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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:45 pm
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote:Yes, and you characterized WalMart as catering only to people who shop with EBT cards. I just noted how amazing that is to me that by catering solely to that clientele, WalMoart has somehow managed to make itself worth over $250 billion...
No. You misunderstand.

DSL and AA asked why people don't use Amazon for Black Friday. I have explained why. Its the clientel that want the toaster. I shop at WalMart. I don't have any EBT and you aren't going to see me (or anyone else of my level of sophistication) get into a fist fight at WalMart over a fucking Dirt Devil or a Toaster. Those are your Obama voters, your never-married welfare bums with their fucking EBT, their disability checks they got frim diabetes for being morbidly obese, and all their bastards in toe, the people who (in the 50+ or so years that they will be on this planet) will never contribute to society what they take from it. They will punch each other from their electric carts if they don't get their toaster for $10 off. The cops at the WalMart aren't even remotely interested in their shenanigans.

You will see me patiently waiting in line for about an hour to save $500-$1000 on an 80 inch Plasma television (maybe) and walk out the door, but only if I can't get the same savings on-line. In that sense,
"brick-and-mortar" WalMart helps me. The cops wait over near our line, there will be no fist fights.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:48 pm
by Toemeesleather
Dancing on the head of a pin....dissembling....wordsmith creativity...."incorrect promise" least all can see what it must be like to live with a desperate drug addict who'll do anything for the next fix.....

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:58 pm
by bluetick
The Economy is Much Better Than You Think - MSN Money ... -you-think

"Today," Matt Ridley writes in his book "The Rational Optimist,""of Americans officially designated as 'poor,' 99 percent have electricity, running water, flush toilets, and a refrigerator, 95 percent have a television, 88 percent a telephone, 71 percent a car and 70 percent air conditioning. Cornelius Vanderbilt had none of these."

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:10 pm
by sardis
If that's the case then stop asking for more stimulus spending and have the fed stop QE.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:13 pm
by Toemeesleather
You absolutely can't make this sh!te up!!!!!

This is the best example of the IQ we are debating in the ACA/anthropogenic warming arena.

The threat of global warming may stretch so far beyond Earth that it affects meteorites millions of miles away in space -- at least according to one CNN anchor.

“Talk about something else that’s falling from the sky and that is an asteroid. What’s coming our way? Is this an effect of, perhaps, of global warming, or is this just some meteoric occasion?” CNN’s Deborah Feyerick asked Bill “The Science Guy” Nye, head of the Planetary Society, in a Saturday segment.

Feyerick, who had earlier quizzed Nye about the possible link between global warming and the weekend snowstorm, was referring to Asteroid 2012 DA14, which will whiz within 17,000 miles or so of Earth on Feb 15. The asteroid’s relatively close trajectory on its latest pass of Earth has been extensively covered in recent weeks.

“No, no, no, no,” Nye replied to the spaced-out question, before gracefully extending Feyerick a lifeline by saying “except it’s all science. The word meteorology and the word meteor come from the same root, so, uhh…”

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:15 pm
by innocentbystander
Toemeesleather wrote:Dancing on the head of a pin....dissembling....wordsmith creativity...."incorrect promise" least all can see what it must be like to live with a desperate drug addict who'll do anything for the next fix.....
that is a very dark world Toem

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:17 pm
by innocentbystander
sardis wrote:If that's the case then stop asking for more stimulus spending and have the fed stop QE.

but, but, but.... the Obama voters need that money in their EBT so they can get their Black Friday toaster? you can't take that away from those who line-vote Democrat....

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:29 pm
by Toemeesleather
And us WASPs need our IRAs to keep growing at 15%.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:36 pm
by innocentbystander
Toemeesleather wrote:And us WASPs need our IRAs to keep growing at 15%.
well, what us WASPs really need is for the government NOT to take our IRAs away from us when we retire. ... peed-.html


I have a genuine fear that I will be "out-voted" by the moochers (ie: Tick's people, your average Detroit resident) and they will vote in politicians who will confiscate all the earnings that I saved in my defered IRA for the good of the people....

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:34 pm
by bluetick
innocentbystander wrote:
Toemeesleather wrote:And us WASPs need our IRAs to keep growing at 15%.
well, what us WASPs really need is for the government NOT to take our IRAs away from us when we retire.
I doubt this will penetrate that tinfoil toboggan of yours, but the gubmint doesn't want your puny IRA. Or your .22cal assault squrrel rifle, or your commemorative Glen Beck, American gold-plated coins. Or your sippy cup and night light for that matter.

The government isn't holding you back, IB, and neither are women and minorities. The person responsible for your current set of circumstances is the person staring back at you in the mirror (ignore the lazy eye - that's on your parents). Take stock, get help, and quit your whining. Buck up.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:51 pm
by innocentbystander
bluetick wrote:I doubt this will penetrate that tinfoil toboggan of yours, but the gubmint doesn't want your puny IRA.
That depends on who you ask.... ... -401k-plan
“WASHINGTON, February 3, 2013 ? The $19.4 trillion sitting in personal retirement accounts like the 401K may be too tempting an apple for a government that is quite broke, both monetarily and morally. The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray recently mentioned these accounts in a recent interview, stating “That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in, in terms of whether and what authority we have.”
...what do you think of those loyal Obama voters? They are exploring their "authority" to take away what people have saved so the people of Detroit (your people) can get THEIRS.

Fuck you bluetick, you lying sack of shit.
bluetick wrote: Or your .22cal assault squrrel rifle
Feminists (loyal Obama voters) do not want anyone other than government to be armed. Only government should have the POWER OF LETHAL FORCE. Never ordinary men. And feminists want to make sure that there are plenty of those in law enforcement wielding that lethal force, mostly just to enforce Government nonsense like VAWA laws and endless alimony. Were it not for feminism, the serving of pointless restraining orders that were signed by betamale and feminist judges because women are unhaaaapppy, VAWA legislation, and no-fault-divorce, we could literally fire 80% of our nation's law enforcement as they are unnecessary.
bluetick wrote: or your commemorative Glen Beck, American gold-plated coins. Or your sippy cup and night light for that matter.

The government isn't holding you back, IB, and neither are women and minorities. The person responsible for your current set of circumstances is the person staring back at you in the mirror (ignore the lazy eye - that's on your parents). Take stock, get help, and quit your whining. Buck up.
Well I'm doing just fine (so far.) Of course the ACA (created by THIS GOVERNMENT HOLDING ME BACK) raised my health insurance expenses dramatically, but I'm still getting along....

...I wish I could say the same thing for men who are victims of frivorce. THIS GOVERNMENT HOLDING THEM BACK wants unending alimony payments to whores who needless frivorce their husbands so they can hook-up with their boyfriends they meet on facebook. Of course, they will never marry them and forfeit their alimony checks, oh no. They will only live with them (subjecting their daughter's to the possible molestation by these live-in "daddy-uncles"), fuck them, and continue cashing their alimony checks that government HOLDING THOSE MEN BACK force their ex-husbands to pay by pointing a gun at their head and threatening them with jailtime if they don't.

That is YOUR GOVERNMENT bluetick. That is Hope and Change! That is Forward! Fuck you if you are too dense to get this.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:01 pm
by hedge
What about your Glen Beck coin?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:22 pm
by innocentbystander
hedge wrote:What about your Glen Beck coin?
I traded it for BitCoin.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:42 pm
by bluetick
innocentbystander wrote:
bluetick wrote:I doubt this will penetrate that tinfoil toboggan of yours, but the gubmint doesn't want your puny IRA.
That depends on who you ask.... ... -401k-plan
“WASHINGTON, February 3, 2013 ? The $19.4 trillion sitting in personal retirement accounts like the 401K may be too tempting an apple for a government that is quite broke, both monetarily and morally. The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray recently mentioned these accounts in a recent interview, stating “That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in, in terms of whether and what authority we have.”
That blogger to the Washington Times (!) used that quote from Cordray to imply the government was taking over 401ks...a TOTAL LIE, since the head of the Consumer Protection Bureau was merely talking about giving additional backup to the SEC in stopping scams against elderly investors through the Office for Older Americans, established by Dodd-Frank with a mandate to improve financial literacy for the elderly (Bloomberg- 1/18/2013). Putting out a warning to gramps about fraudulant investment groups preying on his nestegg is about a million fucking miles from "the gubmint is robbing your four-oh-one-Kay!!!". You get that, right? Dumbass..

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:57 pm
by innocentbystander
bluetick wrote:
innocentbystander wrote:
bluetick wrote:I doubt this will penetrate that tinfoil toboggan of yours, but the gubmint doesn't want your puny IRA.
That depends on who you ask.... ... -401k-plan
“WASHINGTON, February 3, 2013 ? The $19.4 trillion sitting in personal retirement accounts like the 401K may be too tempting an apple for a government that is quite broke, both monetarily and morally. The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray recently mentioned these accounts in a recent interview, stating “That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in, in terms of whether and what authority we have.”
That blogger to the Washington Times (!) used that quote from Cordray to imply the government was taking over 401ks...a TOTAL LIE, since the head of the Consumer Protection Bureau was merely talking about giving additional backup to the SEC in stopping scams against elderly investors through the Office for Older Americans, established by Dodd-Frank with a mandate to improve financial literacy for the elderly (Bloomberg- 1/18/2013). Putting out a warning to gramps about fraudulant investment groups preying on his nestegg is about a million fucking miles from "the gubmint is robbing your four-oh-one-Kay!!!". You get that, right? Dumbass..
It is you who is the dumbass. They are not taking over 401Ks yet. They will TRY TO in an effort to get Social Security to be more solvent. This will happen if there is enough political will among "the people." If you had things YOUR WAY I KNOW you would do all that you could to have the government sieze that $19.1 trillion and redistributed to "the people" don't deny it. They have already taken over health insurance for "the people." This is next. (Afterall, it's not fair that some have saved while the others didn't.) Pensions are a "right" just like affordable health care!

Here is one where a feminist lobbying group (operating from the principle that women are by the nature of their gender, financially irresponsible, which they are) wants to take away the tax deduction benefit of 401Ks! They believe that 401Ks are just for men and we need those $100,000,000,000 in taxes each year (probably so we can give Sandra Fluke for free birth control pills.) ... -targeted/

I am not making this shit up tick. There is a growing poltical class that is really out for that money.

As far as the CPB goes, the Consumer Protection Bureau should not exist. Period. Full stop. It is a bullshit agency created to protect NO ONE other than the jobs for the civil servants who currently work it. Their primary goal is to prevent people from being scammed by demanding that lenders require les paperwork to be signed by borrowers. That is a horseshit agency with a bullshit goal. They are not protecting anyone. What the government has essencially done is made it next to impossible for smaller lenders to compete with larger ones who have enough resources to employ enough lawyers to get around CPB legisation and laws. All the CPB is, is rent seeking protections for large lenders to set even higher rates of interest because there will be less lenders competing for the consumer debt. In the end, it is the most poor who will suffer the most from CPB as they will be forced to pay the most (or will be locked out of credit, outright.)

Go fuck yourself tick and your irrational support of rent seeking.


Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:02 pm
by Dr. Strangelove
Rush Limbaugh blasts Pope Francis for being a "Marxist" ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Rush probably think Jesus would praise the wealthy and tell the poor to quit whining and get a damn job

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:46 am
by Jungle Rat
Can somebody please give IB his meds?

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:15 am
by sardis
Dr. Strangelove wrote:Rush Limbaugh blasts Pope Francis for being a "Marxist" ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Rush probably think Jesus would praise the wealthy and tell the poor to quit whining and get a damn job
Jesus never got involved in political and economic policies. He dealt with people and the church.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:47 am
by hedge
You're right, politics has nothing to do with people...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:45 pm
by Dr. Strangelove
sardis wrote:
Dr. Strangelove wrote:Rush Limbaugh blasts Pope Francis for being a "Marxist" ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Rush probably think Jesus would praise the wealthy and tell the poor to quit whining and get a damn job
Jesus never got involved in political and economic policies. He dealt with people and the church.
It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter paraphrase Jesus H. Christ...and nowhere else did Jesus even once criticize the pursuit of wealth above all other things?

But I'm sure, I'm POSITIVE, that the 4-times married Rush Limbaugh has a firmer grasp on Jesus and living a saintly life than Pope Francis does.