Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by crashcourse » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:13 pm

14 percent of white murders are by black offenders

7 percent of black murders are by white offenders

and we sensationalize Robert brown and ignore briona white

brown is a hero. briona is ignored

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:16 pm

Who's Briona White?
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by aTm » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:25 pm

For JD...

Sure, I could have stayed in the past. I could have even been king. But in my own way, I am king.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:31 pm

Toemeesleather wrote:The ecological ramifications are uncertain, though the San Juan is designated as “critical habitat” for the Colorado Pike Minnow and Razorback Sucker fish.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:42 pm

Did you try "ny times animas spill"? Really?

I listed each days' "front page"- contents....the home page, which shows their priority of events, really not hard to comprehend. This ties directly to the first 15 minutes of programs like the Today Show, where the hard news, at least their version of it, is placed.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Johnette's Daddy » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:46 pm

crashcourse wrote:14 percent of white murders are by black offenders

7 percent of black murders are by white offenders

and we sensationalize Robert brown and ignore briona white

brown is a hero. briona is ignored
Don't even go there.

Missing white woman syndrome

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_w ... n_syndrome

Missing white woman syndrome is a phrase used by social scientists[1] [2][3] and media commentators to describe the extensive media coverage, especially in television, of missing person cases involving young, white, upper-middle-class women or girls.[4] The phenomenon is defined as the media's undue focus on upper-middle-class white women who disappear, with the disproportionate degree of coverage they receive being compared to cases of missing women of other ethnicities and social classes, or with missing males of all social classes and ethnicities.[5][6]

The PBS news anchor Gwen Ifill is said to be the originator of the phrase.[6] Charlton McIlwain, a professor at New York University defines the syndrome: "White women occupy a privileged role as violent crime victims in news media reporting."[7] Although the term was coined to describe disproportionate coverage of missing person cases, it is sometimes used to describe the disparity in news coverage of other violent crimes. Missing white woman syndrome has led to a number of tough on crime measures named for white women who went missing and were subsequently found harmed.

With regard to missing children, statistical research which compares national media reports with FBI data shows that there is marked under-representation of African American children in media reports relative to non-African American children. A subsequent study found that girls from minority groups were the most under-represented in these missing-children news reports by a very large margin.[8]

A report that aired on CNN noted the differences between the level of media coverage given to caucasian women like Laci Peterson and Natalee Holloway, who went missing in 2002 and 2005 respectively, and LaToyia Figueroa, a pregnant Black/Hispanic woman. Figueroa went missing in Philadelphia the same year Holloway disappeared. Figueroa and her unborn daughter were found murdered.[9] The San Francisco Gate published an article detailing the disparity between the coverage of the Peterson case and that of Evelyn Hernandez, a Hispanic woman who was nine months pregnant when she disappeared in 2002.[10]

Kym Pasqualini, president of the National Center for Missing Adults, observed that media outlets tend to focus on "damsels in distress" – typically, affluent young white women and teenagers.[11]

Dr. Cory L. Armstrong pointed out in the Washington Post that "the pattern of choosing only young, white, middle-class women for the full damsel treatment says a lot about a nation that likes to believe it has consigned race and class to irrelevance".[6]

Social commentaries pointed to media bias in the coverage of soldier Jessica Lynch versus that of her fellow soldiers, Shoshana Johnson and Lori Piestewa. All three were ambushed in the same attack during the Iraq War on March 23, 2003, with Piestewa being killed and Lynch and Johnson being injured and taken prisoner. Lynch, a young, blonde, white woman, received far more media coverage than Johnson (a black woman and a single mother) and Piestewa (a Hopi from an impoverished background, and also a single mother), with media critics suggesting that the media gave more attention to the woman with whom audiences supposedly more readily identify.[18][19]

Lynch herself leveled harsh criticism at this disproportionate coverage that focused only on her, stating in a congressional testimony before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:

I am still confused as to why they chose to lie and tried to make me a legend when the real heroics of my fellow soldiers that day were, in fact, legendary. People like Lori Piestewa and First Sergeant Dowdy who picked up fellow soldiers in harm's way. Or people like Patrick Miller and Sergeant Donald Walters who actually fought until the very end. The bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals of heroes and they don't need to be told elaborate tales.[20]

Black women/girls go missing at a MUCH higher rate than white women/girls . . . and receive only a fraction of the coverage.
During a press conference later, O'Mara was asked if he had any advice for Zimmerman, and he answered, "Pay me."

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:47 pm

And the Deepwater Horizon tragedy began with 11 deaths, hello? Then it played out for weeks with oil gushing out, live coverage on TV...5 million gallons worth. 600+ miles of coastline affected. A slightly bigger deal, if you will.

And the media made sure it was a bigger deal, but time has provided at least some truth to exaggerations you quote....

As chemists studying the Deepwater Horizon disaster, we get this question all the time from family, friends, colleagues, policymakers, and the general public: What happened to the 200 million gallons of crude oil that were released into the Gulf of Mexico over 87 days in the spring of 2010?

What everyone wants is nothing less than a full accounting of the oil that spewed from the damaged Macondo well 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana at an unprecedented depth of 5,000 feet beneath the sea surface. In theory, it's not unlike tracking your bank account. We are attempting to match the amount of oil that went into the ocean with the amount that subsequently went out of it. But it is much harder than balancing revenue in from your paycheck against bills paid and cash withdrawn from ATMs.

At the height of the disaster, we advised a public that craved a fast, definitive answer that it would take several years to balance the Deepwater Horizon oil budget. Five years later, we've made some headway.

Keep in mind that we're trying to track 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 carbon atoms (and twice that number of hydrogen atoms) in a hostile, ever-moving environment. The oil traveled in many directions by different means. Some floated to the ocean surface, where it went into the air or was driven by winds and currents into coastal marshes, beaches, and islands. Some oil became entrained into watery layers that circulated within the ocean’s interior at depths of 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Some sank into seafloor sediments. And some of that surfaced oil may have stuck to phytoplankton, which subsequently sank to the seafloor in a phenomenon that some call a “dirty blizzard.”

To complicate matters, unlike your dollars, oil not only moves around, it is also changes composition. Oil is made of thousand of different chemicals with different properties that, under different circumstances, can dissolve, evaporate, be eaten by bacteria, or transform chemically, leaving behind a gunky material we call a “weathered residue.”
Finding a footprint

A seminal paper published in 2012 estimated that of the 200 million gallons discharged into the environment, half never surfaced to form slicks but remained trapped deep in the ocean. We have just completed a study, published Oct. 27, 2014, in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, on how much of that trapped oil rained down to the ocean floor, and where it fell.

We used data generated by the U.S. government and recently released on the Internet. The data came from 3,000 samples of seafloor sediments collected at 534 locations by a dozen research expeditions that surveyed the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 and 2011.

The Gulf of Mexico is not a pristine location. It has a history of industrial oil pollution, as well as an estimated 200,000 gallons per day seeping from the ocean floor. These "leaky faucets" are a form of chronic pollution that has been going on for thousands of years in the Gulf.

To account for oil from the Deepwater Horizon event and not these other sources, we focused on the concentration and distribution of one compound, 17a(H),21b(H)-hopane, which was in Deepwater Horizon/Macondo oil and most other crudes from the Gulf of Mexico. Since it takes many years for seafloor sediments to accumulate as much as one inch, we argued that elevated levels of hopane from oil from Deepwater Horizon would show up only in the top half-inch of the ocean sediments and that the highest concentrations would be closest to the damaged well.

We compared hopane levels across the Gulf of Mexico, finding a distinctive peak in the top half-inch of sediments within 25 miles of the well. In contrast, we routinely find samples containing Deepwater Horizon oil hundreds of miles away on the beaches of Florida. The footprint we identified for Deepwater Horizon oil delivered to the seafloor was about 2 percent of the footprint for slicks at the surface, showing that oil spread much more widely at the surface than it did in the deep.

Trapped in the depths

We found that 4 to 31 percent of the oil trapped in the deep ocean—the equivalent of 2 to 16 percent of the total oil discharged during the accident—fell within a 1,250-square-mile patch of the deep seafloor. This is a minimum estimate, because it's likely that we missed some of the oiled sediments, including other suspected oily areas around the well, and some oil was certainly deposited outside the patch.

Inspecting the data a bit more closely, we noticed that the oil was patchily deposited on the seafloor, but most intensively to the southwest of the damaged well. That establishes a trail for peak contamination.

Importantly, we identified hotspots of oil fallout near communities of damaged deep-sea corals. That supports previously disputed findings that these corals were damaged by the Deepwater Horizon spill.

We found peak concentrations of hopane lay at seafloor depths of 4,265 to 5,250 feet, bracketed by lower but still elevated concentrations up to 2,950 feet and down to 5,575 feet. This jibes with our previous studies in 2010 mapping a plume of dissolved oil and gas from the spill that flowed southwest at a similar depth.

We propose that tiny droplets of oil coagulated in these contaminated plumes and sank to the seafloor—possibly when they encountered high densities of particles that naturally cloud the waters near the seafloor. Some oil droplets came to rest at shallower depths in places where the contaminated plume flowed past higher-rising areas of the seafloor.

A similar effect occurs when oil contaminates coastlines; we call it the “dirty bathtub ring.” It was a big surprise that we saw dirty bathtub rings at the bottom of the ocean.

With so many cruises and so many samples, it's humbling that we could definitively account for only 2 to 16 percent of the total oil spilled. But when you are doing a puzzle, putting any pieces into place eliminates other possibilities and begins to reveal the full picture. Our research illuminated several new pieces in the puzzle to assess damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon spill and give us new insights into the behavior of oil in the ocean. This new knowledge will improve ways to avoid and mitigate oil spills in the future.

Everyone wants the answer to the “oil question” wrapped up conclusively, like your checkbook at the end of the month. But the ocean is hostile and unpredictable, and just getting access to clues is hard-won.

http://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/whe ... zon-oil-go
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:55 pm


serious question....did you take any Marketing? Does UT offer?

Ever hear of product placement?
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:11 pm

Serious? BS Communications '80. Advertising major, Marketing minor. What can I help you with?
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:15 pm

Product placement, the things/products they want you to see are placed right in front of yer nose......look into it.

Not to be confused w/chair placement.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:29 pm

You originally said the msm ignored the story, then amended to the NYTimes, toe.

From that dubious beginning you now claim the river spill in SW Colorado is as big a story as the BP Deepwater Horizon tragedy/spill. If you're getting that notion from InfoWars or NewsMax or whatever rwnj site you're following this week, I would only suggest that it's too early to make that call.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:35 pm

uh oh

Fox News: Megyn Kelly Receiving Death Threats from Trump Supporters
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by sardis » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:04 pm

Professor Tiger wrote:
Johnette's Daddy wrote:
Professor Tiger wrote:So ALL UNARMED lives that are cut short by ALL cops UNLAWFULLY matter more about 1000% than ALL lives cut short by ALL shooters. Okay.

I really don't get your moral calculus. But at least you're honest about it.
Martin O'Malley said "ALL lives matter" just like you said.

It was not well received:


Speaking of the Black Lives Matter group, they took over both O'Malley's and Sanders' public appearances. But they haven't taken over Hillary's appearances at all.

I wonder why...
Because they live on Hillary's plantation.

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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:09 pm

You originally said the msm ignored the story

The defacto leader of the msm is the NYT, if you doubt that, you've been living in a cave.

Based on the NYT internet site (their front page equivalent), it was, at best, downplayed/put on the back pages....it would have been front page several days if a large private/public corporation (BP) had caused it.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by bluetick » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:54 pm

Toemeesleather wrote:You originally said the msm ignored the story

The defacto leader of the msm is the NYT, if you doubt that, you've been living in a cave.

Based on the NYT internet site (their front page equivalent), it was, at best, downplayed/put on the back pages....it would have been front page several days if a large private/public corporation (BP) had caused it.
You keep pulling nonsense out of your ass. The daily circulation of the NY Times is 1.3 million (same for the Sunday edition). Contrast that to the combined average viewership of ABC, CBS, and NBC's nightly news: 22 million. Morning news programming for the big three is 12.4 million. USA Today's circulation is 1.6 mil. The Associated Press claims daily readership of half the world population (3.4 billion).
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Toemeesleather » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:31 pm

And you, a mkt minor, have no idea what product placement is....

ABC, CBS, and NBC's nightly news: 22 million. Morning news programming for the big three is 12.4 million

Heh, where are these anchored from?
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by hedge » Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:26 pm

" I'm sure all that verbal fog and moral sophistry makes sense to somebody."

As a practicing catholic (or whatever sect you belong to), I'm guessing you're precisely the type of person that sort of thing would make sense to...
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:08 am

bluetick wrote:Serious? BS Communications '80. Advertising major, Marketing minor.
And also a cum laude graduate of the UT Jethro Bodeine School of Avanced Cipherin' and Double Naught Science.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:13 am

Missing White Woman Syndrome

That is totally true.
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Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Post by Professor Tiger » Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:31 am

Princeton Review released its annual list of Top Ten party schools.

http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/03/living/ga ... f=obinsite

I am disappointed that UGA has fallen to #8. The Dawg Nation used to own top honors on that list annually. I am even more disturbed that UGA is the only SEC school to make the list. LSU and Florida are really off their game.

#1 went to the University of Illinois. Tiger Offspring #2 graduated from there two years ago. I'm sure he is proud.The Big Ten also took #2 and #3 in Wisconsin and Iowa. It's bad enough that the Big Ten beat the SEC for the National Championship. Are we going to let them beat us in this too?
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