Florida State Seminoles

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:44 am

Update: Minutes after announcing the indictments against Manafort and Gates, Mueller announced a plea agreement with George Papadopoulos, a former Ben Carson aide who served as one of Trump's foreign policy advisers starting in March 2016, on a team overseen by then-Senator Jeff Sessions, now the U.S attorney general. In a stunning revelation, Papadopoulos has admitted covertly seeking to arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin, engaging in regular contact with Russians – including a woman alleged to be a relative of Putin's – who told him that they had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton along with "thousands of emails," and lying about it to federal investigators.

Hey - a little something extra added to the morning's proceedings. The name "Papadopoulos" has an interesting ring to it - kinda like Segretti or Butterfield.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:34 pm

To summarize:

1. Manafort et al were very naughty boys before they worked for Trump. Very naughty. That is not exactly news.
2. When questioned by the FBI, one or more of them lied. And why? Because they had been very naughty boys before working for Trump, and didn't want to get arrested for their naughtiness. Feel free to throw them in jail for lying to the cops, with my full blessing. But then please explain why didn't Hillary go to jail for lying to the cops countless times?
3. Manafort worked for Trump for a total of 144 days before he got canned for good reason.

Wait for it....

wait for it...

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:08 pm

I. Am. The Professor.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:51 pm

Professor Tiger wrote: Manafort worked for Trump for a total of 144 days before he got canned for good reason.
Meh. About average.
  • Scaramucci 10 days
    Flynn 24 days
    Dubke 129 days (WH Communications Dir)
    Manafort 144 days
    Priebus 148 days
    Spicer 151 days
    Tom Price 189 days
    Lewandowski 270 days
    Bannon 385 days
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:25 pm

WASHINGTON — Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page met behind closed doors on Friday with Senate Intelligence Committee staff for more than five hours.

Page, who had been a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, received a subpoena from the committee two weeks ago. The House Intelligence Committee announced Friday that Page would appear before committee members on November 2. That session will be closed to the public.

Asked by NBC News Friday as he departed the interview whether he answered all the committee's questions, Page responded, "Thanks, have a great day."

Page told a CNN reporter last Monday that he was going to plead the Fifth Amendment to keep from turning over a "vast array" of documents the Senate panel requested, which he said is "beyond the charter" of the inquiry.

He did not respond to questions about whether he had been contacted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Page can plead the 5th to the Senate, but Mueller will make him his bitch.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:02 pm

THIS IS IT!" Fail, Vol. 1:
"Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread
by bluetick » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:32 am

BBC correspondent Paul Wood came forward todaly to reveal that there are multiple intelligence sources alleging Russia is in possession of potentially embarrassing or compromising material regarding President-elect Donald Trump. Formerly only a single source was known to have been aware of the alleged material.

Chelsea Hubbell!!!
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Cletus » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:18 pm

It seems strange that you are celebrating what happened today as some sort of victory.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:25 pm

It IS a victory. Mueller went after Trump, and got Manafort, for things Manafort did before working for Trump, but lying about it while working for Trump. If that's the best Mueller's got, then LMAO.

"THIS IS IT!" Fail, Vol 2:
Re: Puterbac News Network and Political Discussion Thread

Postby bluetick » Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:45 am
from Michael Isakoff..

The man behind the sensational story concerning information the Russian government had supposedly collected about Donald Trump is a former British intelligence operative and was a longtime intelligence source for the U.S. government who had assisted the FBI during an investigation into corruption by FIFA, the world soccer association, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The operative - identified today by the WSJ as Christopher Steele, a former Russian operations officer for Britain's MI6 intelligence agency - had worked as a consultant for the FBI's Eurasian organized crime section, helping to develop information about ties between suspected Russian gangsters and FIFA, said one of the sources directly familiar with Steele's work.

Steele had been hired originally to investigate Trump by his political opponents, and he decided to share his information with the FBI last year. The preexisting relationship between Steele and U.S. officials is one reason the FBI took the operative's allegations seriously when he first turned over the written dossier, filled with uncorroborated "raw intelligence" about Trump, to one of the bureau's agents in Rome last summer, the sources said.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Cletus » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:32 pm

1) The campaign manager for the president was an illegal foreign agent. That's not good.

2) Why do you think he's done with his investigation?

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:57 pm

1. While the former campaign manager for the president, he lied about his business ties to pro-Russian Ukranians before he worked for Trump. Of course that's not good, and he deserves to be prosecuted, but so far that has nothing to do with Trump supposedly "colluding" with the Russians.

2. I don't think Mueller's done with his investigation. I think he will drag it out as long as possible. But if he had anything real on Trump, then it wouldn't just be Manafort et al under house arrest tonight.

Isn't it ironic that Hillary was paying those evil dastardly wascally Russians, through a middle man, for oppo research on Trump, but that isn't considered a big deal? Meanwhile, isn't it ironic that, at worst, some Trump underlings were looking for oppo research from the same evil dastardly wascally Russians, but that is supposedly treason?

Isn't it ironic that the then FBI director knew the stuff Hillary bought from the Russians was fake, but they used it anyway to unmask and leak the identity of American citzens, but that's no big deal? Meanwhile, isn't it ironic that then-FBI director when all this was all going on is now a "special prosecutor" who is supposedly "getting to the bottom of Russian collusion" by Trump, with no proof that Trump (unlike Hillary) ever colluded with the Russians, but in Trump's case it is supposedly treason anyway?

This is a surreal attempted coups dressed up as a kangaroo court.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by 10ac » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:01 pm

Careful, Cletus may have a bicycle lock ready, primed and ready to go.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:27 pm

Papadopolous has been a government informant since his arrest in July. A bonafide wire-wearing snitch. Mueller thinks that revelation will be useful to people he calls on moving forward.

Whether that news resonates with trumptards like Prof is of little or no consequence.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:08 am

I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:11 am

bluetick wrote:Papadopolous has been a government informant since his arrest in July. A bonafide wire-wearing snitch. Mueller thinks that revelation will be useful to people he calls on moving forward.

Whether that news resonates with trumptards like Prof is of little or no consequence.
That is a good segue into a little refresher class that is in order. Attention Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers: The following would be the REAL “this is it!” after so many “this is it!” moments that came and went.

And what would be that REAL “This is it?”? It would be actual real evidence that Trump actually colluded with Russia. That’s not too much to ask. By that I mean a recording, or an email, or memo where Trump says something like, “Vlad, I’ve got a deal for you. If you can somehow find a way to get lots of blue collar voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, who voted for Obama last time, to vote for me this time, and make me president, then I will not oppose you in Syria, or Western Ukraine, or the Baltics. Whadaya say, Velodya? Do we have a deal?”

THAT would be real collusion. THAT would be impeachable. THAT would turn people like me against Trump. But you don’t have that REAL “This is it!” You don’t Have anything close to that. Here is what you do have:

A meeting where Trump’s son met with a couple of Russian flunkies who were offering oppo research on Hillary. That’s not a REAL “This is it!” See above.

Plenty of evidence that the Russians attempted to meddle in our election. That’s not in dispute, and is not a REAL “This is it!” See above.

Manafort and his assistant who lied about their failure to fill out forms disclosing that they had worked for the Ukrainians in the past. That’s not a REAL “This is it!” See above.

In the case of Papadopoulos, you have a Russian “Professor” dangling the promise of dirt on Hillary to a vice junior interim deputy assistant acting advisor. And the flunky seemed to like the idea. That’s not “This is it!” See above.

If Papadopoulos winds up saying “Trump told me _______” but he doesn’t have a recording, or an email, or memo to corroborate, then that will be taken as a case of a flunky reading from a script handed to him by Mueller to avoid jail, and given all the credence it deserves. But it would not be “This is it!” Either.

If you ever get a REAL “This is it!” as defined above, then get back to me. Until then, I will continue to enjoy the Wiley Coyote - Roadrunner act. I always liked that show.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by crashcourse » Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:16 am

pinning on their hopes on a greek geek who spent perhaps 15 minutes total in the same zip code as trump.

universally the entire trump circle emitted a collective WHO? when told Poopalotofus was the centerpiece of the Mueller investigation

what a joke and complete waste of time

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Cletus » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:07 am

Well, you and prof would definitely know best.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by eCat » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:50 am

I'm pretty much convinced Avery killed that woman.

I think the police force there is crooked as hell, but I also believe they knew he was as worthless son of a bitch who was capable of doing this sort of thing which is why they had such a hard on all these years going after him.
I like the stinky pinky but only up to the first knuckle, I do not want a GD thumb up there--I've told her multiple times and I always catch her when she tries to pull a fast one---it's my butthole for Chrissakes I'm gonna know--so cut out the BS.

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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by Professor Tiger » Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:06 am

No, Trump killed that women, with the help of some guy named Papadopoulos, who is poised to rat Trump out. "This is it!"©
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:30 pm

psssst prof...it's like Mueller's deputy said at Papadopolous's arraignment - yesterday was a tiny part of a large-scale ongoing investigation. Soooooooo many people haven't even been heard from yet. Such as:

"Flynn is arguably responsible for the exact same kinds of crimes as Manafort — that is, acting on behalf of a foreign power and not registering,” said Neal Katyal, a former acting US assistant solicitor general and a professor at Georgetown Law School. “One way of understanding the Manafort indictment is that Mueller is saying to Flynn, 'I haven’t indicted you yet, but you know you’re as guilty as Manafort is, you better start cooperating'."

Like Manafort, Flynn belatedly registered as a foreign agent after taking $530,000 from a Turkish businessman for work he did that Flynn acknowledged principally benefited the "Republic of Turkey." During the time he was doing that work, in the summer and fall of 2016, Flynn was serving as the Trump campaign's national security adviser.

While he was secretly being paid to represent Turkish interests, he sat in on classified intelligence briefings, advised Trump on national security issues, and wrote an opinion column supporting the extradition of a foe of President Tayyip Erdogan. Even after he was off Turkey’s payroll — and in the White House — he made some national security decisions that were in line with Erdogan’s interests.

Flynn registered as a foreign agent on March 7, three weeks after being fired and eight months after he signed on to lobby for Turkish interests. In that same filing, he disclosed that he secretly met in a New York hotel with Turkey's foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, and the country's energy minister, Berat Albayrak, who is Erdogan’s son-in-law.
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Re: Florida State Seminoles

Post by bluetick » Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:47 pm

Yeah, the 24-day National Security Advisor guy. Trump referred to Papadopolous as "the liar" - whereas Flynn told just as many lies to the FBI wrt Russia.

Here we find Flynn in happier times, receiving an award from the boss of his boss:

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