You got it backwards. This has nothing to do with coaching.
The democrats COULDN'T ask the 4 panelists the GOP brought for this hearing any questions. That is the only reason why they refused to even dignify their existence. Because to ask them a question paints the democrats as unfeeling, monsters, who refuse to believe anything that the GOP panelists may say. One young girl (now 19) chopped off her own tits and the hormone blockers fucked up her ovaries and now she can never have or breastfeed, children. Ever. And she is begging the committee to never allow any other children to have the right to do to themselves what she did to herself when she was 12. You are a democrat in this hearing. What do you ask her? Do you ask her, why do you regret chopping off your own tits? Do you ask her how do you know you made the wrong decision to transition in the first place? You want to look like a fucking asshole, Tree?
The republicans absolutely asked the two democrat panelists questions specifically because the republicans TOTALLY believed them and the republicans wanted to show how completely fucked up they were. One guy "transitioned" at age 35. He was a democrat panelist and he (or she, I don't even know what IT was) says no regrets. But it was clear to me and anyone asking questions, the life that person is living is a horrible one. That panelist was a perfect example as to why we need to criminalize these surgeries.
If you don't ask someone that you disagree with questions, then that tells the whole world that you are AFRAID of what they may say. Or worse, you are AFRAID of what YOU may say to them! That is basically what happened here. The democrats did not want this hearing. They didn't want it because of fear.