Red Bird wrote:Yea, let's blame the little guys!
If I remember correctly, it was working class home-owner wannabes demanding easy credit and insisting on an unsupervised market for exotic derivatives that finished Lehman Brothers and brought our great nation to its knees.
What exactly is "working class people?" I work for a living, am I working class? I have easy access to credit. I am able to make all my mortgage payments (on time AND in full) so because I am responsible, does that remove me from the "working class" pool?
Leeman Brothers would still be in business if "the people" acted responsibly. "The people" welched on their home loans. Leeman's sin in all of this, is that they risked too much of the companies assets in the most credit-unworthy. That ended them. I am not crying for Leeman. Fuck 'em, they got what they deserved for being so risky. But it was your proverbial "...
little guy..." walking away from his house for whatever reason, that started the snowball rolling down the hill to everyone's ruin.
Red Bird wrote:Those working class losers organized into cells like commies and campaigned for no-down-payment mortgages that they didn't deserve and could never hope repay, only to default and end up either homeless or living in their parents' basement.
What an incredibly clever plan to ruin themselves. Can anyone imagine a more diabolically perfect means of self destruction?
The sin here is not just the welching homeowner, but partially the lending institutions. Basically, the lenders should have assumed that IF the only way someone was going to get a mortgage, it meant no money down, then automatically
they don't get a mortgage. Unfortunately, our government WANTED those people to GET those mortgages. Let's turn back the clock to about 2005 when Congressman Barney Frank said everything was fine with Freddie and Fannie. Frank did not wanty anyone to mess up a good thing he had going. Why did he do that? Because those institutions were contributing heavily to his re-election campaign, all the while, helping to ENABLE your "working class" person with a "no-money-down" loan.
Barney Frank STILL will not craft any bill that would insist lenders to require any money down. He can't. The most irresponsible among
us are his voters.
Red Bird wrote:What amazes me, what keeps me awake at night is trying to figure out how these irresponsible dead-beats got control of the home loan process in the first place. I'll bet they greased a few palms with their grimy, sweat-soaked $10s and $20s. We all know Alan Greenspan is on the take. How could that greedy Jew resist the milk money offered to him by those near-idle free-loaders?
Thank God we're on guard now, and these . . so called "working" poor can't hope to pull another fast one.
Of course it could happen again, and it will happen again Red Bird.
It is human nature for the least responsible to walk away from responsibility. Nothing at the Federal level has happened to change that because too many people at the Federal level owe their jobs in Congress TO the least responsible among us...
Feminism: Eve eats ALL the apples, gives God the middle finder when He confronts her, and has the serpent serve Adam with an injunction ordering him to both stay away from her AND to provide her food and shelter because he dragged her out of the Garden.