bluetick wrote:Assorted quotes from the 2012 election season:
Rush Limbaugh "The country's economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected, people."
Mitt Romney "Under Obama chronic unemployment will continue for four more years or longer."
Newt Gingrich "Obama should be your candidate if you want $10-a-gallon gasoline."
Michele Bachmann "Obama is the final leap to socialism."
Mitch McConnell (2010 remark often recast) "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
Where jobs are concerned, Texas has consistently outperformed the national economy in terms of job creation and rate of unemployment in every month since the advent of the Great Recession and the discovery of the Eagle Ford Shale play, both of which took place in October of 2008. Indeed, during the 24 month period from July 2009 through June of 2011, Texas created 49% of all new jobs created in the United States, and the vast majority of those jobs were either directly or indirectly the result of the state’s oil and natural gas boom, centered in plays like the Eagle Ford in South Texas, the Permian Basin of West Texas, and the Granite Wash play in the Texas Panhandle.
We ALL know how much stimulus went to Texas....and/or the oil bidness....but the shameless dems and their gobblers here will unabashedly take credit...
...IBD points out that more than 100 new plants and factories in a variety of such industries are planned to come online by 2017, and “When all are up and running, another $300 billion will be pumped into GDP and 1 million more jobs created.” ... -security/