat
ISP's want to created a tiered network for the internet like they do cable.

So instead of access to whatever you want, whenever you want, you'd have to pay for a "package" ..tier one might be ESPN, Facebook, CNN - tier two would be that , Netflix and Pornhub.....

But they don't want to stop there - they want to charge websites like this to be included in their proprietary search engine and then have them pay to get access to the packages.

The only hope is a company like Google providing high speed internet to the masses and rendering the traditional cable providers of Comcast, Time Warner and Charter obsolete.

So the flipside to that is - under net nuetrality, those big cable companies that provide high speed internet access to about 75% of America have been able to keep google fiber and others at bay by convincing (bribing) local municipalities that to block comepitition - but as soon as they kill N.N. and then start that tiered bullshit, people are going to revolt

and then its going to pave the way for google fiber, which I believe will eventually lead to high speed wireless internet that is ubiquitous to the entire United States.

already some hipster cities offer free wireless within the city limits with limited access.