- #1) re-convert their entire navy to coal (very possible, they knew exactly how to do it, but it reduces their ship speed and cruising range by 50%),
- #2) make a bee line for the Middle East via the Indian Ocean (long fucking way to sail, because going by land was logistically impossible given that there were 580,000,000 Indians loyal to King George sitting right in the path),
- #3) go over the top of India and push much harder in Southern China and make a bee line for the oil in Caucus and Southern Russia (again, a logistical nightmare given the thousands of miles of the tallest mountains in the entire world plus another 300,000,000 Chinese to kill),
- #4) surrender to Chang-Hai-Sheck and China or
- #5) sneak attack the United States with such a devastating blow (sink every Capital ship we have) that our morale is obliterated, the 14 million people of California become so paranoid of invasion that Japanese soldiers were coming to rape their wives and daughters, and that they HAD to beg FDR to re-negotiate for oil trade once again.
World War I? Meh. I am sure we would have stayed out of it had the Lusitania not been sunk. That was Wilson's entire campaign promise for his 1916 re-election, he will keep us out of war. But as it turns out, our presence there may not have made that much of a difference. God ended that war with a flu that (very quietly) killed millions of people on both sides and left the trenches filled with corpses that neither side had the time or desire to gather up and burn. Germany may have been determined but Austria-Hungary and Turkey had both already tapped out when the Germans got Russia to tap out (remember Russia "surrendered" to Germany in 1917 so they could fight their own damn, civil war) and it was pretty damn clear, Germany was not going to beat the French and the British. The Western front didn't move for 3 years (All's Quiet on the Western Front), they weren't going to start moving in 1917 even with ALL the troops moved from the Eastern front to the West AND if USA stayed out of it.