Florida State Seminoles

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by BigRedMan » Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:38 am

With all the bad news and shit going on there is some good news.

1. The McRib and all of its glory is BACK!!

2. McDonald's now has a McGriddle Chicken sandwich. (It is a slightly spicy patty). Chicken and waffle on the go!!!!

Making America Great Again INFUCKINGDEED!!!
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by AlabamAlum » Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:39 am

The McRib is trash.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Jungle Rat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:52 pm


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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:48 pm

I've never been big on the McRib

we are having our office Xmas "gathering" in the lobby as I type this.

tofu something and vegetable spring rolls are taking up space for something that has hooves
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 4:20 pm

Reigning in a Rogue EPA

Any parent who has ever disciplined children knows that no matter how hard it might be, it's for their own good. The Environmental Protection Agency could use some discipline right about now.

During the Obama administration, the EPA became a lawless organ of federal power, divorced from the Congressional statutes that were meant to constrain it. If it is to be reformed, it will need the steady hand of someone who understands just how thoroughly it has gone astray. Enter Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a man who has spent the last six years pushing back on the EPA's most egregious overreaches.

Given Pruitt's recent role as EPA antagonizer-in-chief, it's little wonder that some on the left have responded with howling rage to his nomination. How, they ask, can a man who has repeatedly sued the EPA now be tapped to lead it?
But even a cursory review of some of the EPA's actions over the last few years shows that only someone who thoroughly understands why the EPA is broken can hope to fix it.
Consider the EPA's Waters of the United States rule, a power grab that would have allowed the EPA to regulate nearly every stream and dry river bed in the country. The rule was so expansive that the EPA felt it necessary to specifically exclude from its jurisdiction the puddles that form in your front yard after a rainstorm.

Subpoenaed internal documents revealed the Army Corps of Engineers warned the EPA that the rule had "serious flaws" that rendered it "legally vulnerable, difficult to defend in court, difficult for the Corps to explain or justify, and challenging for the Corps to implement." Not only did the EPA promulgate the rule despite these warnings, it spent taxpayer dollars on what the Government Accountability Office would later call an illegal "covert propaganda" effort to sell the rule to the public.

But the EPA's water rule was small potatoes compared to the regulation that was to be the Obama administration's crowning environmental achievement — the Clean Power Plan. When President Obama ran for office in 2008, he vowed to implement a cap-and-trade system that would bankrupt anyone who dared to build a coal-fired power plant in the United States, a move that would lead inexorably to the end of the coal industry as a whole.

That plan died in Congress, but the dream of a coal-free America didn't die with it.

So in August 2015, the EPA unveiled new regulations that would accomplish by executive fiat what couldn't be accomplished through legislation. That the EPA engineered an end run around Congress should be enough to set alarm bells ringing. The agencies of the federal government have no power that has not been granted to them.
The EPA cannot decide to "fill a gap" where Congress has not seen fit to act. Otherwise, we no longer live in a representative democracy, but rather an oligarchy of agency bureaucrats.
Fortunately, EPA overreach did not go unnoticed or unchallenged. A coalition of state attorneys general, including Scott Pruitt, took the EPA to court. I know those efforts well; in my role as Deputy Solicitor General, part of my job is to coordinate Alabama's participation in these lawsuits. So far, we've been successful. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a nationwide stay of EPA's Waters of the United States Rule. And the Supreme Court, in one of Justice Scalia's last official acts, granted a similar stay of the Clean Power Plan.
These were high-profile setbacks for the EPA, and the agency's failure to adhere to the rule of law cost untold taxpayer dollars and wasted thousands of manhours expended by EPA scientists, lawyers, and staff. If the EPA is to successfully pursue its important mission, something has to change. And who better to restore the EPA's adherence to the law than a man who has beaten it in court?

Rather than attempt to answer that question, Pruitt's opponents have resorted to character assassination, pulling out one of the biggest guns in their arsenal. Pruitt, they claim, is a climate change denier, which in environmentalist circles is akin to being branded a witch or a high heretic. In the old days, Pruitt would be in danger of being burned at the stake — were it not for the carbon emissions.

What is the basis for this charge? Pruitt recently published an op-ed in which he argued other attorneys general shouldn't use their prosecutorial powers to silence skeptics of climate change, calling instead for open debate about the "degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind." That op-ed neatly sums up Pruitt's position on climate change: debate on the causes and consequences of global warming — and what if anything we should do about it — should be encouraged rather than silenced.

But in the eyes of his critics, that position is akin to claiming the earth is flat. And along with his willingness to hold the EPA accountable to the law, it is enough to vigorously oppose him.

Given the weak case against him, it is imperative that Republicans in the Senate rally to Pruitt's cause. They cannot allow his nomination to be scuttled because of his adherence to the rule of law and his assertion that free people in a free country should be able to challenge climate change dogma without fear of prosecution.

And while Pruitt's enemies would never admit it, in the long run his confirmation would be good for the environment. Under his stewardship, the EPA can begin to implement policies that adhere to the mission of the agency and, just as importantly, can stand up in court.

What a welcome change that would be.
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:38 pm

If only they'd clean up the DoD with the same fervor, vigor and glee that they are apparently going to use with the EPA. Of course, the DoD's budget is in excess of half a trillion, while the EPA's is less than $10 billion. Yee-ha...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:03 pm

I'm tired of hearing about "fake news" whining and BS, especially mentioned by journalists who clearly think they belong in some fantasy land "we are the real news"

The reason that "fake news" is a thing is because journalism is shit. Back in the day, the news was fucking boring, and filled with boring ass facts. It had a tone, that told you, "Jesus Christ, this is the news, I'm not gonna be entertained one iota by this shit, its just information." Now these assholes ramping up in the late 80's and 90's until today, are into producing schlock. They want to put police chases, and school shootings, and nutjobs, and have people scream at each other and claim, that this is bringing you the whacky, fun information you want to see, and entertain you at the same time.

The problem is, is it makes "the news" pretty much look the same as "Cops" or random 9/11 conspiracy nutjob youtube video. People listen to fake news, because they cant tell the fucking difference anymore between shit thats made up for entertainment, and programming created by theoretically reputable sources that look like the same sensationalist shit.

Take a look at your major newspapers website these days. The public web face of the Houston Chronicle is http://www.chron.com

If you go there, its a bunch of fucking garbage. It's all slideshows, targeted advertising, and local celebrity news clickbait. Its not a fucking newspaper at all, and yet it pretends to be.

The Chronicle also has a paysite that really is mostly the news though, and the feel and look of it is totally different. It looks much more subdued and stylistically like a newspaper and actually contains the journalism from the print edition. http://www.houstonchronicle.com Presumably the only reason it exists is to give subscribers their same content online, and they know that if they encased those real articles within the shit show that is chron.com, nobody would take the real articles seriously next to clickbait picture slideshows, so they had to make a different site for it.

If these fuckers want to fight fake news, then they have to do one thing.

Make the News Boring Again.
Sure, I could have stayed in the past. I could have even been king. But in my own way, I am king.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:06 pm

aTm wrote:I'm tired of hearing about "fake news" whining and BS, especially mentioned by journalists who clearly think they belong in some fantasy land "we are the real news"

The reason that "fake news" is a thing is because journalism is shit. Back in the day, the news was fucking boring, and filled with boring ass facts. It had a tone, that told you, "Jesus Christ, this is the news, I'm not gonna be entertained one iota by this shit, its just information." Now these assholes ramping up in the late 80's and 90's until today, are into producing schlock. They want to put police chases, and school shootings, and nutjobs, and have people scream at each other and claim, that this is bringing you the whacky, fun information you want to see, and entertain you at the same time.

The problem is, is it makes "the news" pretty much look the same as "Cops" or random 9/11 conspiracy nutjob youtube video. People listen to fake news, because they cant tell the fucking difference anymore between shit thats made up for entertainment, and programming created by theoretically reputable sources that look like the same sensationalist shit.

Take a look at your major newspapers website these days. The public web face of the Houston Chronicle is http://www.chron.com

If you go there, its a bunch of fucking garbage. It's all slideshows, targeted advertising, and local celebrity news clickbait. Its not a fucking newspaper at all, and yet it pretends to be.

The Chronicle also has a paysite that really is mostly the news though, and the feel and look of it is totally different. It looks much more subdued and stylistically like a newspaper and actually contains the journalism from the print edition. http://www.houstonchronicle.com Presumably the only reason it exists is to give subscribers their same content online, and they know that if they encased those real articles within the shit show that is chron.com, nobody would take the real articles seriously next to clickbait picture slideshows, so they had to make a different site for it.

If these fuckers want to fight fake news, then they have to do one thing.

Make the News Boring Again.

I agree

my take is slightly different - how the news has saturated us to the point that they feel we need to be entertained. I posted this on a forum where they were talking about the decline of journalism

When news becames a revenue generating 24/7 entertainment channel

When a Rachel Maddow or Bill O'Reilly type talking heads were considered "journalist" and not seen as actors pretending to be journalists.

When newspapers and magazines lost so much revenue to the internet they could no longer pay for investigative reporting and instead started relying on unnamed sources that were often other less reputable news outlets or even blogs.

When an Alex Jones or a Glen Beck are elevated to the status of peers to Rachel Maddow or Bill O'Reilly (see point #2 that people like Rachel Maddow or Bill O' Reilly are not journalists)

The reason why fake news is so prevalent is because Americans are now accustomed to finding a "friendly" news source that will give them a viewpoint they most agree with.

Facts are optional , unnecessary and often unwanted.

The internet and 24/7 news has created an environment where opposing viewpoints are actively opposed and Americans have the luxury to avoid them.

Back when there were 3 channels and talk radio was some crazy guy on a weak AM station no one listened to, Americans were forced to hear and deal with both sides of an issue.

We're they less informed? Absolutely, but that resulted in them having to form their own opinions as opposed to having some $20m bubble headed wannabe actor telling them what to think.


you know what really bugs me - when I see a typo or grammar error on a page by a professional site. It happens all the time. Its not like here where we don't really care - they get paid to do this. How can you have any credibility if you're not even checking your stuff?
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Bklyn » Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:41 pm

Meh...O'Reilly and Maddow are journalists...but moreso pundits. I don't know if they are mutually exclusive. Either way, point taken.

The EPA article was some "grease the skids" bullshit, though. They would have done better playing straight to the facts and just shitting on the EPA's overreach. The burn at the stake line and other stuff that I don't feel like grabbing (for fear of having to read that shit again) just screams as a blatant attempt to counterbalance the criticism Pruitt has taken. The confirmation hearings will tell the story.

I will say, Trump's cabinet picks have a lot of people in it that have publicly wanted to destroy the departments they are now in charge of. I don't know how that's gonna fly. Outside of that, anyone who is a climate change denier is not smart enough to run a department that leans on the basis of science.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:40 pm

Bklyn wrote:Meh...O'Reilly and Maddow are journalists...but moreso pundits. I don't know if they are mutually exclusive. Either way, point taken.

The EPA article was some "grease the skids" bullshit, though. They would have done better playing straight to the facts and just shitting on the EPA's overreach. The burn at the stake line and other stuff that I don't feel like grabbing (for fear of having to read that shit again) just screams as a blatant attempt to counterbalance the criticism Pruitt has taken. The confirmation hearings will tell the story.

I will say, Trump's cabinet picks have a lot of people in it that have publicly wanted to destroy the departments they are now in charge of. I don't know how that's gonna fly. Outside of that, anyone who is a climate change denier is not smart enough to run a department that leans on the basis of science.

O'Reilly and Maddow are journalists

no they aren't - they are talking editorials for an hour each night
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:51 pm

cerebus software can be installed on your smartphone

I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by 10ac » Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:48 am

Kinda anticlimactic.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:27 am

yea..in the end the dude gets scared and runs off
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:16 am

This birther thing hasn't gone away yet??

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by hedge » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:42 am

"If these fuckers want to fight fake news, then they have to do one thing.

Make the News Boring Again."

CSPAN, but nobody watches it. I record Washington Journal every Saturday and Sunday morning (if I'm not watching it live). Don't always watch the entire 3 hours, sometimes none of it, but it's the best, most boring news show out there. You can glean a lot of info from the people who call in, too, at least in terms of how people are feeling about a given subject...
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Toemeesleather » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:45 am

This birther thing hasn't gone away yet??

Nor has the popular vote/electoral college thing either.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by aTm » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:58 am

I will say that that video is pretty compelling. If that Ah'nee or whatever certificate is real then Obama's is forged from it.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:22 am

I've never believed the birther stuff

that said, I would love to see the liberals heads explode if Trump was proved right on this.
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:26 am

Turkish reporters break down on the air when reporting on children in Allepo being operated on without anesthesia. I wouldn't have posted this if there was a child screaming in pain on the video, and since I don't speak Turkish I have no idea what they are saying but their emotion is compelling.

I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:30 am

So the fake-birth certificate story broke on WND 16 hours ago. It looks suspiciously like a big ad for a reprinting of that "huge bestseller" Where's the Birth Certificate by Jerome Corsi (just in time for Christmas!). Maybe that's why it's not getting picked up elsewhere ('cepting the crack team at Fox 10, of course).

"OMG, this is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I AM FUCKED!"

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