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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:14 pm
by eCat
as far back as 1976....Jesus

A graphic description of sexual abuse from 1976 detailed in court documents released Tuesday cast new doubt on assertions by Joe Paterno, the former Penn State football coach, that he did not know until 2001 that his former assistant Jerry Sandusky had abused minors.

The testimony, which was revealed in the course of a lawsuit between Penn State and one of its insurers over nearly $100 million in settlements the university reached with 32 of Mr. Sandusky’s victims, implied that Mr. Paterno knew about child sexual abuse by Mr. Sandusky years earlier but did nothing about it, allowing Mr. Sandusky to continue to abuse dozens of boys for decades.

Mr. Sandusky’s serial sexual abuse became public in 2011. Mr. Paterno said in sworn testimony that year that he first heard of accusations about Mr. Sandusky in 2001. A much-disputed university report later concluded that Mr. Paterno, who died of cancer in 2012, had been made aware of complaints against Mr. Sandusky, a longtime Penn State assistant coach, as early as 1998.

The distinction is potentially worth millions of dollars to Penn State. The insurer, Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association Insurance, is hoping the documents released Tuesday will show that Penn State should have informed it of Mr. Sandusky’s abuse as early as 1976, and thus allow the company to avoid reimbursing the university for tens of millions of dollars in settlements.

The company contends that had it known about the episode, as well as others in the late 1980s, it would have declined to insure the university against sexual abuse lawsuits.

Mr. Sandusky, 72, is serving 30 to 60 years in prison.

In the deposition from 2014 released Tuesday morning, a man called John Doe 150 in the documents testified that Mr. Sandusky touched him inappropriately in a shower room in 1976, when he was 14 and attending a football camp.

The accuser said that he cried out when Mr. Sandusky penetrated him with a finger, a cry loud enough for other campers to hear, and that he later reported Mr. Sandusky’s inappropriate behavior to adults at the camp. The next day, the accuser said, he sought out Mr. Paterno and described the encounter in the hallway of a football office building as Mr. Paterno was on his way to a meeting.

“Is it accurate that Coach Paterno quickly said to you, I don’t want to hear about any of that kind of stuff, I have a football season to worry about?” a lawyer for the insurer asked the accuser, according to the deposition.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:59 pm
by aTm

A pack of lone wolves. LOL. Great Yogi-ism.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:22 pm
by crashcourse
hedge wrote:I wish you were a Paterno supporter...
we all do

solid and to the point


Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:25 pm
by eCat

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:50 pm
by bluetick
Hyuk. Obomba was agin HilLIARy afore he was for her.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:09 am
by bluetick
By now everyone has seen the video from last week: Tulsa, OK motorist stranded with car trouble, cops arrive, motorist has hands straight up, shot dead. Unarmed. Black.

No charges at this time.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:30 am
by hedge
Bklyn wrote:Penn State's attempt to honor Joe Pa is the perfect example of the type of hubris and tone deafness that exists within the administration and what lead them to bury the Sandusky story for two decades.
To say nothing of the hubris and tone deafness the lead Sandusky to bury his cockerel in tender boy ass for two decades. But hey, from his perspective, that was just a job perk...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:03 am
by hedge
bluetick wrote:By now everyone has seen the video from last week: Tulsa, OK motorist stranded with car trouble, cops arrive, motorist has hands straight up, shot dead. Unarmed. Black.

No charges at this time.
Plus it was a female cop shooting a male suspect. Hmmmm...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:08 am
by hedge
Aside from the obvious murder, what bugs me is how the cop was screaming "I've got a subject who won't show me his hands" b/c she knows that will be part of the "evidence" if anything happens. But clearly this guy was showing his hands, which even the crew in the helicopter could see. Same as when a bunch of cops jump on a guy who is already on the ground face down and they're all yelling "Stop resisting!" They're just outright lying and fabricating "evidence" in case it goes to court, and when they get to court, the court always believes the cops, when it's clear that they're basically trained to lie...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:19 am
by crashcourse
playing devils advocate

obviously the guy refused to get on the ground and continued to try to get back in his car

I just wish people would do what the cops ask instead of walking away/running away/struggling/fighting

when I was growing up the old man used to tell me if you don't do what the cops say you run a risk of getting shot

nowadays that lesson from 40- years ago seems more important then ever yet people still refuse to stop and dropwhen told to by the police

can somebody tell me why that guy didn't just stop and drop when told to by the police over and over

I spent a week in greenfield In for fleeing a police officer in the summer of 79 course I was able to dispose of my ounce in some bushes and able to go back a week later and get it

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:28 am
by eCat
crashcourse wrote:playing devils advocate

obviously the guy refused to get on the ground and continued to try to get back in his car

I just wish people would do what the cops ask instead of walking away/running away/struggling/fighting

when I was growing up the old man used to tell me if you don't do what the cops say you run a risk of getting shot

nowadays that lesson from 40- years ago seems more important then ever yet people still refuse to stop and dropwhen told to by the police

can somebody tell me why that guy didn't just stop and drop when told to by the police over and over

I spent a week in greenfield In for fleeing a police officer in the summer of 79 course I was able to dispose of my ounce in some bushes and able to go back a week later and get it
I think you answered your own question

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:33 am
by eCat
hedge wrote:
bluetick wrote:By now everyone has seen the video from last week: Tulsa, OK motorist stranded with car trouble, cops arrive, motorist has hands straight up, shot dead. Unarmed. Black.

No charges at this time.
Plus it was a female cop shooting a male suspect. Hmmmm...

do a google search on this

man shot by police -tulsa

to get an idea how many people were shot by police in the past 48 hours across the nation excluding Tulsa

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:18 am
by Jungle Rat
I havent been in jail for 3 weeks now. Victory!

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:01 am
by bluetick
It didn't help that one of the airborne cops described the man as a "bad dude" a minute before he was killed. 200 feet above the ground all he logically knows is the person is a large black male.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:40 am
by Jungle Rat
Large Black Male = Bad Dude

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:39 pm
by hedge
According to the report I watched, it said they had already tazed him before they shot him...

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:45 pm
by Jungle Rat

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:06 pm
by eCat
hedge wrote:According to the report I watched, it said they had already tazed him before they shot him...


that narrative has already been set.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:17 pm
by eCat
eCat rules to not get shot by police

1. If you are looking a cop in the eye, look down to your left. On his right hip is a Glock. If He/She feels threatened by you, they will shoot you with it. They aren't concerned with the rules of engagement at the moment, they aren't concerned if you're Joey Bag of Donuts working class guy or the guy that just robbed the Quickie Mart, all they are concerned about is will they walk away from this encounter unscathed while doing their job. They may have a police inquiry tomorrow about their actions today but they are going home to their family tonight. They will not let you prevent that from happening.

2. yes, you're pissed off the cop pulled you over/stopped you on the street. No, you will not win the argument. Cops don't back down, they have guns. Thru gritted teeth you say yes sir, no sir, even if the cop is a 19 year old fuck up that still shit his pants when he was in 3rd grade. Even if its the 3rd time you've been pulled over this week. You take the lecture, you take the ticket, and then you channel your anger into community action the next day. All that will happen with you arguing with a cop is that cop will multiply into 2 cops....2 angry cops.

3. Don't buy your kid a bb gun that looks like an assault rifle

4. Don't run around Wal-Mart with a bb gun that looks like an assault rifle

5.If you aren't healthy enough to survive a knee to the neck in a take down, then don't put yourself in a position where you're going to get a knee in the neck in a take down. If you are confused by this, see rule number 2 again.

6. If you decide to run, even if you are unarmed, don't be surprised if you get shot. Cops don't like to run. its easier to shoot. See rule #1

Following these rules will go a long way in you not getting shot.

Re: Florida State Seminoles

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:32 pm
by hedge
Rule 7: Move to one of the many countries in the world where the cops don't carry guns...