Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Cletus » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:32 am

How you feel about the real issues in this article is the litmus test.

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/28/opin ... &smtyp=cur

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Cletus » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:41 am

Tree wrote:
Cletus wrote:
Professor Tiger wrote:Good points. But Trump supporters will still vent their ire on the Republican Senate, if only to punish their collective betrayal of their own base. If they never planned on repealing and replacing Obamacare, then they shouldn't have campaigned that they would, and gone through all those theatrical votes that they would.

They just confirmed the worst suspicions that their base had all along. They will be held accountable for this. There is no point in voting for Republican Senators if all they do is govern like Democrats.
Nothing will change. The "base" is still a bunch of ignorant, racist, losers and Trump will still appeal to you guys more than anyone else. You'll shrug this off and carry on with your disgusting and destructive agenda.
Looking at the big picture, a good portion of Trump's base will need to be won back into some type of majority that can actually move the country in a positive direction. Rather than name calling and painting them with too-broad brush strokes, we need to be ready to welcome them back into the fold. Also, keep in mind that as much as Trump represents a dangerous descent into tyranny and fascism, he is just one symptom of the problems we face, and not the disease itself.
The losers, the people who have been left behind as the world progresses and who were duped into believing Trump's promises of 1970s coal and manufacturing jobs, can be won back. Chances are good that they'll be leaving the Trump republican party once they realize the world they were promised will never return and that the policies Trump wants will harm them most of all. The ignorant and racists like Prof are hopeless and nobody should want them on their side anyway. Trump can have Prof and his ilk.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:09 am

Ah yes, all of us Deplorables who are bitterly clinging to our guns and religion (I.e, you know, the ones who won the last election? The ones who support Trump by 80+%? There are a few of us. Perhaps you've heard?) are just dying to become disarmed atheist Mensheviks.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Cletus » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:28 am

Professor Tiger wrote:Ah yes, all of us Deplorables who are bitterly clinging to our guns and religion (I.e, you know, the ones who won the last election? The ones who support Trump by 80+%? There are a few of us. Perhaps you've heard?) are just dying to become disarmed atheist Mensheviks.
Like I said, you backwards assholes can do your own thing. And, if you continue to win elections, then the American experiment is over.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Sat Jul 29, 2017 1:53 pm

And, if you continue to win elections, then the American experiment will continue. People will still be able to practice their ancient religion, speak freely in public, and have the right to keep and bear arms, all without government harassment, exactly as they have for the past 250 years.
...The losers, the people who have been left behind as the world progresses and who were duped into believing Trump's promises of 1970s coal and manufacturing jobs, can be won back. Chances are good that they'll be leaving the Trump republican party once they realize the world they were promised will never return.
You mean like this?
Foxconn to Build $10 Billion Factory in U.S.

Plans for plant in Wisconsin announced at White House ceremony Wednesday

...The plan, announced Wednesday at a White House ceremony, marks the first major U.S. investment for Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of electronics and the maker of iPhones and other gadgets for Apple Inc.

Foxconn, which also owns Sharp Corp., said the factory would be the first in a series of U.S. investments.

The factory is expected to employ 3,000 people initially and as many as 13,000 people eventually. The state is providing Foxconn with a $3 billion, 15-year incentive package of tax credits, said Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. [Remember Scott Walker? -PT]

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser
[Remember him? -PT] who heads the White House’s Office of American Innovation, led discussions with Foxconn in recent months,

Foxconn was exploring investments in seven states including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. Some of those states, including Wisconsin, were pivotal to Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016, and are home to many of the working-class voters who were seen as key to his win.

Speaking Wednesday at the White House ceremony, Mr. Gou said the Trump administration’s and Republicans’ support of American-made products gave Foxconn confidence that American manufacturing projects could be a success. “Because of you, we are also committed to creating great jobs for the American people,” said Mr. Gou, who met with Mr. Trump three times during the planning process.

https://www.wsj.com/article_email/apple ... zcyMDc3Wj/
Yeah, why would a Deplorable in the Midwest want to leave the best thing the Democrats have to offer - an unemployment check, food stamps, and snottiness - and instead get a good paying private sector job that Trump just got him?

MAGA, baby.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Tree » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:51 pm

Professor Tiger wrote:
Trump represents a dangerous descent into tyranny and fascism
LMAO. Trump is SLOWING DOWN our previous dangerous descent into tyranny and fascism by the Democrats.

Look at what the liberals have already done to the Constitution.

First Amendment: Freedom of Religion. America was founded on the principle that you can practice your faith or non-faith without government harassment. Your side has already tried to punish people for simply believing and practicing what they have been believing and practicing for 2,000 years - forcing nuns to give out birth control, forcing Christian bakers and florists to participate in gay weddings, etc. The Mayor of Houston even tried to get pastors to submit copies of their sermons to her office for approval because those seditious pastors were preaching sermons she didn't like. That's the very kind of thing the 1A was written to prevent.

First Amendment: Freedom of Speech. Look at what liberals have done to freedom of speech in one of their homelands, college campuses. If you say anything that offends a snowflake (and EVERYTHING offends a snowflake), they will come after you. Colleges used to be places where speech was most free. Now, liberals have turned them into places where speech is less free than anyplace in America. If liberals have their way, they will impose the same speech codes on the whole country.

Second Amendment: Liberals hate it. If they had their way, every American would be disarmed. They don't like the idea of citizens a part of the population being able to defend themselves against crime. And they can't stand the idea of citizens being able to defend themselves against a potential future governmental tyranny from the left or the right (which is why it was written in the first place). Liberals want to do to the 2A what they did to the Tenth Amendment.

Tenth Amendment: Remember the 10A? That quaint little thing about any power not enumerated to the federal government is reserved for the states? Liberals have succeeded in completely nullifying that amendment (with little resistance from conservatives). Nowadays, ALL power is given to the federal government. The states are now only permitted to feed off the crumbs that fall from Washington DC's table.

In short, liberals want to turn America into another Venezuela, that formerly nice country that liberals turned into a socialist paradise. Those people are now voiceless, defenseless and voteless against a government that has completed the dangerous descent into tyranny and fascism, liberal style. Trump is trying to keep that from happening here. Good for him.
You're parroting the Fox News talking points so closely with nothing else to offer that I almost have to assume this is a troll job, but giving you the benefit of the doubt...The funny thing about most of that is that the neoliberal DNC of late (Bill, Obama, Hillary, Washerwoman Shultz, etc) is almost as bad as the other side. It's just that their very serious shortcomings are even worse on the GOP side, so said GOP'ers have to come up with other fictional angles to use for propaganda purposes. Although the two sides are way more similar than you think, and both are right of center, it's different people getting paid so the animosity between them is not theater at all but very real. As for the infamous Venezuela bit (what's next, something about Asian privilege?), there is no socialism there currently, but going back to when Chavez took over, consider the following. When a leader comes into power that actually wants to help the people of his country, with global finances being able to cross international borders the way they are today and the very obvious fact that if you want to give the masses a reasonable bit of wealth and power there's less available for corporate investors to take for themselves, the big dollar folks are simply going to pull their finances from that country, tank the economy there and look for greener pastures. Look up Chomsky's virtual senate for more info.
Butt juice

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:43 pm

You'd be amazed at how little Fox News I watch.

Venezuela is just the latest country where Marxists took over, promising equality, freedom, and prosperity to the proletariat. But some how, before long, the leaders of la revolucion wind up in the old dictator's office, riding around in the old dictator's Bentley, there's only one candidate on the ballot, most of the churches are closed, all the political opposition is in prison, along with the journalists, most of the industries have been nationalized, all the money in the national treasure is in a Swiss bank account, and people start to starve.

Same was true in Russia under Lenin, China under Mao, Cuba under Castro, Cambodia under Pot, Nicaragua under Ortega, Romania under Ceaucescu, Poland under Jeruzelsky, etc etc etc. All Marxist utopias. All hell holes for their people.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by BigRedMan » Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:23 pm

question about the transgender in military thing if I may.

Did or did I not hear / read somewhere that basically the lead military brass asked / advise Trump they didn't want to deal with that issue? I guess what I am saying is that it really isn't a Trump decision per say. His "employees" told him what they wanted / did not want. i mean technically he has the final call since he is Commander In Chief but as the top guy, don't you listen to the people that are doing the work??
Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is, I'm not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:08 pm

I can't imagine Mad Dog pleading with POTUS to keep trannies in the military. I doubt any other generals/admirals (except maybe the Air Force) EVER thought that was a good idea.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Mon Jul 31, 2017 3:56 pm

Farewell, Mooch...we hardly new ye.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Cletus » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:00 pm

The WH comms director job is like being the drummer in Spinal Tap.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:08 pm

...or like the guys wearing red shirts standing next to Kirk or Spock when they beamed down to the planet.

It would have been fun to be in the room when Mooch and Kelly locked horns. Glad to see Kelly won.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by hedge » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:11 pm

Ship of fools...
I want someone's ass blistered in the middle of Thanksgiving Square.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Cletus » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:15 pm

The Germans need to come up with a word to describe this dangerous yet hilarious incompetence shown by Trump so far. Our language just isn't cutting it.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:23 pm

If Kelly can somehow get us through these next 40 months alive, I say put his mug up on Rushmore.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:29 pm

Before you get too excited, remember why Trump hired Kelly, as well as all the other generals in his cabinet: they follow orders.

wait wait wait... are you now saying Trump will be POTUS for the next 40 months? I thought he would be impeached before basketball season for colluding with the Russians...
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:09 am

So Erik Trump is making the rounds complaining that the GOP doesn't have his daddy's back. Cue the long montage of Trump saying mean things about all of his republican primary rivals, along with Ryan, Sessions, the GOP senate.

That's why his base loves him; you come at Trump, he hit's back 10x harder. Celebrities, pols, business rivals, ex-wives, judges - they've all felt the wrath of The Donald.

Weirdly, there is that one huge exception. Putin tosses out 735 of our diplomats and there's not a sound from Trump about it. Never a discouraging word, in fact Trump has famously defended Putin as a murderer. The power of the peepee tape..jeez.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:25 pm

How's that Trump collusion/impeachment thing going?
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:07 pm

Hard to say wrt the official investigation - no leaks from the Mueller gang. Unlike the sieve at the WH (aka "The Dump"). Where everybody from the janitor to the (now ex)
Chief of Staff consider it their patriotic duty to snitch on the goings on there.

But just from reporting from the NYT and WaPo alone, imo things are progressing nicely.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:31 pm

http://www.newsweek.com/trumps-favorite ... wer-645638

tsk tsk

Lost some base support of late. Maybe cutting legal immigration and curbing affirmative action wrt college admissions will get a couple of points back.
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