Florida State Seminoles

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:10 pm

Actually, tha'ts my point. Local papers are the ones actually breaking the stories."

Auggie would disagree with that, at least in the case of your paper...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:42 pm

okay I have officially given up on aTm on this. its like trying to talk to a 4 year old in a foriegn language

eCat wrote:
innocentbystander wrote:thats fine, but that is not the issue here

what is at issue is that those two boys were motivated to kill specifically because of their religion. and it is not just ANY religion, it is only THAT ONE religion. they had the same motive that the would be Ft Dix terrorists had, the same motive the Food Hood terrorist had, the same motive the DC snipers had, the same motive the shoe bomber had, the same motove the 9-11 hijackers had, all stems from that one religion

they read in their holy book, that infidels had to die. they believe that they had to carry out those attacks, their religion COMMANDS THEM to kill. they are promised 72, pure, tight, unruptured hymens, in their afterlife. that is their "reward" for murdering an eight year old boy...

...that is the religion. that is what we are dealing with here eCat.

I wasn't really commenting on what motivated the bombers. But THAT ONE religion doesn't explain the wars and deaths attributed to Christianity - like the crusades - and who were the crusades against? The Spanish Inquisition? There is no shortage of examples of Christians going after Muslims throughout history. These jihadists in the name of Allah of the last 2 decades have a ways to go before their death count reaches the blood under the Pope, The Church of England , Ferdinand and Isabella. Or is all of that like the Old Testament and doesn't count?
i don't care about examples of Christians goign after Muslims throughout history. and neither should you. it doesn't count. and you know why it doesn't count? because you and I don't live in Europe during the Dark Ages or during the Spanish Inquisition. you and I live in the United States in 2013. so talking about Christianity and its checkered "history" has nothing at all to do with the dangers we face by Islam, Today. eCat, please join us all in the world of reality

today's KKK are not going to kill you for being a Jew or for being black. they are just a bunch of old, racist farts, who have less in life than they feel they are deserving and so they put on white sheets and parade around like a bunch of fucking neanderthals and no one pays them any attention. no one gives a fuck other than to feel sorry for them for being so damned ignorant. and that is great, that is the way it is supposed to be with racists.

Islam? follwers of that infernal creation mean to kill you, today, NOW, 2013. Yes your life is in jeapordy as long as Islam exists. Today. Now. Not in history, today.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:44 pm

Saint wrote:Of course, this comes as no surprise to me. During the mortgage default frenzy a few years ago, I wondered why the banks were so up in arms (other than their cash flow issues) since they were now the owners of millions of homes. Pretty soon, we're all going to be renting from The Man.
you wont be renting from anyone (certainly not "The Man") if you didn't welch on your mortgage.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:57 pm

Why do you see paying a mortgage as any different from renting from the man? It isn't. Plus you've got to pay property taxes the whole time, so you're basically renting from two the man's. You don't own shit, boy....
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:59 pm

" Yes your life is in jeapordy as long as Islam exists. Today. Now. Not in history, today."

I wish your life was in far more jeopardy than it evidently has been up to this point...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:10 pm

hedge wrote:Why do you see paying a mortgage as any different from renting from the man? It isn't. Plus you've got to pay property taxes the whole time, so you're basically renting from two the man's. You don't own shit, boy....
Boy. I like that.

Listen boy, you pay property taxes whether you "own" your own home or you don't. If you rent something from a landlord, the landlord is paying the property taxes so your rent will include that. Even if all you have is a 5th-wheel trailer on a pull-thru rental lot inside an RV park, you are still paying some property taxes (just a very small figure, those dollars factored into the rental price for your lot.)

When you are renting from "the man" you are accumlulating no wealth. Nothing. Not one penny. You are paying off "the man's" debt and making him "richer." Eventually "the man" will not have to pay debt anymore thanks to you.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:19 pm

I am the man...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by AlabamAlum » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:30 pm

Today, the average Islamic fanatical adherents are probably more primitive than the average fanatic that Christianity boasts. I agree that there are similarities between many of the Muslims of today and their approach to their religious dogma and duty and the Christians of the Middle Ages.

The thing is, the rest of the world had to put up with those fanatical Christians then just as we are having to put up with the fanatical Muslims now. Christianity evolved (generally speaking) into something a bit less dangerous and so will Islam.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:48 pm

AlabamAlum wrote:Today, the average Islamic fanatical adherents are probably more primitive than the average fanatic that Christianity boasts. I agree that there are similarities between many of the Muslims of today and their approach to their religious dogma and duty and the Christians of the Middle Ages.

The thing is, the rest of the world had to put up with those fanatical Christians then just as we are having to put up with the fanatical Muslims now. Christianity evolved (generally speaking) into something a bit less dangerous and so will Islam.

Christ never commanded His followers to kill in His name. Can't say that about Islam.

And even if you are right, this mythical point of eventual Islamic enlightenment will not happen in any of our lifetimes.
Feminism: Eve eats ALL the apples, gives God the middle finder when He confronts her, and has the serpent serve Adam with an injunction ordering him to both stay away from her AND to provide her food and shelter because he dragged her out of the Garden.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by AlabamAlum » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:57 pm

Christ may not have, but they did it anyway. Perhaps they were following the "god" of the old testament - you know, the god that would slaughter children with bears because they called someone a baldy. Or the god who was okay with not allowing blind people to go church, or killing a child who curses at his dad, or kicking out a couple if they have sex when she's on her period...well, you get the idea.

Sure, it may not happen in our lifetimes, but it took Christianity a long time to curtail the the atrocities, too.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:03 pm

God told Abraham to kill his son and ol Abe was fixin to do it until God came in at the last moment and told Abraham he was only joking. I wish Abraham had been IB's dad and God hadn't said anything about it being a joke...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Bklyn » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:18 pm

Like there are many Christians today following what Christ taught them about treating other people or what Paul said about corrupting talk coming from ones mouth...
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:23 pm

hedge wrote:God told Abraham to kill his son and ol Abe was fixin to do it until God came in at the last moment and told Abraham he was only joking. I wish Abraham had been IB's dad and God hadn't said anything about it being a joke...
Father Abe was (what?) 2000 or maybe 3000 years before Christ? i don't even know for sure

it really wasn't until Moses the Lawgiver came down from the mountain with his TEN (nine of which are theft) before we could really say that killing was wrong. and even then, it took over a couple generations before they fully embraced that idea

Christ simplified the old law (reduced from 10 to 2): Love God the Father with all you heart and mind and soul and love your neighbor.
Feminism: Eve eats ALL the apples, gives God the middle finder when He confronts her, and has the serpent serve Adam with an injunction ordering him to both stay away from her AND to provide her food and shelter because he dragged her out of the Garden.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:26 pm

It's no wonder none of your couples ever get back together.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by innocentbystander » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:32 pm

Jungle Rat wrote:It's no wonder none of your couples ever get back together.
that is not the problem

its more the guys don't want to start to get together (in marriage) with the women in the first place. i can't sell "marriage" to a fully employed, 26 year old man, who is already a home owner and is constantly getting laid as a bachelor, when the choices for marriage are all uneducated single moms with $100K in personal, unsecured, debt. marriage offers him very little in return and the RISK (no fault divorce in a community property state) is so large, they don't even want to try. could you blame them?
Feminism: Eve eats ALL the apples, gives God the middle finder when He confronts her, and has the serpent serve Adam with an injunction ordering him to both stay away from her AND to provide her food and shelter because he dragged her out of the Garden.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by AlabamAlum » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:37 pm

What Christianity's followers believe Christ said is irrelevant. Christians killed in Christ's name with decent efficiency until around 1683.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Saint » Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:54 pm

innocentbystander wrote:
Saint wrote:Of course, this comes as no surprise to me. During the mortgage default frenzy a few years ago, I wondered why the banks were so up in arms (other than their cash flow issues) since they were now the owners of millions of homes. Pretty soon, we're all going to be renting from The Man.
you wont be renting from anyone (certainly not "The Man") if you didn't welch on your mortgage.

you'll be renting too once your supervisor comes back by your cubicle and sees you wasting company time again. if you were a real independent type, like a drug lord instead of the corporate flunkie that you are, you would be able to post your drivel with real impunity instead of this conjured bravado you manage to muster when Lumbergh isn't hovering over you

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Owlman » Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:11 am

Eric Wayne Rudolph, George Loeb, Jeremiah Knesal, Ben Smith, Matthew Hale
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Owlman » Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:12 am

How is NC planning to effect necessary notice (a federal constitutional requirement) when the owner doesn't live at the address where their is an attempted taking?
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by sardis » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:27 am

Owlman wrote:Eric Wayne Rudolph, George Loeb, Jeremiah Knesal, Ben Smith, Matthew Hale
You do know that 4 out of the 5 you mentioned were anti-Christian.

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