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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:18 pm
by 10ac
Dr. Strangelove wrote:Prison rate would drop dramatically if you released all the non-violent pot smokers. Legalize it!
...and released all the Big Ten child molesters...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:49 pm
by Jungle Rat
Make sure they register!

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:57 pm
Yes we wouldn't want Rat to feel alone...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:05 pm
by Jungle Rat
Why would I feel alone? I've got your 5 daughters taking care of me. They really don't like you from what they've said

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:38 am
by innocentbystander
Professor Tiger wrote:The first 20 or so times IB said women shouldn't be allowed to vote, I thought he was kidding. I'm starting to think he's serious. Wow. That's right up there with "legitimate rape" and a rape pregnancy being a "gift from God."
What winds up happening is people no longer value marriage (marriage rates among minorities are deporable) and our prison population soars. That is where we are today.
You make it sound like a soaring prison population is a bad thing. It pays my bills, sir.
What made the adoreable Melissa Joan Hart so fetching on Bill O'Reily last night are the entirely unique reasons she said about why she voted to elect Willard Mitt Romney. She said she voted for Mitt because that was in the best interest of her children. She said social issues are far down on her list compared to the Federal Debt her sons are inheriting.

The Twitter-verse has been lambasting Sabrina the Teenaged Witch non-stop because of her decision to support Romney. And really what has been happening is women (who as a gender, do not challenge each other to think) screaming at Melissa for violating the cardinal rule women (particularly celebrity women) must follow in politics, vote on what is in the best interests of women. Melissa voted the way a man votes, that is she voted on what is in the best interests of her children.

I will always love Melissa Joan Hart for doing what she did, NOT just for voting for Romney but for publically saying something that will most definately harm her future earning power because she may be blacklisted in Hollywood for her comments. It happend to Ron Silver it could happen to her. But that is the price one must pay if they have integrity.

Professor, the reason why I would like to End Women's Suffrage is because fewer and fewer women are getting to the political maturity level that Melissa is at, mostly because fewer and fewer women are ever marrying (and of those that do, fewer still are STAYING married.) The percentage of women who use their emotions (and not logic and reason) as the driving force in their political decisions is increasing, not decreasing, mostly because those women do NOT have a man in their life that they are legally bound to, a man that is there to reason with and challenge their wives to think. That puts in jeapody, this Republic. It is in jeapordy, because when you make a decision based on an emotional response, you do not consider cause and effect. In this case, you do not consider the overall financial cost your decisions for more entitlement may have on your children.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:04 pm
by Toemeesleather
If political maturity is the criteria, you've got a lot more people to ban from voting...seems untenable to me...

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:07 pm
by aTm
I dont think ib's ideas really need analysis.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:07 pm
by innocentbystander
Toemeesleather wrote:If political maturity is the criteria, you've got a lot more people to ban from voting...seems untenable to me...
It is. It is untenable. But the alternative is either suicide or a social contract of forever indebtedness that our grand-children would never have agreed.

We have to try.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:14 pm
by Toemeesleather
Here's what we're up against, heads buried in the sand....not just women.

The University of California, San Diego has done it again. Last year, it announced the creation of a new diversity sinecure: a vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Campus leaders established this post even as state budget cuts resulted in the loss of star scientists to competing universities, as humanities classes and degree programs were eliminated to save money, and as tuition continued its nearly 75 percent, five-year rise. The new vice chancellorship was wildly redundant with UCSD's already-existing diversity infrastructure. As the campus itself acknowledges: "UC San Diego currently has many active diversity programs and initiatives." No kidding. A partial list of those "active diversity programs and initiatives" may be accessed here.

Now UCSD has filled the position and announced the new vice chancellor's salary. Linda Greene, a diversity bureaucrat and law professor from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will pull in $250,000 a year in regular salary, but that's just the beginning: she'll receive both a relocation allowance of $60,000 and 100 percent reimbursement of all moving expenses, a temporary housing allowance of $13,500, two fully paid house-hunting trips for two to the San Diego area, and reimbursement for all business visits to the campus before her start date in January 2013. (By comparison, an internationally known expert in opto-electronics in UCSD's engineering school, whose recent work has focused on cancer nanotechnology, received a little over $150,000 in salary from UCSD in 2011, according to state databases.) The UCSD press office did not respond to a request for the amount the university paid the "women-owned executive search firm with a diverse consulting team" it used to find Greene.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:41 pm
by innocentbystander
Toemeesleather wrote:Here's what we're up against, heads buried in the sand....not just women.

The University of California, San Diego has done it again. Last year, it announced the creation of a new diversity sinecure: a vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Campus leaders established this post even as state budget cuts resulted in the loss of star scientists to competing universities, as humanities classes and degree programs were eliminated to save money, and as tuition continued its nearly 75 percent, five-year rise. The new vice chancellorship was wildly redundant with UCSD's already-existing diversity infrastructure. As the campus itself acknowledges: "UC San Diego currently has many active diversity programs and initiatives." No kidding. A partial list of those "active diversity programs and initiatives" may be accessed here.

Now UCSD has filled the position and announced the new vice chancellor's salary. Linda Greene, a diversity bureaucrat and law professor from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will pull in $250,000 a year in regular salary, but that's just the beginning: she'll receive both a relocation allowance of $60,000 and 100 percent reimbursement of all moving expenses, a temporary housing allowance of $13,500, two fully paid house-hunting trips for two to the San Diego area, and reimbursement for all business visits to the campus before her start date in January 2013. (By comparison, an internationally known expert in opto-electronics in UCSD's engineering school, whose recent work has focused on cancer nanotechnology, received a little over $150,000 in salary from UCSD in 2011, according to state databases.) The UCSD press office did not respond to a request for the amount the university paid the "women-owned executive search firm with a diverse consulting team" it used to find Greene.
Well, this problem is California's problem. This problem will "self-correct" as Universities of Higher Learning discover that their enrollments "drop." That will happen as our birth rate continues its decline and "for-profit" Universitites (such as the University of Pheonix and DeVry) continue to offer engineering and computer science degrees on-line.

Recent Millenial college graduates will continue Occupying Wall Street with their worthless Women's Studies degrees and their jobs at McDonalds while living at home to pay for the $100,000 on their student loans and they will determine that if they want the $75,000\yr a 26 year old Punjab is pulling in working from 8 to 5 at some data-center somewhere, they'll have to go back to school and get a meaningful degree. Word will get around (may take a decade or more) that these schools with thier expensive tuition costs to finance their diversity programs add NO VALUE in helping a student get a job or get a life. As a result, more public universities (that want to stay in existance) will start going the Rochester Institute of Technology-route (have HUGE marketing campaigns to get students to enroll, accept almost everyone, and flunk out half the freshman who should not have been admitted in the first place because they are not emotionally mature enough to live away from home.) This will cull the heard and will also elevate a 19 year old's maturity very quickly into determining what they realy want to do for the rest of their life. These frosh-STEM, flunk-out, reality slaps, will push the flunkies into DeVry and Phoenix and other on-line univerisities where their dollars will be put to better use and they will (finally) get the mad STEM skilz they need to earn Punjab's earning power (and more.)

Toem, we can't save these Millenials. They're fucked. They wont get married til their 40 (if at all) and they have been brainwashed into thinking two men can make a marriage. They didn't have a war to cull their numbers, nor did they get any educational direction from their parents as their folks were at the tail end of the Baby Boom generation (just old enough to remember that all you needed to do to succeed was get a degree in something and still too young NOT to have the wisdom to understand how meaningless many of these degrees are in today's economy.) What their parents learned (all in their very early 50s) do not apply today. And their unemplopyable, over-educated children, are suffering as a result.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:29 pm
by Jungle Rat
Hey Rat,

What are the qualities that make a man a good man?
Jungle Rat wrote:Treating women with respect & not being a dickface like you.
See, that's funny because you wouldn't stop badgering Owlman for his answer yet I answer right away you ignore it. Why is that? Because you are a dickface who had his tiny dick yanked my a nun with a beard.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:36 pm
by innocentbystander
Jungle Rat wrote:
Hey Rat,

What are the qualities that make a man a good man?
Jungle Rat wrote:Treating women with respect & not being a dickface like you.
See, that's funny because you wouldn't stop badgering Owlman for his answer yet I answer right away you ignore it. Why is that? Because you are a dickface who had his tiny dick yanked my a nun with a beard.
There is nothing funny about this because you were just being a snarky prick. You didn't answer the question because you don't take the question seriously, you just used snark. So if you don't take it seriously, I am not going to take you seriously.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:40 pm
by Jungle Rat
But I was being serious. If I wanted to be "snarky" I would have made fun of you still being a virgin. I answered your question. Treat women with respect & don't be a dickhead. Simple answer.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:52 pm
by innocentbystander
Jungle Rat wrote:But I was being serious. If I wanted to be "snarky" I would have made fun of you still being a virgin. I answered your question. Treat women with respect & don't be a dickhead. Simple answer.
So that's it? That is your serious answer? To you, the ONLY quality there is for a man to be a good man is to treat women with respect? That is what makes a man a good man? I'm not interested in your DON'Ts. I am only interested in the DOs. And I only see one DO.

That is not a serious answer rat. And your one and only DO is an entirely subjective evaluation. I am looking for an objective list of qualities.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:16 pm
by Jungle Rat
1) Treat women with respect (she does make your dinner)
2) Don't be a dickface like IB (nobody like a dickface)
3) Work hard & provide. No mother with kids should have to work
4) Claim Sundays (for football of course)
5) Treat your kids with love, (even if they are female).
6) Respect your mother (even though she's female)
7) Punch anyone like IB in the face and walk away. Laughing.

There's my list you jackwagon.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:29 pm
by bluetick
The Ten Qualities of a Good Man

A good man is one who is kind and compassionate.
A good man is honest and hard working. A good man will tell you the truth.
A good man has self control and is respectful when he speaks to any woman.
A good man is willing to be corrected or counseled.
A good man is faithful and reliable; he is able to forgive you when you do wrong.
A good man is humble, generous, and is a peacemaker as well.
A good man knows how to control his temper and has concerns for others.
A good man stays confident of himself.
A good man is not a jealous man.
A good man always has a positive outlook on life..

sweet jeebus maybe it'll stop

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:44 pm
by Jungle Rat
Great list. Wonder what IBs is?

Bet it starts with....

A good man needs to shut tell his woman to shut the fuck up & know her place

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:51 pm
shut the fuck up and know yer role

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:00 pm
by innocentbystander
Jungle Rat wrote:1) Treat women with respect (she does make your dinner)
2) Don't be a dickface like IB (nobody like a dickface)
3) Work hard & provide. No mother with kids should have to work
4) Claim Sundays (for football of course)
5) Treat your kids with love, (even if they are female).
6) Respect your mother (even though she's female)
7) Punch anyone like IB in the face and walk away. Laughing.

There's my list you jackwagon.
Not good enough. The ONLY thing in your list (that is entirely objective) is #3. Everything else is either subjective (and should be disregarded), a joke, or (if serious) a criminal matter that get you arrested and incarcerated. Because if anyone batters me, they go jail and I press charges.

Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by innocentbystander
bluetick wrote:The Ten Qualities of a Good Man

A good man is one who is kind and compassionate.
A good man is honest and hard working. A good man will tell you the truth.
A good man has self control and is respectful when he speaks to any woman.
A good man is willing to be corrected or counseled.
A good man is faithful and reliable; he is able to forgive you when you do wrong.
A good man is humble, generous, and is a peacemaker as well.
A good man knows how to control his temper and has concerns for others.
A good man stays confident of himself.
A good man is not a jealous man.
A good man always has a positive outlook on life..

sweet jeebus maybe it'll stop
this list was copied from someone else because Tick does not have any thoughts of his own on this matter (either that or he is functionally incapable of thinking for himself.) Either way, 6 of the items that are on your list are entirely subjective.

But there is something WORSE about this list. Many of the items (almost all of them) could apply to BOTH MEN AND WOMEN! I did NOT ask for a list of qualities that could make a woman a good woman, but many of these things in your list are applicable to BOTH genders. I am SPECIFICALLY looking for qualities that make a man a good man. Be specific and entirely objective. Be male centric in your answer. No rhetoric. (hint for one and all: You might want to list actual ACTIONS that a man can do that makes him a good man.)

I'm looking for objective qualities guys. You are all skimming the surface of what is a very easy question to answer, probably because you don't want to stick your neck out there and really differentiate/discriminate between good men and good women. And these differences are part of my philiosophy as to why we must end Women's Suffrage. You all must first UNLEARN that which you have learned about people and realize that (at the subconcious level) we already do discriminate and can tell the difference between the genders even if you are functionally incapable of defining those differences.